REFEEDING SYNDROME - The clues to healing via induced deficiencies


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thanks @Freddd Luckily he was able to take 1mg injections daily right from the start with no side effects whatsoever. Thankfully we caught the B12 deficiency early.

I'm trying to titrate LCF but can't get hold of Jarrow liquid version of l-carnitine - out of stock everywhere. Do you happen to know of any other good brand of the liquid form?

I've seen that happen when something gets more popular suddenly, out of stock all over the country. That's a big company, I wonder how long in advance they have to schedule a production run? That's the only one I and friends have tried. They also have the pure freebase carnitine in liquid capsules that might be usable a drop, or fraction, at a time. It's the only ones I've tried. I have never tired some other brands as it worked right off, for everybody I know who has tried it without the particular need for one of the other forms. The other brands may be fine, I'm just lacking experience with them. They may also be hard to find too, especially if they buy the the same carnitine from the company making it as opposed to packaging it.

Does you husband need to micro-titrate carnitine?. That usually comes from having anxiety as well as the rest of the usual symptoms. The people with the anxiety as a usual symptoms also have a particular problem with tapering benzos. Otherwise one can start with a fraction of a capsule and it isn't the same kind of hypersensitivity as the folks with anxiety added. I tried a 500mg right off the bat and I had to drop down to 64mg 1/8 cap approx and it only blew off my socks. I also got all compartment healing started. I hope this helps.


Senior Member
I've seen that happen when something gets more popular suddenly, out of stock all over the country. That's a big company, I wonder how long in advance they have to schedule a production run? That's the only one I and friends have tried. They also have the pure freebase carnitine in liquid capsules that might be usable a drop, or fraction, at a time. It's the only ones I've tried. I have never tired some other brands as it worked right off, for everybody I know who has tried it without the particular need for one of the other forms. The other brands may be fine, I'm just lacking experience with them. They may also be hard to find too, especially if they buy the the same carnitine from the company making it as opposed to packaging it.

Does you husband need to micro-titrate carnitine?. That usually comes from having anxiety as well as the rest of the usual symptoms. The people with the anxiety as a usual symptoms also have a particular problem with tapering benzos. Otherwise one can start with a fraction of a capsule and it isn't the same kind of hypersensitivity as the folks with anxiety added. I tried a 500mg right off the bat and I had to drop down to 64mg 1/8 cap approx and it only blew off my socks. I also got all compartment healing started. I hope this helps.

Good idea, thanks @Freddd I will try the liquid capsules. The LCF is for me. I assumed it wouldn't be necessary for my husband since he responded so well and built muscle so fast in only nine months of Mecbl small injections (1mg daily) and MeFolate (1mg daily) plus a B-Complex and mineral complex.

He doesn't have any strange B12 genes (I got his tested when I did mine). It was a HPylori infection which was very resistant that made his B12 level drop (apparently HPylori can erode the parietal cells in tummy lining).

I am now giving him 500mcg daily Mecbl injected plus 1mg folate daily and he has lots of energy. Can I ask if he needs that much folate? Would 400mcg be sufficient? Or no folate supplement? He gets lots of folate from his diet. No problem eating greens etc and eats lots of them...

I worry about him because he has had to care for me for decades and that can't have been good for his health. He has never complained. I'm very lucky to have him.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or what the correct way to get in contact with you is but I've had a terrible response to NAC that I believe you could Give me advice on how to recover (if recovery is possible?). I have induced a seamingly permenant and terribly severe Brain fog that has lasted for 5 weeks after only 5 days of NAC and as a researcher with undergraduate in biomedical science I am at a complete loss and may not be able to continue with my studies.

I think I was already a bit deficient of b12 which was driving a variety a symptoms but nothing as severe as the anecdotal reports of cfs/me on here.

If you would be willing or able to give me any advice on this matter please let me know how to contact you.

I have been reading many of your posts and have the greatest respect for the way you have approached your own health problems and helped so many people. I just wish I had read your warnings of the dangers of NAC.

Thank you,


Hi Sophie,

I though I had replied here a couple of days ago and it has disappeared into cyber space. Let me know you are getting notified.Actually, I found it on another post.
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Senior Member

Thank you so much for getting back to me. Just the fact you can give me some guidance gives me such solace.

