Poll: Are you going ahead with a Booster vaccination?

Are you going ahead with a Booster vaccination?

  • As soon as possible because I feel I am at risk

    Votes: 58 47.2%
  • I am still thinking about this

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • I might well have the booster but at a later date

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • I am very concerned about having the booster as my condition seems to have worsen since vaccination

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • I am definitely not going to have the vaccine as I don't feel it's right for me

    Votes: 31 25.2%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 5.7%

  • Total voters
I respect everyone else's opinions and greatly appreciated all of the stories and insights.

I've given the matter a great deal of thought and probably won't get it until I'm inevitably forced.
My threat matrix is insignificant: I'm housebound apart from very occasional medical appointments, comply with hygiene guidelines as needed, and live with three jabbed people, who all take precautions on my behalf. My immune system is on the nothing-touches-me side of our odd little dichotomy, and I'm "healthy" in every meaningful sense (e.g. age, weight, comorbidities) apart from the massive caveat of CFS, so my experience with COVID will likely not be particularly severe.

On the other hand, I've had severe reactions to flu shots in years past: reactions that set me back months in symptomatology, to the point where I had to stop taking them (which was an easy decision given my aforementioned quasi-immunity to nigh every pathogen that drifts into my house). My age, sex, immune system etc. all work against me in terms of risk/reward on the vaccine and potential complications, like myocarditis, vs the illness itself.

I'm frankly also skeptical of the jab's effectiveness and side-effect profile. I won't go into that in detail here because I understand that it's not the place but I don't believe that the picture painted by mainstream academia/media is wholly accurate. And given what we've seen and experienced firsthand in CFS academe - for starters, the corruption around the PACE trial and its horrendous consequences - I don't think any of us could be blamed for being a little skeptical.

But everyone should be free to consult their own conscience and consider their own circumstances to form a decision that is fully their own.
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Senior Member
The medical profession has just sat on CFS/ME for 40 years, at least. I recall hearing about the breakout of what they called "Yuppie Flu" in Incline Village, Nevada. 10 years later, I caught it too. There is no way in Hades I am ever going to trust the medical profession, and no way in Hades I will ever take any Covid-19 shot. They are dangerous, and the last victim was a 20-year-old girl who got the Covid -19 vaxxine and ended up having her leg amputated, before she died of the Covid-19 shots, NOT Covid-19. I study this kind of thing intensely, just as I have for a cure for CFS/ME for a 1/4 century. She DIED due to a Covid-19 shot, period. Nothing else caused this, since I have seen it repeated over and over again with people well under the 50-year-old range. Not older people like me, but younger, as the 52 doctor who died shortly after the vaxxine injections he received..

Remember, the medical profession is looking for money, and if it takes a few shots to give you cardiovascular problems from the Covid-19 vaxxines, or 5 days in a "nut-house", as in my case, they will make that money, scaring everyone to death over a minor flu bug. Sorry, (not really )but I am not afraid to die, and would rather be with my Lord, then here on Earth. But He has more things for me to do here, so I live on and do His will. Covid-19 itself cannot harm me at all, ever ( I am Covid negative) but the vaxxines surely do so and can. Since all the pharmaceutical CORPORATIONS have full immunity from prosecution, and have many attorney's backing them up, you won't find any help either, if something they did was wrong, just as I did.

No one is making me ill with a Covid vaxxine, proven to kill, harm and maim innocent people, and I, for one, will not stand for that, ever. All these pharmaceutical CORPORATIONS love inflicting injuries on people who are unaware of the consequences of these vaxxines (not vaccines, as these are NOT vaccines at all) It's all about profit, as I saw when they threw me into a Psychiatric facility in seconds for no reason and almost caused my death to make $7500 dollars per day, or $37500 for doing absolutely nothing for me. No way I could sue them, and neither will you, if their poisons harm you.

Pure, unadulterated PROFIT! That's what the medical profession has become. Dr. Welby died long ago. Trust your instincts. If you don't want a medical procedure done, then do not let them trick you.

