Poll: Are you going ahead with a Booster vaccination?

Are you going ahead with a Booster vaccination?

  • As soon as possible because I feel I am at risk

    Votes: 58 47.2%
  • I am still thinking about this

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • I might well have the booster but at a later date

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • I am very concerned about having the booster as my condition seems to have worsen since vaccination

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • I am definitely not going to have the vaccine as I don't feel it's right for me

    Votes: 31 25.2%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 5.7%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Yes. I doubt that all the people who are being told to get it really need it. It's become a mantra.

I have to say that I feel that way too but do wonder if this is partly to do with AZ not being as effective as the mRNA vaccines, at least according to a report in the Times last weekend. I read that after 6 months Pfizer vaccine is 75% effective which I felt is good enough for me. This was real world data btw.



I was concerned about my health because this summer I had some type of bug for about 4 weeks with night sweats, lots of fatigue, mild respiratory symptoms - I actually got tested for Covid but it was negative and my symptoms didn't really match.

Sounds a bit like what I had, though mine didn't last as long. It's hard to tell if I'm completely over it because I caught a cold the first time I was recovered enough to go out shopping. So still subpar. There's so many things going around right now and we are hit worse by each thing than healthy people so it adds up. It's pretty exhausting fighting off all these immune threats, not even knowing what half of them are.


Senior Member
I was wondering how many here are going ahead with the booster vaccination currently being recommended for those in high risk groups. It feels to me at the moment here in the UK that there is tremendous pressure for us to go ahead.

As someone who doesn't appear to have done well post the second vaccine I am holding back but getting daily texts from my surgery to book an appointment as I am 73. Having paid for a private test recently I know I still have a good level of antibodies so I am happy to wait.

Obviously I don't want this to be political in any shape or form but I have read of several fellow sufferers not doing very well after vaccination with an aggrevation of their symptoms. I guess there will be a big variation here but thought it might be useful to get a general idea of how people here are feeling.

Hi @bertidog I’m 70, live in the US and had the Moderna booster a month ago - 5 months and 2 weeks after my 2nd jab. I requested it at my drs office and had to sign an informed consent waiver because boosters were not yet approved at that time.

Side effects were the same for both me and my healthy husband on all 3 shots. About 36 hrs of feeling like we had the flu. Then back to baseline for me.

I was reluctant to get the 1st COVID shot because I hadn’t had any vaccines for over 20 hrs due to a nasty flu and pneumonia shot reaction. But COVID kills (just buried a friend last week) and when it doesn’t it can leave it’s victims in pretty bad shape for a long time.

My ME/CFS is severe, but I’m more afraid of getting COVID on top of it. Hope this helps. 😃
l will have the booster when offered as l caught Covid on 15th Sept and was very ill for a month.l never want to go through that again.. l lost 1 and 1/2 stone as l couldnt eat as l lost all appetite. l caught it off my husband who was ill on the 13th but his symptoms were less & lasted only 9 days. He had already had his 2 vaccines but id only had one, so l think that's why l was more ill. He had high temp(100) and loss of smell but l had temp of 103, loss of smell and taste and much more problems, so l think l had the Delta plus virus, even though at time l had already had my 1st vaccine in August when l caught it in Sept.. lv just had my 2nd vaccine and had 24hrs of feeling as if l had the flu, After that 24hrs l was back to my M.E baseline. l have severe M.E, now for over 45 yrs. To be honest, my Covid illness experience is something l dont want to go through ever again if possible, so i'm having the booster if there is a chance it will lessen me catching it again or reduce Covid symptoms. Covid is nasty, its not like the flu, if l hadnt had my 1st vaccine l dread to think how much more ill or worse , l would have been.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Thank you for sharing that. It’s a good reminder to not let my guard down just because I’ve been vaccinated. My area has mask mandates for large indoor gatherings right now due to high transmission rates. But some people ignore it. I’m so glad you recovered. :)

Here in my area of south-east England people seem to think the pandemic is over probably not helped by the fact that here we have one of the lowest rates in the south-east. Therefore the majority aren't even bothering to wear masks in shops let alone any distancing. I have only been to a shop once without a mask and that was because it was empty inside but I always have one in my handbag ready to put on just in case.

