That was years ago, but I think it was just an increase in my overall ME symptoms. I tried a couple of other herbs&spices, such as rosemary, and when I tried taking the same amount needed for equal perxynitrite scavenging ability, I had the same level of increase in symptoms. I'm not presently noticing a reaction to reasonable amounts of cinnamon.
I thought it odd that scavenging ONOO- would increase symptoms, but as I understood it, ONOO- is what deactivates superoxide dismutase, and so would affect IDO and therefore tryptophan catabolism, and I still think those TRP metabolites might be responsible for some ME symptoms.
So many possibilities in our overly complex bodies.
I definitely benefit from minimizing superoxide, the perxynitrate scavengers in me don't do much. I don't think based on what I experienced so far that my reactions to land and bird meat are due to TRP metabolites because even in terms of what I can eat like fish my reactions will even differ from cooked to raw, and vary by species of fish. Shellfish doesn't seem to do anything. There appears to be some heavy immune/nervous system interlinked element in mine.
I also the other night found out that my weird reaction to storebought bread was in fact due to enriched components. I last night got some fried shrimp and fries from the grocery store that uses enriched flour. I haven't had any enriched anything in a while besides that last time well over a month ago I picked up some store bought bagels. Oils alone don't do this, nor does shrimp or potato. Later I had increased brain burning, brain fog, and worse sleep where I woke up before my earliest alarm for work and couldn't get comfortable. With home made bread this doesn't happen at all but with high gluten bread flour I get an over excitation episode the next day which can lead to a crash. I'm not sure why though if it is specifically the gluten or the gluten load colliding with something else bread typically has. I'm going to need to make some plain pasta with a little salt this weekend and see how I react.
---- - Also I was looking for non-metal utensils to eat with and found some wooden one's I am eyeing but I also found these, does anyone have any opinions on why these might be bad? I think the source of the material is corn based on looking them up and I have no reactions to corn. - Otherwise on the wood, I found these. These kinds all across the internet seem to be all I can find that aren't the flat, flimsy single use bamboo one's meant to replace people using single use plastic forks. They seem to just be generic brand but I think I'm going to go for them.
On metal I had an absolutely terrible reaction to it last night and I didn't even eat any. So I decided last night I wanted to add all of my coins to numista. I didn't have a large amount and didn't seem to have any reaction to my bullion silvers but I had a few containers of junk silver to take a look at. Since it wasn't going to be long and really short term holding of coins doesn't seem to do anything like just taking my change at the store I didn't have gloves on. I during this felt so sickly my face got all "spicy" feeling, my brain fog was massive, I for some reason got really irritable, my eyes burned, and I couldn't do anything else for the rest of the night. I just passed out in bed and didn't even wake to my alarm. Woke up still feeling off with some brain fog/mental fatigue and my sinus had so much gunk in it that it took all morning here to get the cement out and they're both still kinda inflamed. Looks like I'm never handling junk coins ever again as I'm afraid to even with gloves. Or if I do only very tiny amounts at the same time with gloves and a decent face mask.