Just say "NO"!
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Rvanson; please can you provide the link to the girl who was maimed by the Covid vaccine and also the link where Covid is 'just a minor flu' so that we can all read the claims you have made. l have experienced first hand, that Covid is not ' just a minor flu' . So l would like to read your researched links on those claims please.
l am a Devout Baptized Christian for over 45 years, and l have to tell everyone on here...... Covid Disease does not care which God/ Religion a person believes in !!!
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lm not sure if links can be posted on here..so l did look up and found that a 20 year old Muslin student in Thailand had leg amputated and later died , she had blood clot from her mixed 2nd vaccine, was treated and had a brain clot from the medication and died from that , as reported in the ITB times.

Scientist in Germany said they are not sure what happened but suggested the 2 step mechanism needed by the vaccines she had, And is 'rare clots' according to the Australian Department of Health.
while researching the above l also found a New Study in the ScienceDaily . com( 16/7/21 ) reported that HAVING Covid-19, is associated with clots in the legs.
So its still rare side effects from having Vaccine- Verses- New Study of associated leg blood clots with those who catch Covid.
So l think l'll still have my booster etc and follow the Science and not on emotional fear from a few people who think ' Covid is just a minor flu'.
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Senior Member
@Rvanson, I say NO, too. Though I am an atheist.
Every year, since 2003 I catch all sorts of flu or suffer from flu- like symptoms until 2011 and absolutely nothing between 2011 - 2017, then severe viral infection turning pneumonia 2017, did not get covid as yet and not vaccinated.
Nothing made sense since the beginning of this pandemic, all the information given were inconsistent. This is a huge failure of scientific community and the system as a whole.


Senior Member
The medical profession has just sat on CFS/ME for 40 years, at least. I recall hearing about the breakout of what they called "Yuppie Flu" in Incline Village, Nevada. 10 years later, I caught it too. There is no way in Hades I am ever going to trust the medical profession, and no way in Hades I will ever take any Covid-19 shot. They are dangerous, and the last victim was a 20-year-old girl who got the Covid -19 vaxxine and ended up having her leg amputated, before she died of the Covid-19 shots, NOT Covid-19. I study this kind of thing intensely, just as I have for a cure for CFS/ME for a 1/4 century. She DIED due to a Covid-19 shot, period. Nothing else caused this, since I have seen it repeated over and over again with people well under the 50-year-old range. Not older people like me, but younger, as the 52 doctor who died shortly after the vaxxine injections he received..

Remember, the medical profession is looking for money, and if it takes a few shots to give you cardiovascular problems from the Covid-19 vaxxines, or 5 days in a "nut-house", as in my case, they will make that money, scaring everyone to death over a minor flu bug. Sorry, (not really )but I am not afraid to die, and would rather be with my Lord, then here on Earth. But He has more things for me to do here, so I live on and do His will. Covid-19 itself cannot harm me at all, ever ( I am Covid negative) but the vaxxines surely do so and can. Since all the pharmaceutical CORPORATIONS have full immunity from prosecution, and have many attorney's backing them up, you won't find any help either, if something they did was wrong, just as I did.

No one is making me ill with a Covid vaxxine, proven to kill, harm and maim innocent people, and I, for one, will not stand for that, ever. All these pharmaceutical CORPORATIONS love inflicting injuries on people who are unaware of the consequences of these vaxxines (not vaccines, as these are NOT vaccines at all) It's all about profit, as I saw when they threw me into a Psychiatric facility in seconds for no reason and almost caused my death to make $7500 dollars per day, or $37500 for doing absolutely nothing for me. No way I could sue them, and neither will you, if their poisons harm you.

Pure, unadulterated PROFIT! That's what the medical profession has become. Dr. Welby died long ago. Trust your instincts. If you don't want a medical procedure done, then do not let them trick you.

Just say "NO"!

You are confusing profit with selling junk. Just because you make profit doesn't mean you sell junk. We all depend on big profit making corporations daily. Not just big pharma, but big tech, big car industry, big airline, big food, big supplement industry, etc. If that all was designed to kill, none of us would be alive.

There is no profit to be had by inflicting injuries. The best way to ensure a customer is happy to take your product again is to either make it useful or at minimum make it not cause harm. The easiest solution is therefore to produce a placebo shot if the goal is to just make profit.