Apparently to start a conversation I need to have made 5 posts so yes, I am getting notified. Just lost all motivation to do anything. The world passes me by, I am like a completely different person. Its very very frightening and I cant beleive Ive had such an intense reaction and it's so poorly documented


Senior Member
I have been trying folate/mb12 but trying each one seems to enhance the deficency of the other. If I write 5 posts I should be able to start conversation with you and hopefully explain.


Senior Member
I was a scientist before this happened and have such respect for your determination rigour and fearless approach. If anything I have got worse in my journey to try and recover my sanity and intellect over the past few weeks. My reaction was so extreme I can only imagine I have underlying rare genetics. I only hope because it has been such a short time I havent done anything that can not be one day undone.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I was a scientist before this happened and have such respect for your determination rigour and fearless approach. If anything I have got worse in my journey to try and recover my sanity and intellect over the past few weeks. My reaction was so extreme I can only imagine I have underlying rare genetics. I only hope because it has been such a short time I havent done anything that can not be one day undone.

What did you take, If MeCbl and/or methylfolate, you are very likely to start both improving thjiongs (first day) and usually on the 3rd day you will get clobbered by refeeding syndrome.symptoms which are usually the symptoms for the most deficient cell formation stoppage and/or potassium. I suddenly needed 1200-2000 mg of potassium and that has increased as I have gotten everything healing I'm needed ing 4000 mg of potassium gluconate, in water basically all day. Have you read the "refeeding syndrome" symptoms? I bet you will recognize them. If you don't have it. it's been linked to various places.. It works but one does best on a 5 day data cycle.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have been trying folate/mb12 but trying each one seems to enhance the deficency of the other. If I write 5 posts I should be able to start conversation with you and hopefully explain.

I know what it is doing, REFEEDING SYNDROME. look at groups 1-3 to start with. You can be out of misery from these induced deficiencies quickly, in a day or two by titrating appropriately if you are like me on responses.

Version 2.41 06/11/2018 A work in process, incomplete, limited testing, people come in many variations, use at your own risk.

Copyright 2018, Frederick D. Davis, aka Fred Davis, aka Freddd, copied from original manuscript.

INDUCED DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS FROM REFEEDING SYNDROME. This can follow 5 days of food deprivation, anorexia, or sort of a pinpoint starvation via vitamin or mineral or amino acid deficiencies. Whatever the “most needed” item is will often cause a strong response. The first usual notable symptoms occur on typically the third day of starting a previously insufficient nutrient with normally feeling or seeing the changes within minutes to hours. From MecBL I had over 30 symptoms respond in the first few hours with blow my socks off intensity with neurological startup and potassium deficiency on the 3rd day along with increasing folate deficiencies that took years to figure out. For instance it was noted in the 50s with injections of B12 with potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) as a side effect. It is dangerous and can be unpredictably fatal if not corrected and the cause is continued. When they say people are dying in Syria after they have been starved and given food, they are often suffering REFEEDING SYNDROME. When previous symptoms return that can also indicate a developing deficiency that started hindering cell formation.

Group 1 – Hypokalemia onset. Often called “detox”. Symptoms may appear with serum potassium as high as 4.3. May become dangerous if ignored. Considered “rare” with CyCbl (Cyanocobalamin) it is very common with MeCbl (methylcobalamin) and AdoCbl (adenosylcobalamin) and less so with HyCbl (Hydroxycobalamin).

There does not appear to be a clear order of onset. The order of onset varies widely from person to person but many appear consistent for each episode for any given person. There tend to be more and more intense symptoms as it gets worse. Some people have ended up in the ER because of not recognizing the symptoms.

IBS – Steady constipation, Nausea, Vomiting, Paralyzed Ileum,

Hard knots of muscle, Sudden muscle spasms when relaxed, Sudden muscle spasms when stretching , Sudden muscle spasms when kneeling, Sudden muscle spasms when reaching , Sudden muscle spasms when turning upper body to side, Tightening of muscles, spasms and excruciating pain in neck muscles, waking up screaming in pain from muscle spasms in legs. Muscle weakness

Abnormal heart rhythms (dysrhythmias), increased pulse rate, increased blood pressure, intense sudden dizzy spells correctable potentially in minutes with water with potassium gluconate for instance.

Emotional changes and/or instability, dermal or sub-dermal Itching, and if not treated potentially paralysis and death.