It's very frustrating the way the general public are acting at least in England.

Hubby became ill on the first night of our 7 day holiday..l became ill 2 days later. Only a few at the holiday site and seaside town wore masks , but we wore ours constantly. We were told by the NHS that we must have caught it in between 5 days before we arrived at the holiday resort. l had not been out in those prior 5 days but hubby had been to a music band club 4 days before we went away. He said no one was wearing masks as it wasnt mandate. The place was very enclosed and very little air conditioning, so we are convinced he caught it there.
What is needed are effective, safe early treatments considering the high numbers of double vaxxed people getting covid. There are plenty of these from fluvoxamine to Ivermectin. Governments are ignoring these safe cheap anti virals.

In mid August the head of the WHO made a plea to wealthy developed countries to not administer boosters.
Haaretz on 18 August reported:

"In a series of tweets over the weekend, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom argued that for wealthy countries to offer a third vaccine dose while many poor countries have barely started administering first doses is both morally and epidemiologically unacceptable.

“The more people remain unvaccinated against #COVID19 globally, the more opportunity the virus has to spread and evolve into potentially more dangerous variants, which increases the risk for everybody. This is why we need a moratorium on boosters,” he tweeted Sunday.''


"Deal with it"
Illinois, USA
My vaccination was Moderna and I had some bad side effects. Was in bed for 3 - 5 days each dose. Got Covid arm on the second.

I had the Pfizer as my booster on Saturday. Some gastro issues on Saturday and slept most of Sunday. Back to work today.

I took extra D-Ribose and ubiquinol. And an extra benedryl after.


Senior Member
Goodness, it has now been about a month since my Pfizer booster. My husband had Moderna. We have also had the flu shots....no problems with any of them apart from the usual sore arm for about 3 days. No aftereffects that I could tell. My husband said the same thing. Yours Lenora.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Goodness, it has now been about a month since my Pfizer booster. My husband had Moderna. We have also had the flu shots....no problems with any of them apart from the usual sore arm for about 3 days. No aftereffects that I could tell. My husband said the same thing. Yours Lenora.

That's good to hear. Do you normally have an immune system that tends to overreact to various things and do you have any known allergies cos I guess people like me who already have this sort of immune system are likely to get more reactions from vaccines.

For the past 11 years my annual blood test shows basophils that are at the top of the range but my GP never comments on this and I know they are involved in allergy so I wonder in my case if these high levels of basophils are always there looking for something to react to! Possibly unscientific but it does make me wonder.


Blue Jay

Senior Member
My husband has stage 4 lung cancer so is highly at risk. We both had our boosters a month ago. A few days later he was very ill with a high temperature and we called the paramedics who thought it best to keep him out of hospital. He did a covid test which came back negative.

I was very unhappy about the way the vaccination centre was run - no social distancing while queuing outside. Once we got inside it was well organised but I feel there's a good chance he caught something there. If we'd known beforehand what it was going to be like, obviously, we'd have gone elsewhere. I think the GP could have made better arrangements for the more vulnerable.

For myself, I've felt more unwell with each vaccination but still prefer that to getting covid.


Senior Member
Hi @bertiedog.....I have severe allergies and I won't go on about them. Anyway, I had the booster about a month ago now, plus a flu shot at my doctor's office a few weeks later. Both were fine...just the usual sore arms, nothing else.

Like @Blue Jay I find that it's most likely safer to have the vaccines, booster vaccine, flu shot and the new shingles vaccine (2 shots given over a few weeks). I never want to have shingles again in my life. My doctors can never decide what I should do, so I make the decisions myself. I have to....everything is so relatively unknown in our case. Stay healthy. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
west yorkshire
I would love to feel OK about having the booster, but I am still unrecovered from the aftermath of my second AZ shot in April. Ive had to leave my job and I mostly live in bed now, with rare forays into the outside world. I darent disable myself further at this stage as my partner is currently caring for his terminally ill father and is not well himself- so would not be able to care for me. My spoons now go on looking after myself, so Im going to have to wait for my condition to improve before considering the booster.