Staph vaccine to treat CFS??

Do you know another place when we can buy it? I sent an email to them because i would like to know the exact composition of the vaccine but they just said that it's not available right now.

I searched again today and its not clear whether its available or not. Usually search gives tens or hundreds of results but not on this drug. ( But at least one local farmacy told me that (+38 (044) 296-67-80)- yes, its available right here, laying in the fridge right now. All this about ukrainian market, I have no clue what is happening in Russia )

P.S. I dont think that pharmacy knows anything outside the manual for the drug and information about content and preparation is not within it. I contacted manufacturer via email and with some luck involved they could answer you in English too )
Last edited:


Senior Member
I searched again today and its not clear whether its available or not. Usually search gives tens or hundreds of results but not on this drug. ( But at least one local farmacy told me that (+38 (044) 296-67-80)- yes, its available right here, laying in the fridge right now. All this about ukrainian market, I have no clue what is happening in Russia )

P.S. I dont think that pharmacy knows anything outside the manual for the drug and information about content and preparation is not within it. I contacted manufacturer via email and with some luck involved they could answer you in English too )

Thank you Andey!
I sent them an email it has been 1 weeks or more but they haven't replied...


Senior Member

I don't think they would refuse to send it.
I sent another email to the firm in order to know the composition, we will see if they will reply this week.


Senior Member
I don't think they would refuse to send it.

They might if sending the item internationally required going to their local post office or courier office to arrange for international shipping. If they are not regularly shipping items internationally, they likely will not have any shipping system in place, I would have thought, so it would require some effort on their part. Plus there is the language barrier.

Hopefully the pharmacy that Andey provided will have the product back in stock soon. We could email every month to check on availability.

I also tried the following English-language online pharmacies that sell Russian drugs, but could not find any vaccines at all for sale:, and


Senior Member
The firm replied to me for the composition of the vaccine, they just said that there composition is available on their website...So not useful at all since it's in Russian.

If someone could take a look, it would be great:

I don't even know if it's the instruction only or also the composition...

@Hip Yes we need to check or to ask directly to the manufacturer is he knows where to find it


Senior Member

I used Google Translation to get an English version of the instructions for the Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine made by Medgamal (see below). There are two version of this vaccine available, the adsorbed vaccine, and the weaker purified "non-adsorbed" vaccine.

The vaccine instructions do not seem to specify exactly which Staphylococcus toxin is contained in the vaccine: they only say that the vaccine causes "formation specific antibodies against staphylococcal exotoxin".

Note that an exotoxin is any toxin that is synthesized by a bacterium (as opposed to an endotoxin, which is contained in the cell wall of a bacterium). Staphylococcus exotoxins would include Staphylococcus alpha toxin, but also other toxins synthesized by Staphylococcus.

However, Andey said he confirmed with the manufacturer that alpha toxin is the toxin used in this vaccine.

Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus Toxoid Vaccine Adsorbed
English Translation of Instructions

Name of vaccine in Russian:
Анатоксин стафилококковый очищенный адсорбированный​

Registration number P N000649 / 01 dated 28.07.2008.

The dosage form. Suspension for subcutaneous administration.

Staphylococcal toxoid adsorbed the purified toxin is a staphylococcal neutralized formalin and heat, purified from ballast proteins adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide gel.

The drug suspension is a uniform white color with a yellowish tinge on standing separates into a transparent supernatant and a doughy precipitate gentle completely smashing with shaking.

In 1.0 ml of the preparation contains 10 EU (2 doses) of staphylococcal toxoid, aluminum (sorbent) - from 0.9 to 1.3 mg, thimerosal (preservative) - from 80 to 120 micrograms.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: MIP.

Immunological properties. When administered drug induces the formation of antibodies specific to staphylococcal exotoxins.


Prevention of staphylococcal infections in patients with an increased risk of the disease - industrial and agricultural workers exposed to the nature of their activities frequent injuries, as well as in patients who are to elective surgery.

Immunization of donors in order to obtain plasma and antistaphylococcal antistafilokokovogo immunoglobulin.


Contraindications for use of purified staphylococcal toxoid adsorbed are: acute infectious and noninfectious diseases, aggravation of chronic diseases (use the drug may not be earlier than one month after recovery or remission); chronic decompensated disease; severe allergic reactions to food, drugs and other substances; Thymomegalia; blood diseases; malignant neoplasms. In order to identify contraindications for prophylactic use of the drug the doctor (paramedic) should conduct a survey on the day of vaccination -osmotr grafting with obligatory thermometry.