Group 2a - Both hypokalemia and l-methylfolate deficiency

IBS – Diarrhea alternating with constipation, IBS – Normal alternating with constipation

Group 2b – Either or both hypokalemia and l-methylfolate deficiency

Headache, Increased malaise, Fatigue

Group 3 - Induced and/or Paradoxical Folate deficiency or insufficiency, partial methylation block to methyltrap on 1 or more internal triage levels. Frequently called “NAC DETOX” or “GLUTATHIONE DETOX”. Can be caused by folic acid, folinic acid and for some people, like me and quite a few others, excess vegetable folates. Further excess B1, B2, B3 and/or inositol can increase methylfolate deficiency symptoms. Methylfolate, MeCbl and just about anything else that starts healing can cause the folate deficiency symptoms.

These symptoms appear in 2 forms generally, the milder symptoms that start with partial methylation block and the more severe symptoms that come on as partial methylation block gets worse or very quickly with methyltrap onset.

Edema - An additional thing I would like to mention. I would never have found it without 5 years of watching the onset of paradoxical folate insufficiency and trying to catch it earlier and earlier and to figure out what was causing it and to reverse it. For me the onset order goes back to the day of onset now with edema and a sudden increase of weight. I noticed that within 2 hours of taking sufficient Metafolin I would have an increase in urine output.

Old symptoms returning in a general sense, a person may have had onset of these hundreds of time if they are on the borderline


Angular Cheilitis, Canker sores,

Skin rashes, increased acne, Increased itchy acne on scalp and face, Skin peeling around fingernails, Skin cracking and peeling at fingertips, painful cracks in the skin at the corner of fingernails at approximate right angles to nails, can take months to occur and it may be only non mood or neurological symptoms.

IBS – Diarrhea alternating with constipation, IBS – Normal alternating with constipation

Headache, Increased malaise, Fatigue

Increased hypersensitive responses, Runny nose, Increased allergies, Increased Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Increased asthma, rapidly increasing Generalized inflammation in body, Increased Inflammation pain in muscles, Increased Inflammation pain in joints, Achy muscles, Flu like symptoms

IBS – Steady diarrhea, IBS – Diarrhea alternating with normal, Stomach ache, Uneasy digestive tract,

Coated tongue, Depression, Less sociable, Impaired planning and logic, Brain fog, Low energy, Light headedness, Sluggishness, Increase irritability, Heart palpitations,

Longer term, very serious:

Loss of reflexes, Fevers, Forgetfulness, Confusion, Difficulty walking, Behavioral disorders, Dementia, Reduced sense of taste, bleeding easily.

High MCV, > 93, persistent and resistant to MeCbl and B6 and/P5P. The warning about too much folate causing subacute combined degeneration which kept folic acid to a max of 800 mcg for decades becasue large folate doses can lower MCV without MeCbl. There is a long history to this.

Group 4 - HyCbl onset, degraded MeCbl onset, MeCbl after photolytic breakdown onset.

Itchy bumps generally on scalp or face that develops to acne like lesions in a few days from start.

Group 5 – Copper deficiency after methylation startup has been achieved which often starts refeeding syndrome. 50mg or more of zinc has been indicated as a possible cause. 200-400 mg of zinc has been linked to copper deficiency. Excess supplemental or environmental manganese is linked to copper deficiency. Any or all symptoms can occur at “low normal range” copper tests. Well after all other observable copper deficiency symptoms showed up, a lower value as copper contibued to fall, MCV suddely went over 100 after it had fallen to

Demyelination of nerves similar to Sub Acute Combined Degeneration except that methylation and ATP startup has occurred, and copper deficiency favors damage to the upper motor neurons with perceived muscle weakness. Brittle nails. Sleep disorders. Mood (especially depression perhaps) and personality changes. Connective tissue breakdown. Spider veins. Varicose veins. Shrinking gums. Gum disease not responsive to usual measures. Unstoppable tooth decay on exposed areas without enamel. Low testosterone

Group 6 – Excess P-5-P, an active form of B6 that appears to drive hematocrit.

High hematocrit. The blood thickens and doesn’t pump as easily. Deep vein thrombosis can result. Other suspected circulatory hazards. Sometimes linked to high testosterone when lowering P-5-P might reduce it.

Group 7 – Excess B-vitamins affecting methylation

When taking the active B12/folate deadlock quartet (AdoCbl, MeCbl, Metafolin, L-methylfolate) Excess B1 - Thiamin, Excess B2 – Riboflavin, Excess B3 – Niacin and/or Excess Inositol can all produce an excess need for potassium to deal with Groups 1, 2a and 2b symptoms and/or produce an excess need for l-methylfolate to reduce groups 2a, 2b and 3 symptoms. A person might not be able to correct by taking potassium or folate and may need to reduce B1 <= 15mg/day, B2<= 10.2mg/day, B3 <=50mg, and inositol below an unknown quantity.