Curious why you think COVID cannot harm you considering that millions now suffer from long COVID, which reminds a lot of ME/CFS. Statistically speaking, you are much more likely to die from COVID than from COVID shots, which I read eight billion have been given as of today. I would only consider not taking the shot if I was a severe patient or had a previous bad reaction to vaccines.


Senior Member
Melbourne , Australia
I wish that the figures bore out C19 being in same league as colds and flu (as speculated above) but they certainly do not and seeing my own family tree where EDS is the predisposition that's kicked of Rheum arthritis, purpura stuff thats led to organ loss, ME/CFS & POTS and a fair bit more through a bundle of people there is no way I am exposing myself to *another* virus with a reputation for initiating a condition thats basically CFS with added extras like messed up toes and breathing problems AND I'm not risking it getting anywhere near my kids for that reason either.

for anyone with medical complications really specific to the vaccines themselves I think they are going to find the virus is still a much bigger threat and that alt vaccines dodge those complications anyway
l thought l,d write just a little personal info on just how transmissible Covid is.
All had Delta, or Delta plus.
Of my local church of 64 people, half have caught Delta Covid in the last few months.
Of my old congregation of 72 people (before we moved house ), many caught it and two have died from Covid. One sad loss was where her husband went into hospital for a different illness, he caught Covid in hospital, but didnt know, and was sent home, and passed it on to his wife, and she died !!
Of my immediate close family of both my husband side and my side of half of us has caught Covid including 4 children. With one 40 yr old , on my husband side, who was very ill & now has Long Covid for over 6 months. My Husband saw him last weekend and he told him he is still unable to work.
Of my street where l live ( all elderly retired ) of 90 houses... 2 have died of Covid.
My neighbour who is a Occupational Therapist has caught Covid twice , Told me she was very ill, and her friend, who she had caught it off through going walking their dogs together, ended up in hospital. So far 6 houses (including mine ) had Covid , all again we were very ill.
Again they all had Covid Delta and not the Omicron, that is now overtaking Covid Delta in Uk.
So as you can see ,there have been quite a few deaths of people l personally know, and quite a few who have been very ill from Covid (including myself ) and a long list of very ill people who would feel insulted by anyone who hasnt even has Covid , were to say, they only had ' just the flu' !!
And now in UK we are hearing that some of the Omicron are causing some Hospitalization.
,My daughter in France, text me yesterday ,that the next village to her, is overwhelm with Omicron patients and they have ran out of boosters in her own village!!.
I'm thankful where l live we have the vaccines still available ( so far)
as many places in the World cant get them.
l feel insulted if anyone says,' it's just a minor flu ' !!!
its a Worldwide Emergency.
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Senior Member
lm not sure if links can be posted on here..so l did look up and found that a 20 year old Muslin student in Thailand had leg amputated and later died , she had blood clot from her mixed 2nd vaccine, was treated and had a brain clot from the medication and died from that , as reported in the ITB times.

So l think l'll still have my booster etc and follow the Science and not on emotional fear from a few people who think ' Covid is just a minor flu'.

Yes, that is the girl. I was being a bit facetious with my remark about Covid being a minor flu, but I am tired about all the jokes made about CFS/ME I've heard for 26 years and how doctors don't believe in it. A young high school boy who was in great health due to his physical training just dropped dead last week due to blood clots, and it just goes on and on,,,,,,,,but believe whatever you ant. If you feel that the vaccines outweigh the risk, then please do take them.

I simply choose not to do so. I've tested twice and I don't have Covid. I wear the masks in stores and even use the hand sanitizers, not for my sake be because it makes people feel safe. I do use vitamin C, but I have been taking that sine I was 12 years old. Humans, unlike most mammals cant make our own internally, I look much younger them my true age which I credit Vitamin C for doing.

My remark about being immune to Covid is based on the fact that I have not had a cold or flu in at least 25 years, and I've never taken a flu shot in my life. Perhaps having ME/CFS has made that possible. I don't know, but it's possible.
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Senior Member
You are confusing profit with selling junk. Just because you make profit doesn't mean you sell junk. We all depend on big profit making corporations daily. Not just big pharma, but big tech, big car industry, big airline, big food, big supplement industry, etc. If that all was designed to kill, none of us would be alive.

There is no profit to be had by inflicting injuries. The best way to ensure a customer is happy to take your product again is to either make it useful or at minimum make it not cause harm. The easiest solution is therefore to produce a placebo shot if the goal is to just make profit.