Dosing and dose.

The drug is administered subcutaneously in a deep region of the lower blade angle. The vial was shaken thoroughly before opening until a homogeneous suspension.

Unsuitable for use drug contained in ampoules with impaired integrity, marking, changing the physical properties (presence nondeveloping flakes) have expired, in violation of the conditions of storage.

Autopsy ampoules and immunization procedure is carried out under strict aseptic and antiseptic regulations.

A single dose of 0.5 ml.

The drug is in the opened ampoule must not be stored.

The course of the immunization industrial and agricultural workers consists of two injections (1 dose each) at intervals of 30 to 45 days. The first revaccination is performed three months after the end of the immunization course. Subsequent revaccination is carried out every 12 months.

The course of the immunization routine surgical patients (children over 1 year and adults) consists of two injections (at each dose of 1) preparation with intervals of 20 to 30 days; second injection is carried out not later than 4-5 days prior to surgery.

Donor immunization course consists of three injections of the drug with an interval of 7 days. The first injection is administered to donors - 1.0 ml (2 doses) of the drug, when the second - 1.0 ml (2 doses), with the third - 2.0 mL (4 doses).

The total amount of drug administered to the donor for the full course of immunization, 4.0 ml of (8 doses).

Donor immunization is carried out according to the current "Guidelines for donors staphylococcal toxoid immunization and conducting plasmapheresis to obtain plasma antistaphylococcal", approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR 02.08.77g.

In the selection of donors for immunization of plasmapheresis should be guided by the general provisions laid down by the "Instruction on medical examination of donors", approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 16.11.1998

Side effect. The introduction of the drug in the vaccinated individual may be accompanied by general and local reaction. Common reactions are characterized by easy and malaise subfebrile temperature (up to 37,5 ° C) lasting 24 to 48 hours. For local reactions characterized by hyperemia development and education infiltrate at the injection site up to 5 mm in diameter. Hyperemia disappears within 3-4 days, infiltration is retained up to 10 days, and in some vaccinated - 30 or more days, as painless seal. If there is infiltration regular vaccination produced on the opposite side.

The interaction with other drugs.

Purified staphylococcal toxoid adsorbed should be administered no sooner than 3 weeks after the previous injection antistaphylococcal plasma or human immunoglobulin.

Product form. The ampoules of 1.0 ml (2 doses). The package contains 10 ampoules and instruction for use ampoule opener.

Transportation. In accordance with JV at 2 to 8 ° C. Freezing is not allowed

Storage conditions. In accordance with JV 3.3.2. 1248-03 at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C in a dry place, protected from light. Freezing is not allowed.

Conditions of supply. For health care institutions.
Shelf life. Shelf life - 2 years. The preparation of expired application can not be.

Manufacturer. Branch "Medgamal" GU NIIEM them. N. F. Gamalei RAMS, Russia.

Original Russian text:

Регистрационный номер Р N000649/01 от 28.07.2008.

Лекарственная форма. Суспензия для подкожного введения.

Анатоксин стафилококковый очищенный адсорбированный представляет собой токсин стафилококковый обезвреженный формалином и теплом, очищенный от балластных белков, адсорбированный на геле алюминия гидроксида.

Препарат представляет собой равномерную суспензию белого цвета с желтоватым оттенком, разделяющуюся при стоянии на прозрачную надосадочную жидкость и нежный рыхлый осадок, полностью разбивающийся при встряхивании.

В 1,0 мл препарата содержится 10 ЕС (2 дозы) стафилококкового анатоксина, алюминий (сорбент) - от 0,9 до 1,3 мг, мертиолят (консервант) - от 80 до 120 мкг.

Фармакотерапевтическая группа: МИБП.

Иммунологические свойства. При введении препарат вызывает образование специфических антител к экзотоксину стафилококковому.

Показания к применению.

Профилактика стафилококковых инфекций у лиц с повышенным риском заболевания - промышленные и сельскохозяйственные рабочие, подвергающиеся по роду своей деятельности частому травматизму, а также у больных, которым предстоят плановые операции.

Иммунизация доноров с целью получения антистафилококковой плазмы и антистафилококового иммуноглобулина.


Противопоказаниями для применения анатоксина стафилококкового очищенного адсорбированного являются: острые инфекционные и неинфекционные заболевания, обострение хронических заболеваний (применение препарата возможно не ранее, чем через месяц после выздоровления или ремиссии); хронические заболевания в стадии декомпенсации; сильные аллергические реакции на пищевые, лекарственные и другие вещества; тимомегалия; болезни крови; злокачественные новообразования. С целью выявления противопоказаний при профилактическом применении препарата врач (фельдшер) должен провести опрос и в день прививки -осмотр прививаемого с обязательной термометрией.

