Hi Ava,
One reason glutamate rises with methylfolate is by conversion of histidine to a form of glutamate before it can become histamine. This is a classic sign of over methylation (really low histamine, overly high glutamate). There are of course other reasons glutamate can rise to unacceptable levels (i.e. low levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase, low levels of glutamine synthetase, dietary intake, Cystathione beta mutation, etc.). In my case I have Stiff Person Syndrome, which means my body attacks my GAD enzymes in my CNS and I have to control it with corticosteroids, hence I always have a baseline of neurological inflammation I can never exterminate entirely. To reduce glutamate levels also expunge all gluten from your diet. That is more important imo than eliminating glutamine provided it is at low levels for intestinal and muscle health (your body makes 100s of grams of glutamine on its own anyways otherwise you would waste away in no time).
How much folapro were you taking when you had problems? I know from my own experience that 800 mcg of folapro, 800 mcg of folinic acid, 5000 mcg of mb12 sublingual, 50 mg P5p and 500 mg of TMG per day were way too much and increased pain, insomnia, etc.
Only by doing genetic testing did I find I was heterozygote MTHFR A1298c. This means I have no issues making 5MTHF, but lack the control mechanism for slowing down methylation via SAMe feedback inhibition of MTHFR.
Many people can have partial blocks of methylation that are not genetically driven and thus need to be cautious about how much methylation support they take (especially if they have COMT mutations which no on ever considers on these forums from what I can tell). While others have true detrimental MTHFR, MTR, etc. SNPs that require heavy methylation support. But the treatment protocol for the latter group can be detrimental to the former group if too excessive. And in my own experience a lot of the the supposition about detox effects is just that supposition.
Potassium is important, but I found when I was overmethylated taking 3 grams in supplements (extended release KCL) and 6-7 grams in food did virtually nothing to improve my symptoms beyond raise my serum potassium levels. Also remember what really matters is the intracellular levels of potassium which no kinesologist will be able to assess, sorry.
I have since dropped the TMG and folinic acid and cut the remainder in half and am doing vastly better.
Methylation is very important, but please be cautions about overmethylation as well. The usual schtick that it is always detox is BS. Then I had detox for 2 years that never got any better and only got worse when I doubled down. It took the genetic profiling to realize I was dealing with a functional block not a genetic one. I think this is why Rich Vank
tended to be cautious about his simplified protocol for many of those suffering from CFS, while others need Freddd's more aggressive protocol since they are dealing with true genetic blockades that must be circumvented.
Good luck and God bless!