Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


Senior Member
@Helen Thanks for the video! How have you found that Novartis owns the rights? I've found out that Novartis was interested but didn't acquired it, Crucell did in 2006 which is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson.

I sent an email to Crucell for curiosity (at least).

17 millions of people with ME? It may be possible to open our eyes to further/other ways of research and trials than Rituximab... lets say there would be a penetration rate of 0,6% willing to give 10 dollars each month, it gives us 100 000 people x 10 dollars = 1 millions dollars monthly to change things thanks to a global fundraising with crowdfunding...It surely seems utopian but if we consider the number of sufferers, the relatives and 10 dollars which is's possible.


Senior Member
Looks like not just Novartis, but also three other pharmaceutical companies — Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi — are all working on Staphylococcus aureus vaccines, according to this article.

The drive to create a Staphylococcus vaccine is fueled by the fact that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) kills 20,000 people per year in the US alone.

However, whether those new vaccines will include alpha toxin, I don't know. If they do not, then they will not be of any help for ME/CFS. In any case, they will only be available in around 7 to 10 years time:
Jansen has been working on a Staph aureus vaccine for the past decade, first at Merck, then at Wyeth, and now at Pfizer.

The East German-born scientist - who fled to the West in 1960 and earned her PhD in biology at Philipps University in Marburg - says it takes stamina to develop a successful vaccine, a process that can take 15 years or more. With the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, which had 2012 sales of $1.6 billion, it took 14 years from lab bench to government approval. "That's actually a fast development program," she said.

With Staph aureus, it took eight years from the first experiments to human safety trials. Now, it could take another seven to 10 years to wind up clinical trials, putting the team about midway through the process.
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Senior Member
@Theodore and @Hip , thanks for interesting information.

I´m sorry, today I can´t find where I read about Novartis in this context.
This link might be interesting
I´ve found some pharmacies in Spain that tell on their homepages that they sell Berna Staphypan. ??
There is also a tweet, if you google, about the vaccine.
Buccaline, oral vaccine, was also discussed at the time when some people reacted badly to the mercury preservative.
Recently, I got to know that the LDI treatment (by Vincent et. al.) might be even better for PWME. Just some tracks that you might want to follow.


Senior Member
@Theodore and @Hip
I´ve found some pharmacies in Spain that tell on their homepages that they sell Berna Staphypan. ??
There is also a tweet, if you google, about the vaccine.
Recently, I got to know that the LDI treatment (by Vincent et. al.) might be even better for PWME. Just some tracks that you might want to follow.

  • May I have a link regarding these pharmacies that still sell it?
  • I've seen this tweet, a spanish one, isn't it?
  • I'll follow the track but still what do you think about what I said before for the crowdfunding? I can be wrong but I need feedback(S)


Senior Member
@Theodore and @Hip , thanks for interesting information.

I´m sorry, today I can´t find where I read about Novartis in this context.
This link might be interesting
I´ve found some pharmacies in Spain that tell on their homepages that they sell Berna Staphypan. ??
There is also a tweet, if you google, about the vaccine.
Buccaline, oral vaccine, was also discussed at the time when some people reacted badly to the mercury preservative.
Recently, I got to know that the LDI treatment (by Vincent et. al.) might be even better for PWME. Just some tracks that you might want to follow.
What does the ldi tratment use, the vaccine?


Senior Member
  • May I have a link regarding these pharmacies that still sell it?
  • I've seen this tweet, a spanish one, isn't it?
  • I'll follow the track but still what do you think about what I said before for the crowdfunding? I can be wrong but I need feedback(S)

- . This is what I can find today.
- Yes, it´s Spanish
- I researched this a year ago, or so. I´m not updated enough today to say if this would be a good idea or not. In fact, I am more interested in looking at the LDI treatment and what that could bring to us. I´ve heard from an "expert patient" and from a doctor with a special interest in the treatment for himself that LDI seems to be very useful when having problems with infections and impaired immune systeme.