Способ применения и дозы.

Препарат вводят глубоко подкожно в область нижнего угла лопатки. Ампулу перед вскрытием тщательно встряхивают до получения гомогенной суспензии.

Непригоден к применению препарат, содержащийся в ампулах с нарушенной целостностью, маркировкой, при изменении физических свойств (наличие неразвивающихся хлопьев), с истекшим сроком годности, с нарушением условий хранения.

Вскрытие ампул и процедуру иммунизации осуществляют при строгом соблюдении правил асептики и антисептики.

Разовая доза препарата составляет 0,5 мл.

Препарат во вскрытой ампуле хранению не подлежит.

Курс иммунизации промышленных и сельскохозяйственных рабочих состоит из двух инъекций (по 1 дозе каждая) с интервалом от 30 до 45 сут. Первая ревакцинация проводится спустя три месяца после окончания курса иммунизации. Последующие ревакцинации проводят с интервалом 12 мес.

Курс иммунизации плановых хирургических больных (детей старше 1 года и взрослых) состоит из двух инъекций (по 1 дозе каждая) препарата с интервалом от 20 до 30 сут; вторую инъекцию проводят не позднее, чем за 4-5 сут до операции.

Курс иммунизации доноров состоит из трех инъекций препарата с интервалом 7 дней. При первой инъекции донорам вводят - 1,0 мл (2 дозы) препарата, при второй - 1,0 мл (2 дозы), при третьей - 2,0 мл (4 дозы).

Суммарное количество препарата, вводимое донору за полный курс иммунизации, составляет 4,0 мл (8 доз).

Иммунизация доноров проводится согласно действующей «Инструкции по иммунизации доноров стафилококковым анатоксином и проведению плазмофереза для получения антистафилококковой плазмы», утвержденной МЗ СССР 02.08.77г.

При подборе доноров для иммунизации и проведения плазмофереза необходимо руководствоваться общими положениями, предусмотренными «Инструкцией по медицинскому освидетельствованию доноров», утвержденной МЗ РФ 16.11.1998 г.

Побочное действие. Введение препарата у отдельных привитых может сопровождаться общей и местной реакцией. Общие реакции характеризуются легким недомоганием и субфебрильной температурой (до 37,5 °С) продолжительностью от 24 до 48 часов. Для местных реакций характерно развитие гиперемии и образование в месте инъекции инфильтрата диаметром до 5 мм. Гиперемия исчезает в течение 3-4 сут, инфильтрат сохраняется до 10 сут, а у части привитых - до 30 и более сут, в виде безболезненного уплотнения. При наличии инфильтрата очередную прививку производят на противоположной стороне.

Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами.

Анатоксин стафилококковый очищенный адсорбированный следует вводить не ранее, чем через 3 недели после предшествующей инъекции иммуноглобулина человека или антистафилококковой плазмы.

Форма выпуска. В ампулах по 1,0 мл (2 дозы). Упаковка содержит 10 ампул, инструкцию по применению и ампульный нож.

Транспортирование. В соответствии с СП при температуре от 2 до 8 °С. Замораживание не допускается

Условия хранения. В соответствии с СП 3.3.2. 1248-03 при температуре от 2 до 8 °С в сухом, защищенном от света месте. Замораживание не допускается.

Условия отпуска. Для лечебно-профилактических учреждений.
Срок годности. Срок годности - 2 года. Препарат с истекшим сроком годности применению не подлежит.

Производитель. Филиал «Медгамал» ГУ НИИЭМ им. Н. Ф. Гамалеи РАМН, Россия.
Source of original Russian text here.

Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus Toxoid Vaccine "Non-Adsorbed"
English Translation of Instructions

Name of vaccine in Russian:
Анатоксин стафилококковый очищенный жидкий​
FGBU "NIIEM them. Gamaleya" Russian Ministry of Health
(Branch "Medgamal" FGBU "NIIEM them. Gamaleya" Russian Ministry of Health)
Russia, 123098, Moscow, st. Gamaliel 18;

tel. (499) 193-30-50 (499) 190-44-59;
fax (499) 190-66-71.

Chief Medical Doctor of the Russian Federation

GG Onishchenko "A" in June 2007
No 01-11 / 101-07

Purified staphylococcal toxoid

The dosage form. A solution for subcutaneous administration.