Curious why you think COVID cannot harm you considering that millions now suffer from long COVID, which reminds a lot of ME/CFS. Statistically speaking, you are much more likely to die from COVID than from COVID shots, which I read eight billion have been given as of today. I would only consider not taking the shot if I was a severe patient or had a previous bad reaction to vaccines.

You will have to forgive me, But I was the victim of medical malpractice by a huge medical mega-corporation , who almost killed me when I was given a medication, that did not mix with the one I have taken for 10 years. I suffer from a depressive disorder, and am on an old anti-depressant used back in the late 50's until the late 1970's. It a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, and one thing you must do is not consume certain food's such as aged cheese or aged meats like salami, and many others as they are full of a chemical called tyramine. If you mix it it with certain medicines like cold medicines, it can do the same, and can cause seizures or strokes due to high blood pressure, I had a grand-mal seizure, which could have killed me. After I had all the paperwork from the center I found out why that happened I never had a seizure before in my life I could not for the life of me find even one malpractice attorney who would take the case. I wear a Medi-alert bracelet that says I am on a MAO inhibitor, but that didn't matter to these people. So yeah I have a huge beef with the medical profession,
i am 70 yrs old, and lv had M.E for 45 years, now been severe M.E for over 2O years
My grandmother and my grandfather both died ,aged 31 and 34 , in the last Pandemic, the Spanish Flu.
They left behind 7 children, the oldest was 16 yrs old..my Aunt,
In one week, my Aunt had to bury both her parents together ,as they died 3 days apart. My granddad died in the backroom of the house, down stairs ,with only my greatgrandmother nursing him so that he didnt pass it on to the 7 children. But one of my 31 yr old grandmothers children caught it off him. My grandmother had just given birth to their 7th baby while her husband lay dying of the agonising Spanish Flu Virus, He was just 34 yrs old. Not only did my grandmother lose her husband 3 days earlier but one of the 7 children, the 4 year old also died of the flu. My Aunt who was 16 yrs old at the time, carried the 4 yr old all the way to the hospital, where her sister was taken off her at the gates ,as no one was allowed inside the hospital because of the Pandemic. My Aunt never saw her 4 yr old sister again, as she died there.
My dad was just 11 years old when he lost both his parents within 3 days apart (my grandparents) and his 4 yr old sister. My dad was never able to talk about this Pandemic, it was much too stressful for him to talk about it, and what the virus did ,and l only found out about it all after he died as my Aunt ,who was the 16 yr old, wrote it all down and had a book published. Its in all UK Libraries. The book was published after my Auntie died , by her 3 daughters and l went to the book launch. A Historian wrote the fore word to the book about the Historical Facts written in the book. No vaccine, so millions died. My Aunt wrote in the book that everyone in their street had someone who died and no one could even go to hospital, it was a waste of time trying, as there was no treatment or vaccine. After she wrote the book l sent for all the certificates of my grandparents and the 4 yr old. To me, its my way of keeping them near and not forgotten.
The one thing l will always remember my beloved Aunt writing was that she wished there had been some treatment (vaccine) for her parents and baby sister.
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Senior Member
A very sad story indeed, Sebreeze. I am sorry for you. My family was lucky and the only death at 15 was my aunt who died of pneumonia in 1929. She became ill, even though she was a strong athletic swimmer and did die as penicillin had not been developed to kill it off, My grandpa died at 54, but that was a work accident, not an illness.

I would be dead right now but for that miraculous medicine that killed off the nasties after I almost died at 10 years old. My folks waited too long and it burst. Felt like getting shot in the guts, and I surely would have died, had the surgeons not operated and there was no way to kill the bacteria.

That is why I respect some class of doctors and not others, I am not a doctor but have studied medicine since becoming ill with ME/CFS, since no one else is going to help us out. Just call use names and craking jokes about the illness. I have no use for general practitioners, and most involved in the psychiatric profession.