Group 8 – Boron insufficiency.

Arthritis swelling and pain, can be reduced by Boron

Contribution to fatigue, neurological effects.

Runaway tooth decay

Loss of calcium in bones and teeth

15 Surprising Benefits of Boron

Although all of the deficiency symptoms of boron are not fully understood, it is known that boron deficiency might result in the abnormal metabolism of calcium and magnesium. Some of the other symptoms include hyperthyroidism, sex hormone imbalance, osteoporosis, arthritis and neural malfunction.

Group 9 - Vanadium insufficiency

Deficiency of vanadium is poorly known or recognized. It affects tissue permeabilty like insulin.

Group 10 - Lithium insufficiency Non ionizing forms, small micronutrient doses

Lithium allows better permeability of B12 in nervous system membranes. Many people appear to have trouble affecting some B12 deficiency symptoms with B12 even

Group 11 - Iodine insufficiency, especially needed for those who don't eat iodized table salt and/or seafood.

Group 12 - L-carnitine XXXXX, That can be L-carnitine tartrate, L-C Fumarate, L-C freebase, ALCAR and others but usually works only one kind at a time.

neuromuscular pain, feeling of growing inflammation, fatigue, mood changes, sleep problems. These are quick occuring symptoms and they can sprwead to the complete 4 way deadlock over time.

It appears that for most people in this refeeding situation many may respond to only one form of l-carnitine, initially fumarate or ALCAR and sometimes also including a freebase form. However, as the deficienciencies change, the pathways appear to change and the carinitne that worked so well no longer does and the form is some entirely different one, like tartrate or some other variation. A person may need to trial half a dozen forms. A response is usually clear the first day or occasionally several days with micro doses and titration. And it can change based on what else is corrected.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City

Thank you so much for getting back to me. Just the fact you can give me some guidance gives me such solace.

Apparently to start a conversation I need to have made 5 posts so yes, I am getting notified. Just lost all motivation to do anything. The world passes me by, I am like a completely different person. Its very very frightening and I cant beleive Ive had such an intense reaction and it's so poorly documented

"such an intense reaction and it's so poorly documented" - The symptoms were all made orphan symptoms back in the 50s when they were lying to themselves to sell the idea of CyCbl and that it's deficiency only causes pernicious anemia. Folic acid in the use since the 40s is nearly useless for many and causes deficiency symptoms for many like me. So of course it isn't documented. Also, they were afraid to equate refeeding after starvation (post WW2) and refeeding syndrome after vitamin deficiency.


Senior Member
Hi Freddd,

So I started on high dose b12/folate when I first read your info after taking NAC.

To explain I have been ill for around 2 years with hormonal imbalances leading to hormonal issues like hair loss. Was diagnosed with polycyclic ovaries although I have no cysts in my ovaries. Go figure. Along with these was greatly increased anxiety, sleep changes from always fine to waking up at 3/4/5 every day, food intolerances, muscle atrophy, and a new intolerance to alcohol which lead to flushing in my cheeks and waking up a few hours after going to sleep with very high adrenaline blood rushing in y ears etc. severe raynnaulds and cold intolerance, and ridges in my fingernails. Also my nail beds turned white/blue.

(Before this I have had muscle pain/hyper excitability since I was about 18 so ten years but didn't believe this to be related ur now I suppose maybe it is?)

At the beginning of the year I started getting numbness and pins and needles whoch lead me to b12 deficiency. Unfortunately I launched into taking b12 and got hypokalemia symptoms (didn't know this was what it was at the time) which put me off taking them.

Fast forward to the beginning of July and I'd reasoned maybe my problem was a deficiency of glutathione. Did loads of research, found literally no warnings about taking NAC and started taking 600 per day. After 5 days o was listening to a lecture and realised I couldn't follow it at all. Next day I couldn't remember anything. A few days later I couldn't remember something that had happened moments before. It almost felt like I was having a seizure at some points. Had a very severe headache in my right frontal lobe.

I read all your posts and took some b12 and folate and improved a little bit. I got some jarrow brand b12 and took that with high dose folate for 2 days and the tingling/burning in my hands got much much worse and also my nail beds went very severely white. So I think I must have induced an even more severe b12 deficiency as jarrow is clearly not a quality brand.

