My husband and l have taken a wide range of vitamins ie Vit A, Vit C, B complex, B6, Vit E, garlic capsules and codliver oil capsules , we have taken daily for years. It did not stop us both getting Covid. Only one we didnt take till after Covid ,was Vit D. From my symptoms it appears l had the Delta Plus. l kept a diary from the first day of our symptoms and up to month that l was showing symptoms. Here is a small extract of what it was like for me who has severe M.E.
13th Sept, B told me at 7pm he feels ill. l felt his forehead, he's burning up. We both hope its only flu.
14th, B says he feels ok, no temperature.
15th, B feels unwell again. l go to bed early as starting to feel ' strange.' im wondering if we have covid.
16th l woke ok,, usual M.E symptoms. B test positive for Covid. NHS says he caught it 5 to 7 days before the 13th
17th, B has bad diarrhorea. for 24hrs. Both our temp is 100. l test positive for Covid
18th. B has loss of smell. i feel really ill, my temp 103.l cant eat and water tastes horrible.
19th B feels much better, still loss of smell. He does not lose his sense of taste.He's eating ok. My temp taken by B ,three times a day, its between 100 and 103.
20th At evening l have really bad severe diarrhorea. feel really ill.
21st. l still cant eat or drink, B says ring dr..l say ll ring tomorrow. my temp is 99.6
22nd l ring dr, told him l positive, told him l cant eat, told him iv loss of smell and taste..dr says just drinks lots of water,. says he cant giver me any prescription for Covid. As talking to him l forgot to mention my temp.
23rd to 29th my daily temp is still up and down between 99 to 104. l still cant eat and can only take sips of water. l feel really ill, the constant coughing is wearing me out. B thinks l should go to hospital, l say no unless have trouble breathing. lm still bedbound, cant wash etc.B is looking after me.
30th, l ring dr, in morning told him my temp is now 104, he says l have to get it my temp down and l must take paracetamol 4 times a day. Told him l have bad sinus headache, he said its the Covid, says Covid affects the sinus that then causes the bad head pain..l ask if l would be able to have antibiotic if gets worse,tells me he cant give me anything for it as it not bacteria sinus ,its virus. D and rest of children keeps ringing as worried for me. Told B l cant talk to them or anyone else as l feel too ill. M rings, says to hang on in their. Took 2 paracetamol..lm starting to get stomach pains. it gets severe and now nauseous. l vomit at 8pm, still stomach pains. l feel im not going to get over this, feel so ill.
30th to 7th Oct, l still cant eat and still only sips of water, temp keeps going still from 99 one day to 104. the nk.
8th Oct, weigh myself lv lost a stone. Still bad cough, B says to ring dr. l say no again unless l have trouble breathing l dont want to go into hospital.
9th to 15th still feel ill,, temp still up and down but l manage to eat l small tiny bake potato in evening, nothing else all day , no bread or anything else . B trying to get me to eat little toast, l cant
16th, l wake up and rub some lavender on fore head to help sense of smell is back. l weigh myself, lv lost 1 and 1/2 stone. l have my first cup of tea in a month.,