Most are in deed quacks , who have left Dopamine out of the mix of anti-depressants and why I use a drug that could kill me, but it was the doctors, not me that almost did that. MAO inhibitors to affect the dopamine reward system, that is why I use it, unfortunately my older psychiatrist (I am older then him) is retiring next year so i won't find one like him, again They are like a bunch of whimps, acting like gods again, I'l me heading down to Mexico to buy my Parnate as most huge corp doctors will not touch it with a ten foot poll, They would rather Rx useless pills and speak of Serotonin as if it a miracle medicine, which it is not. It's only part of the puzzle of depression, as in long term. I know more about all the medicine used for treating it them most.of them do by a long shot.
just a update..had my booster on Friday, and all is well with it.
l had the usual after symptoms of sore arm and rise in temperature for 24 hrs, which went as fast as it came. So glad i'm up to date with my vaccines for peace of mind, as my next door neighbour and her husband are both just getting over the Omicron.
She has now caught the virus 3 times !
She had twice with Delta and now the Omicron . l had the Delta plus and we compared symptoms, She had really bad headaches with both the Delta but no cough , where as l had slight headaches but bad cough and loss of appetite etc with the Delta plus. We both were very ill though.
She is a OT for children and he works from home as a Draughtsman, so he prob caught the Omicron from his wife's workplace.


Senior Member
Yes, we're presently up to date with both vaccines & boosters. This will change at the end of February, though, so must find a pharmacy that can give us additional boosters then.

I have no major side-effects and am so pleased. The usual, as you say, but then they're to be expected.

I would love to know the name of the book about your relatives. A horrible story, but not unusual for those days. Generally speaking I think people didn't start talking about death in an open way again until probably 20 yrs. ago. I know that during my childhood it was barely mentioned, apart from the funeral "do." May better health be yours! Lenora.
Yes, we're presently up to date with both vaccines & boosters. This will change at the end of February, though, so must find a pharmacy that can give us additional boosters then.

I have no major side-effects and am so pleased. The usual, as you say, but then they're to be expected.

I would love to know the name of the book about your relatives. A horrible story, but not unusual for those days. Generally speaking I think people didn't start talking about death in an open way again until probably 20 yrs. ago. I know that during my childhood it was barely mentioned, apart from the funeral "do." May better health be yours! Lenora.

Lenora, thank you ,but im not sure if im allowed to say the title on here..are you able to send me a private message and ll forward the title. ?

l was listening to someone on the news who was anti vaxx who believed they were getting ill from ' vaccine shedding' when around vaccinated people .
The vaccine does not do that, but it started me thinking if they really believe the vaccine is so dangerous will they worry about having blood transfusions . as they prob will most likely get blood from a vaccine person....
Also havent read anywhere about if Covid Virus can pass through blood transfusions, but l would think it could.
The corruption/incompetence/indifference displayed by the medical establishment towards ME led me to be very sceptical from the outset over the way the pandemic was being handled. 2 years on and terrible high mortality rates in many countries are a testament to the failure of public health authorities. The have waged war on effective early repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin which is used in dozens of countries for the treatment of Covid-19. In Utter Pradesh, population 241 million, they have done an amazing job reducing covid infections to minimal levels and saved a huge number of lives through the mass distribution of Ivermectin to the entire population.
As for the narrative over vaccines that has been blown away by Omicron. Natural immunity from prior infection is superior to the protection offered by the vaccines. This comes from a new report by the CDC. Dr. John Campbell has produced a video going through this new CDC paper that has profound implications for public health policy going forward. His conclusion from going through the CDC paper is:

''Conclusion Natural immunity with or without vaccine provided robust protection against hospitalization in the age of delta.''

I am unvaccinated and had Omicron over the xmas holiday. Now I have a high level of protection going forward. This should be recognised by public health authorities.
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Lenora, thank you ,but im not sure if im allowed to say the title on here..are you able to send me a private message and ll forward the title. ?

l was listening to someone on the news who was anti vaxx who believed they were getting ill from ' vaccine shedding' when around vaccinated people .
The vaccine does not do that, but it started me thinking if they really believe the vaccine is so dangerous will they worry about having blood transfusions . as they prob will most likely get blood from a vaccine person....
Also havent read anywhere about if Covid Virus can pass through blood transfusions, but l would think it could.
That is a good point. I am unvaccinated and am concerned about that issue. I have had Omicron and have a high level of protection. A new report form the US CDC confirms that natural immunity provides a high level of protection.