Toxoid is purified staphylococcal toxin neutralized formalin and heat, purified from ballast proteins.

1.0 ml of the preparation contains from 10 to 14 EU (binding units) staphylococcal toxoid.

The product does not contain any preservatives or antibiotics.

Transparent liquid colorless or pale yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: MIBP

Immunological properties. The drug causes formation specific antibodies against staphylococcal exotoxin.

Indications for use. Specific immunotherapy and acute chronic (acute stage) staph infection in adults.

Contraindications. Contraindications to the use of purified staphylococcal toxoid are: acute infectious and non-infectious diseases are not staphylococcal etiology, chronic diseases are not staphylococcal etiology in acute decompensation or - vaccination is carried out not earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission).

Be wary of, with a history of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis, angioedema); during pregnancy (since there is no sufficient data on the safety of the drug in pregnant women).

Dosage and administration. Staphylococcal toxoid, purified introduced subcutaneously at the lower angle of the scapula, alternating right and left sides at each subsequent injections. Intramuscular administration is not allowed.

Not suitable for use of the drug contained in the ampoule with impaired integrity, marking a change of physical properties (presence of turbidity, flakes), expired, in violation of the conditions of storage. Opening of ampoules and injection of the drug the patient is carried out in strict compliance with the rules of aseptic and antiseptic.

The drug is in the opened vial can not be stored.

A full course of treatment includes 7 injections administered once every 2 days, with the following increasing doses: 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.9 - 1.2 - 1.5 ml.

Instead instructions approved by December 26, 2003

With the rapid clinical effect of therapy at the discretion of the attending the doctor can be reduced to 5 injections.

Side effect. The introduction of the drug may be accompanied by a common, local and focal reactions. Common reactions are characterized by mild weakness, malaise, occasionally raising the temperature to 37.5 ° C. For local reactions characterized by redness and slight pain at the injection, disappearing within 1-2 days.

Often after the injection can take place lobular reaction i.e. sharpening process in place of its localization. The occurrence of these reactions are not a contraindication to continue treatment. However, with both general and local reactions interval between the previous and subsequent injections of the drug is recommended increased by one day.

Development focal reaction does not require increasing the interval between injections.

Interaction with other drugs. Treatment with purified staphylococcal toxoid may be carried out simultaneously with druyuY general and local therapy, except antistaphylococcal plasma and immunoglobulins.

Form release. The ampoules of 1.0 ml. The pack contains 10 ampoules and instruction for use.

Transportation. In accordance with SP at from 2 to 8 ° C. Freezing is not allowed.

Storage conditions. In accordance with SP 3.3.2. 1248-03 at 2 to 8 ° C in a dry, dark place. Freezing is not allowed.

Conditions of supply. For health care institutions.

Shelf life. Shelf life - 2 years.

Producer / consumer complaints addressed to:
FGBU "NIIEM them. NF Gamapei" Russian Ministry of Health (Branch "Medgamap" FGBU
"NIIEM them. NF Gamapei" Russian Ministry of Health); Russia, 123098, Moscow, st.
Gamapei, d. 1 8; tel. (499) 193-30-50 (499) 190-44-59; fax (499) 190-66-71.

Original Russian text:

ФГБУ "НИИЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамалеи" Минздрава России
(Филиал "Медгамап" ФГБУ "НИИЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамалеи" Минздрава России)

Россия, 123098, г. Москва,
ул. Гамалеи, 18;

тел. (499) 193-30-50, (499) 190-44-59;
факс (499) 190-66-71.

Главный государственный санитарный
врач Российской Федерации

Г.Г. Онищенко
«А» июня 2007 г.
Не 01-11/101-07

Анатоксина стафилококкового очищенного

Лекарственная форма. Раствор для подкожного введения.

Анатоксин стафилококковый очищенный представляет собой токсин стафилококковый обезвреженный формалином и теплом, очищенный от балластных белков.

1,0 мл препарата содержит от 10 до 14 ЕС (единиц связывания) стафилококкового анатоксина.

Препарат не содержит консервантов и антибиотиков.

Прозрачная жидкость бесцветная или светло-желтого цвета.

Фармакотерапевтическая группа: МИБП

Иммунологические свойства. Препарат вызывает образование специфических антител против экзотоксина стафилококкового.

Показания к применению. Специфическая иммунотерапия острой и хронической (в стадии обострения) стафилококковой инфекции у взрослых.