Senior Member
Interesting, I will be getting in touch with Dr. Vincent and see what he thinks can be done with my situation. If he responds lol. Lots of promising new approaches, let's hope one will work for everyone soon :)
I have 4/7 of those symptoms @healthyalmonds. How do doctors test for s aureus? I also have insulin resistance and it was mentioned earlier in this thread the staph toxoid improved diabetes. I do not have a diabetes diagnosis. But pcos caused by insulin resistance so I try to cut out sugar and avoid diabetes if possible. .. I just wonder how likely mine has anything to do with staph aureus. ..?

A doctor would test for S. aureus carriage by swabbing your nostrils (or possibly your ears) to check for presence.

Ah, thanks for pointing out the diabetes link. I had overlooked that when reading this thread. Interestingly, here is a study that shows Staphylococcus aureus may actually cause diabetes.

The effectiveness of this vaccine may be suggesting an important role between S. aureus carriage and chronic diseases.
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@Hip thank you for the clarifications on symptoms associated with CFS.

That's awesome that the vaccine has been shown to have positive effects against both bacterial and viral agents. At best, a synergistic effect by simultaneously attacking bacteria such as S. aureus and viral agents like coxsackievirus B may be an effective way of treating CFS and other similar diseases.


Senior Member
- . This is what I can find today.
- Yes, it´s Spanish
- I researched this a year ago, or so. I´m not updated enough today to say if this would be a good idea or not. In fact, I am more interested in looking at the LDI treatment and what that could bring to us. I´ve heard from an "expert patient" and from a doctor with a special interest in the treatment for himself that LDI seems to be very useful when having problems with infections and impaired immune systeme.

Thank you @Helen


Senior Member
@Hip How @Ninan came out with this amount of money? Even if it's true, it's nothing.

According to you, how is it possible to start a study like this?

The Swedish Clinic must have done some studies, even if it's not double blinded, would it be a problem?

(I have copied your above question this thread, which is a more appropriate place.)

I don't know where she got the figure from, but if you actually read this thread, you will see that Ninan is a journalist, so presumably investigated the issues.

If you want to follow through on your ideas, the first thing you need to do is write to Berna Biotech, and find out if they are actually still interested in reformulating the original Staphylococcus vaccine. And if they are, find out how much it would cost. Fundraising takes a great deal of work and organization.


Senior Member
If you want to follow through on your ideas, the first thing you need to do is write to Berna Biotech, and find out if they are actually still interested in reformulating the original Staphylococcus vaccine. And if they are, find out how much it would cost. Fundraising takes a great deal of work and organization.

Berna Biotech is the property of Crucell that I already emailed, we will see what they will reply.
What if they are not interested?


Senior Member
What if they are not interested?

Then I would think there is not much you can do.

I also think that if the University of Iowa Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine becomes available for sale on schedule next year, that will likely work just as well as the original Berna Biotech vaccine for ME/CFS purposes.


Senior Member
I also think that if the University of Iowa Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine becomes available for sale on schedule next year, that will likely work just as well as the original Berna Biotech vaccine for ME/CFS purposes.

I hope so!


Senior Member
I think I found a Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine for sale in Russia.

The only thing is, I am not sure if the toxoid contained in this Russian vaccine is the Staphylococcus alpha toxin (also called alpha hemolysin toxin).

Picture of this Russian Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine product:
Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine.png

This vaccine product in Russian is called:

Анатоксин стафилококковый
( = toxoid Staphylococcal ).

The Russian pharmaceutical company manufacturer is of this Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine is:

Медгамал, НИИЭМ ( = Medgamal, NIIEM )

Details of this vaccine product on the manufacturer's website found here:

More info about this Russian Staphylococcus vaccine on these websites:

This Russian Staphylococcus vaccine can be bought from these online pharmacies:

EDIT: just adding the international Russian pharmacy that @Andey mentioned later in this thread:

Price is around $15 to $20 for a box of 10 ampoules.

You can use Google Translate to translate these websites to English. More conveniently, you can also use Google Translation Browser Buttons (which are bookmarklets) to instantly translate any page you are viewing into English.
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