Now when I take b12 (enzymatic therapy) it gives me folate deficency symptoms (muscle pain/inflammation that doesn't go away upon taking even very big doses of folate, starting too much healing?) and when I take enough folate to make these go away it makes my fingers go a scary shade of white/blue and the nerve burning in my hand increases straight away (so b12 def?). also there have been a few glimpses of me getting my mind back over the past few weeks but then it always goes back to even worse. I feel like I've gotten myself into a situation where Im damaging myself whatever I do meanwhile have complete apathy inability to have thoughts diminishing energy memory loss word retrieval problems. Etc. Etc.

There are other details I'm sure but this is as concise as I can make it at the moment.

I feel like I don't know what to do and everything I do might be making it worse.

Where do you think I should go from here? How can I track my progress? Do you think ive done myself irreparable harm?

Sorry for all the information. I'm having trouble processing it myself.

Thanks so much, I just wish I'd read your warnings before taking NAC.


Senior Member

Do you know your vitamin B1 and B6 status? Many of your problems seem nerve-related and these two vitamins are also known to help with nerve problems.

Some members on this forum have reported problems after taking methylfolate/B12 that were resolved by taking B1.

B6 is also involved with glutathione production.


Senior Member
Hi Eastman,

Thanks a lot for the reply. I remember long before I was this ill with the NAC induced brain fog I did a organic acids tests which came back very deficient in b6. I think my b1 was alright.

I'm wondering at the moment about the balance of things as when I take high b12 I get 'folate deficiency symptoms' that are not relieved by folate. In fact when I take high dose folate to try and relieve them I get highly increased b12 deficency symptoms so I'm worried I'm increasing my b12 deficit with the folate. Do you have any experience of this?

Do you think it's worth trying some higher dose b6?

Thanks so much for sharing :)


Senior Member

Do you know your vitamin B1 and B6 status? Many of your problems seem nerve-related and these two vitamins are also known to help with nerve problems.

Some members on this forum have reported problems after taking methylfolate/B12 that were resolved by taking B1.

B6 is also involved with glutathione production.
What sort of dose should I start on? Thanks


Senior Member
I'm wondering at the moment about the balance of things as when I take high b12 I get 'folate deficiency symptoms' that are not relieved by folate. In fact when I take high dose folate to try and relieve them I get highly increased b12 deficency symptoms so I'm worried I'm increasing my b12 deficit with the folate. Do you have any experience of this?

If you get 'folate deficiency symptoms' that were not relieved by folate, it is always possible that it was due to something else. As I mentioned earlier, some members who experienced problems after taking folate or B12 managed to get relief from B1. See here, here, here, here, here and here.

When I started on B12, I did get diarrhea, which is sometimes attributed to folate deficiency here, but it cleared by itself quickly.

Do you think it's worth trying some higher dose b6?

You did have a previous test result showing B6 deficiency and current symptoms that could possibly indicate it.

What sort of dose should I start on? Thanks

It is usually recommended to start low and increase gradually.

I am currently taking 12 mg of B6 from a B-complex.

According to WebMD, the recommended dosage for B6 deficiency is 2.5-25 mg daily.

The Neurobion tablet that some doctors give for nerve problems contain 200 mg of B6 in addition to 100 mg of B1 and 200 mcg of B12.

Note though that high doses of B6 in the form of pyridoxine over a long period of time can actually cause nerve damage. The active form pyridoxal 5′-phosphate is probably safer.


Senior Member
If you're around @Freddd I would really appreciate your opinion on this.

I was diagnosed with a rare form of aggressive sarcoma (cancer) in early summer. The oncologist says it's most likely due to DNA damage from low folate and B12 for decades, which as you know, I am now replacing with MeB12 and Methylfolate for two years, and ironically doing really well with refeeding, and able to walk more every few months (I was completely bedridden). The oncologist understands my need for meb12 & methylfolate and I'm being considered for immunotherapy treatment, if there is a metastasis.

I had the tumour removed and have no symptoms (never had - it looked like an innocent cyst).

The thing is I'm now being referred for a full-body PET scan which uses a small dose of radioactive material (FDG). I'm being told to avoid pregnant woman, babies, and children for several hours afterwards 'because they are making new cells all the time and they shouldn't be exposed to radioactivity'.

Given that I too am building new cells in this way every day with refeeding, would I be at risk from the radioactive tracer (FDG) in the same way as a pregnant woman, baby or child?

