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Strange eye issues

I'm not sure how best to describe this. I've had this issue for a few days where it feels like I'm struggling to focus my eyes on something, but I can actually focus, it's not blurry. But it's just this strange almost woozy feeling to it. A bit like when the sky has that strange ethereal light at sunset and it makes your vision feel a bit funny. But this also feel like there's a pressure just behind my eyes, not painful and very slight.

Aside from being annoying, it's making it difficult to concentrate on anything. Feels like I've got brainfog with it. I've recently been trialling a very lose dose of trace minerals but I can't imagine anything in there could cause this? I recall having something similar about 4 years ago. I went to the opticians at that time but they didn't find anything wrong.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I noticed when I eat gluten it causes Anisocoria - different sized pupils that causes some of the things your talking about esp the additional brain fog. Those days are my googly eye days and makes me feel like I have one eye looking up and one eye looking down. It's very disconcerting and really makes it hard to think clearly. I get it on other days too though but gluten is a definite trigger for me. Maybe the minerals are doing that for you. ??

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.
I noticed when I eat gluten it causes Anisocoria - different sized pupils that causes some of the things your talking about esp the additional brain fog. Those days are my googly eye days and makes me feel like I have one eye looking up and one eye looking down. It's very disconcerting and really makes it hard to think clearly. I get it on other days too though but gluten is a definite trigger for me. Maybe the minerals are doing that for you. ??

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.

Thanks for the suggestion. I had no idea there was a condition where you could get differently sized pupils. I just checked mine and that doesn't to be part of it for me. I guess it's possible it's some effect from the minerals but from my searching, I couldn't find any correlation between any the ingredients and eye issues. Though, as we know, our chronic bodies don't always follow conventional rules!


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I couldn't find any correlation between any the ingredients and eye issues. Though, as we know, our chronic bodies don't always follow conventional rules!
No they surely don't. We have to be super sleuths all the time. Hope you can figure this out though.

Do your eyes feel dryer after you take the minerals? Salt, even though I need it, dries out my skin. Maybe one of the minerals is acting the same way for you.

Anyway, just throwing another piece of spaghetti at the wall to hopefully see if something sticks or even lends any clues for your super sleuthing.


Senior Member
but I can't imagine anything in there could cause this?
Since we don't understand ME, we don't know that a mineral couldn't cause problems. Small amounts of iodine made a big difference for me. A neighbour had developed a severe anger problem, and a single selenium supplement tablet brought him back to normal. You could try starting/stopping the supplement and see whether the symptoms correlate. That's really the only way to know if it's having an effect on you as an individual.

My ME gives me double-vision, in a form that my optometrist can't measure. No obvious cause for it; I assume it's just some brain cells affected by ME.


Senior Member
The eyes are sensitive to oxidative stress, so antioxidants should boost protection. I like this product which is a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin which is a licensed formula. I have taken it a few times. Perhaps some beta carotene or vitamin a will help.



Senior Member
I get this exact symptom with my migraines both chronic and vestibular migraines. I can get these eye symptoms on a daily basis even on days when I don’t have a classic headache. You don’t have to have a headache with vestibular migraines and it can often cause visual problems among many other symptoms. Sometimes I find it hard to focus on objects far away like my eyes are darting about and not focusing on the whole picture it’s really hard to explain but I also have a pressure sensation and almost like they’re crossed. It’s so weird.


Senior Member
Hello @Mumbo_Jumbo.....I find that I get something similar to this for a few minutes after I've removed my reading glasses. In my case it clears on its own.

As I get older, I find eye problems abound. I have also complained to my optometrist and get nowhere.
Good luck with finding a cause....and then it will be something else. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I find eye problems abound.

Hi @lenora -- I recently did a post on how important hyaluronic acid is for eye health. I did a bulk order shortly after on Amazon, and just received it in the mail yesterday. I'm looking forward to mixing it with a lotion and rubbing it on my eyelids every day.

One comment I ran across was by a man who apparently had a very large floater of many years standing go away after a few weeks of using it (can't remember if it was topically or internally). Dr. Berg's video I link to in the above post is pretty encouraging.

BulkSupplements.com Hyaluronic Acid Powder - Hyaluronic Acid Supplements, Hyaluronic Acid 215mg - Hyaluronic Acid Food Grade, Gluten Free - 215mg per Serving, 250g (8.8 oz) (Pack of 1)
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Senior Member
Thanks, Wayne. Apparently castor oil (organic only) is rubbed on the eyelids and that doesn't hurt the eyes....so go for it, good luck and please report back to us. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
The eyes are sensitive to oxidative stress, so antioxidants should boost protection. I like this product which is a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin which is a licensed formula. I have taken it a few times. Perhaps some beta carotene or vitamin a will help.

i got now lutein and zeoxanthine too. take it since 2 days. also take a acerola juice for vitamin c.
i've been in sun yesterday and today and i notice increased sensitivity to the sun. now how does that make sense, shouldnt it be opposite?

reason i do this now, is because i had a eye situation last wednesday of the very creepy kind.
evenings when watching tv i suddenly lost vision in the middle of my eyes like a blind spot it was invisible. and it got bigger. went to ER but it resolved itself back to normal after 1-2 hours.

guys what can we do for the eyes, i need now maximum attention on treating those as good as possible.
i even ordered a epaper android tablet... weirdly i had big eye strain after 20 minutes and dizzyness. never got those from regular laptop.
people suggest its a adjusting phase. i dont know why because i dont need to adjust to paper books. but it definitely doesnt bring the relief i hoped. but its only 3 days now. lets see how it goes.

i also noticed some weird thing, i can tolerate the tablet better without glasses. also my eyes seam to adjust after a few hours without glasses and i can see near things like books much better. almost sharp so i dont need glasses for near things.
also when i then put on the glasses again, i cannot read near things anymore as they are blurry and my eyes are really doing hard. but things a far are sharp and fine with glasses.
hours later it seams to go back to normal.


Senior Member
Those of you who have floaters: Perhaps you need cataract removal. This has to be done at a certain stage when the eyes are "ripe." I've had mine done, my husband (almost 80) hasn't b/c his haven't reached that point.

This does not hurt (probably a bit of a sting), but each eye has to be done separately. This is a bit of a nuisance, but I understand the necessity behind it. The surgeon sees you again within 24 hrs., and drops have to be inserted while the eye heals. No real problems (and I hate putting drops in my eyes.) It's something we all go through at some point in our lives.

Like teeth, eyes have problems as we get older. It's definitely worthwhile to have a good optometrist. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I have not read this thread. Problems with focusing is one of the symptoms of mercury toxicity (which causes CFS and a myriad of other problems). Mercury is not stored evenly in the brain and one of the areas where it concentrates is the sella turcica, or in the vicinity of the hypothalamus and pituitary. This is where the 3rd cranial nerve, also known as the oculomotor nerve, passes through on the way to the eyes. When I had this the problem was the worst upon awakening and improved as the day went on. The other things that can cause blurring are high blood sugar and both high and low blood pressure (in some people =. not a universal symptom).

Florida Guy

Senior Member
When I get an ocular migraine, its a tiny area of light and dark that I can't see through. then it gets bigger with bright streaks and black streaks and color. As it gets larger it doesn't block vision so much and finally goes away. Sometimes its just in one eye.

The hyaluronic acid sounds interesting


Senior Member
My eyes are just fine now. It could have been the autoimmune encephalitis, electrolyte imbalance or even the heart attack. Any guess is fine with me, although I suspect a combo of the first two problems.

Yes, my daughter had migraines and they only stopped when she vomited. At some point they went away.....thankfully. A dark room was a necessity (really dark). Yours, Lenora