Противопоказания. Противопоказаниями для применения анатоксина стафилококкового очищенного, являются: острые инфекционные и неинфекционные заболевания не стафилококковой этиологии, хронические заболевания не стафилококковой этиологии в стадии обострения или декомпенсации — прививки проводят не ранее чем через 1 месяц после выздоровления (ремиссии).

С осторожностью применять, при наличии в анамнезе тяжелых аллергических реакций (анафилактический шок, отек Квинке); в период беременности (т.к. нет достаточных данных о безопасности применения препарата у беременных женщин).

Способ применения и дозы. Анатоксин стафилококковый, очищенный вводят подкожно под нижний угол лопатки, чередуя правую и левую стороны при каждой последующей инъекции. Внутримышечное применение препарата не допускается.

Не пригоден к применению препарат, содержащийся в ампулах с нарушенной целостностью, маркировкой, при изменении физических свойств (наличие мути, хлопьев), с истекшим сроком годности, с нарушением условий хранения. Вскрытие ампул и введение препарата больным осуществляют при строгом соблюдении правил асептики и антисептики.

Препарат во вскрытой ампуле хранению не подлежит.

Полный курс лечения включает 7 инъекций препарата, осуществляемых с интервалом 2 дня, в следующих возрастающих дозах: 0,1-0,3-0,5-0,7-0,9-1 ,2-1 ‚5 мл.

Взамен инструкции, утвержденной 26 декабря 2003 г.

При быстром клиническом эффекте курс терапии по усмотрению лечащего врача может быть сокращен до 5 инъекций.

Побочное действие. Введение препарата может сопровождаться общими, местными и очаговыми реакциями.

Общие реакции характеризуются легкой слабостью, недомоганием, изредка повышением температуры до 37,5 °С.

Для местных реакций характерны гиперемия и легкая болезненность в месте инъекции, исчезающие через 1-2 дня.

Нередко после инъекции препарата может иметь место очаговая реакция, т.е. обострение процесса в месте его локализации.

Возникновение указанных реакций не является противопоказанием для продолжения лечения. Однако при наличии одновременно общих и местных реакций интервал между предыдущей и последующей инъекциями препарата рекомендуется увеличить на 1 день. Развитие очаговой реакции не требует увеличения интервала между инъекциями.

Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами.

Лечение анатоксином стафилококковым очищенным может проводиться одновременно с друюЙ общей и местной терапией, за исключением иммуноглобулинов и антистафилококковой плазмы.

Форма выпуска. В ампулах по 1,0 мл. Пачка содержит 10 ампул и инструкцию по применению.

Транспортирование. В соответствии с СП при температуре от 2 до 8 °С. Замораживание не допускается.

Условия хранения. В соответствии с СП 3.3.2. 1248-03 при температуре от 2 до 8 °С в сухом, защищенном от света месте. Замораживание не допускается.

Условия отпуска. Для лечебно-профилактических учреждений.

Срок годности. Срок годности — 2 года.

Производитель/претензии потребителей направлять по адресу:

ФГБУ "НИИЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамапеи" Минздрава России (Филиал "Медгамап" ФГБУ
"НИИЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамапеи" Минздрава России); Россия, 123098, г. Москва, ул.
Гамапеи, д. 1 8; тел. (499)193-30-50, (499)190-44-59; факс (499)190-66-71.
Source of original Russian text here (also here).

Further details on the Russian Staphylococcus vaccine are found in this PDF document; some translated extracts from the document:
A full course of treatment means staphylococcal toxoid involves performing 7 injections, which are carried out every 2 days, increasing dosages.

The drug is administered subcutaneously, starting with 0.1 ml and adding 0.1 ml every 2 days, adjusted to 1 ml per injection. This dose is the limit. In emergency operations in the prevention of septic complications rapid immunization can be produced by a single injection of 0.5 ml of staphylococcal toxoid under the skin of the shoulder area.

It is a purified and neutralized staphylococcal toxin in vials of 1 ml of 10 pieces. packaged. It can cause the formation of antistaphylococcal immunity directed against the microbe, and against its toxin. Was administered subcutaneously under the shoulder blade (alternately on the right and the left) as a course of injections.
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Senior Member
I sent an email to the pharmacy yesterday, enquiring about the availability of the Staphylococcus vaccine, and they replied today saying the vaccine is not available now, but suggested I email them in one month's time, when they hope to have some more information.

So I will contact them again in December.
I sent an email to the pharmacy yesterday, enquiring about the availability of the Staphylococcus vaccine, and they replied today saying the vaccine is not available now, but suggested I email them in one month's time, when they hope to have some more information.