If so, I would prefer to ask my consultant for a different diagnostic scan - the possibility of a high resolution CT scan was mentioned instead (for the lung nodule they found on full-body MRI after the original tumour was removed).

They also said the lung nodule doesn't exhibit any clear features of cancer and I may wish to choose to watch and monitor it, but that could be risky given the original tumour was aggressive (high grade soft-tissue sarcoma). So it's either the PET or high resolution CT or I may ask for low-dose CT scan if that's possible to assess the nodule.

If you're around @alicec it would be great to hear from you too, just in case you've come across a situation like this before re potential cell damage from radioactive tracer or CT radiation. The radiologist doesn't know for sure about the PET risk for me. The consultant radiologist and other consultants just brush off my concerns about cell damage: 'we do these scans all the time'.
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Senior Member
Salt Lake City
If you're around @Freddd I would really appreciate your opinion on this.

I was diagnosed with a rare form of aggressive sarcoma (cancer) in early summer. The oncologist says it's most likely due to DNA damage from low folate and B12 for decades, which as you know, I am now replacing with MeB12 and Methylfolate for two years, and ironically doing really well with refeeding, and able to walk more every few months (I was completely bedridden). The oncologist understands my need for meb12 & methylfolate and I'm being considered for immunotherapy treatment, if there is a metastasis.

I had the tumour removed and have no symptoms (never had - it looked like an innocent cyst).

The thing is I'm now being referred for a full-body PET scan which uses a small dose of radioactive material (FDG). I'm being told to avoid pregnant woman, babies, and children for several hours afterwards 'because they are making new cells all the time and they shouldn't be exposed to radioactivity'.

Given that I too am building new cells in this way every day with refeeding, would I be at risk from the radioactive tracer (FDG) in the same way as a pregnant woman, baby or child?

If so, I would prefer to ask my consultant for a different diagnostic scan - the possibility of a high resolution CT scan was mentioned instead (for the lung nodule they found on full-body MRI after the original tumour was removed).

They also said the lung nodule doesn't exhibit any clear features of cancer and I may wish to choose to watch and monitor it, but that could be risky given the original tumour was aggressive (high grade soft-tissue sarcoma). So it's either the PET or high resolution CT or I may ask for low-dose CT scan if that's possible to assess the nodule.

If you're around @alicec it would be great to hear from you too, just in case you've come across a situation like this before re potential cell damage from radioactive tracer or CT radiation. The radiologist doesn't know for sure about the PET risk for me. The consultant radiologist and other consultants just brush off my concerns about cell damage: 'we do these scans all the time'.

@Athene* ,

Yikes. I just got back from vacation at a 2500 foot higher altitude and had the worse hypokalemia I have ever had for the entire period. The need for altitude adjustments in hematocrit is triggered by lower oxygen. That demonstrates the "triage" behaviour of delivery of MeCbl/L-methylfolate showed the effect of urgent need for red cells triggered by EPO caused by lack of oxygen. So a lesion opened and increased in size for 2 weeks on my thumb by the nail corner and it increased in depth and width of missing tissue. By the time I was home, one day of decreasing altitude driving, the "burn" was gone and in one week it was 90% healed and is a few days away from 100%. The lack of cell making from nutritional lacks appears to be taking from fast healing epithelial tissue to repair insufficient red cells; a very "organized" (and evolved) response, and then it heals very quickly and sheds the damaged tissue.

Radiation damages a cell differently, much more randomly like a sunburn but deeper possibly in the body. X-radiation vs particulate different and damages differently. I don't know your age. I'm not likely to live long enough to get cancer from medical imaging radiation as far as I know. They may be asking me similar questions depending upon some test results that are still out and could be perfectly normal which I would much prefer. Dead cells have no future. It's the ones that are injured cells that can go very wrong. So MeCbl deficiency can cause faulty cells on the cervix that are seen in the PAP test. Sometimes there is cancer. There appear to be at least a number of cancers with cell making flaws through faulty hypermethylation with folic acid and lacking l-methylfolate and maybe MeCbl. As this is directly working with DNA/RNA things can go wrong. I don't have the specialized knowledge about radiation damage to give a good comparison, or indeed any comparison. A short half life medical radioactive not much of risk as far as I know.

The can give potassium iodide to prevent radio-iodine from being taken up into the thyroid. Maybe they do something like that.

Good luck.