So I will contact them again in December.
With millions of sufferers around the world, I would think that a company which stumbles on a significant palliative would jump at the chance to offer it, given the obvious financial rewards. These guys must not be very business-savvy.


Senior Member
With millions of sufferers around the world, I would think that a company which stumbles on a significant palliative would jump at the chance to offer it, given the obvious financial rewards. These guys must not be very business-savvy.

I don't think many people outside this group of ME/CFS suffers in Sweden knew about the benefits of Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine for ME/CFS.

But if anyone had a bad business sense, it was perhaps the Swiss manufacturer of the original Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine, Berna Biotech (now Crucell), who should have seen that their Staphylococcus vaccine had the potential to treat millions of ME/CFS patients worldwide.

Though I would guess there are probably laws preventing a vaccine manufacturer from directly marketing a vaccine to treat ME/CFS without all the properly clinical and safety trials, which cost many, many millions. Remember that ME/CFS patients in Sweden were using this vaccine off label to treat ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Bad news: I just wrote to the Russian pharmacy, who have the Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine on their website, asking about the availability of this vaccine, and they replied to me:

Good afternoon,
Unfortunately, we can not send you the vaccine.
The drug is no longer available at our suppliers.
We are sorry that we could not help you .


Senior Member
With millions of sufferers around the world, I would think that a company which stumbles on a significant palliative would jump at the chance to offer it, given the obvious financial rewards. These guys must not be very business-savvy.
Either that, or it wasn't really working, or not enough people were willing to try it.


Senior Member
Either that, or it wasn't really working, or not enough people were willing to try it.

Professor Gottfries published several studies that indicate the vaccine was leading to significant improvements in ME/CFS symptoms, with patients resuming full-time or part-time work as a result.


Senior Member
Professor Gottfries published several studies that indicate the vaccine was leading to significant improvements in ME/CFS symptoms, with patients resuming full-time or part-time work as a result.
Then I guess it might have been that not too many people were keen on trying a vaccine that introduced another pathogen (dead or alive) into their body.


Senior Member
Then I guess it might have been that not too many people were keen on trying a vaccine that introduced another pathogen (dead or alive) into their body.

Or maybe they read the text of the study.

Serious (SAE) and Adverse events (AE)
During the observation year a total of six SAEs were recorded. Two patients were hospitalized due to chest pain. In none of the cases there were signs of heart disease. One woman became pregnant during treatment and withdrew when the pregnancy was diagnosed. She gave birth to a normal child. One patient committed suicide. She had contact with a psychologist and was on pharmacological antidepressive treatment. The last injection with Staphypan was given five weeks ahead of the time of suicide. One patient had an epileptic seizure, suspected to be due to abuse of analgesics. One patient had a uterus operation made during treatment. None of these SAEs were considered related to the treatment with the staphylococcus vaccine.

The most common AEs were different forms of infections. Cold, sinusitis or tonsillitis was reported by 47 patients (29 %), urinary tract infections by 10 and eye inflammation by three. Four patients reported muscle inflammation; two patients reported pneumonia, two herpes and two carbuncles. In single cases erysipelas, ear inflammation, prostate inflammation and lichen ruber was reported. Gastritis was reported in eight cases, diarrhea in two and bleeding from anus in one. Of neuropsychiatric AEs one reported dizziness, one herpes zoster, one partial loss of sight and one sciatic pain. Four patients reported depressed mood. In six cases minor surgery was made. None of the above mentioned AEs were considered related to the vaccine treatment."


Senior Member
Then I guess it might have been that not too many people were keen on trying a vaccine that introduced another pathogen (dead or alive) into their body.

Possibly for the sort of ME/CFS patients who only believe in naturopathic treatments, just seeing the word "vaccine" would conjure up fear. But for everybody else, I doubt there would have been much concern.

I think that had this vaccine treatment been available in the Internet era (the Internet was only really getting into full swing by the mid 2000s), then news of it would have spread rapidly across the world, by means of forums like this one. As far as I am aware, few people knew of this treatment outside of Professor Gottfries's patients in Sweden.

Or maybe they read the text of the study.

Actually that is a pretty low incidence of adverse events, given that the study followed 160 patients for 1 year. If you followed a control group of 160 ME/CFS patients for a year, you would likely also find many of these same events occurring. As the study said, the events were not considered related to the treatment.


Senior Member
A professor would like to buy the vaccine to do a trial unfortunately he has no reply yet.

@Andey Do you think it's possible to ask this local pharmacy if they could supply a country from Europe?