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I don't think so. I haven't felt sick per se, just this awful achiness which is similar to but different than what happens with PEM. It feels the same as when I first took a bunch of vitamin C to mop up excess glutamate - all over body aches and subsequent fatigue that disappeared when I took baking soda. Only this time the baking soda, while it alkalinized my body, did nothing for these aches and fatigue. But with the lemon juice - it took 2 hours after drinking it, but the achiness just dissolved and my energy picked up, just like that. I don't think that would happen with a virus. I think it might have something to do with the Krebs cycle, more than acidity, as @Judee suggested above.Could it just be you are fighting a virus that is going around?
About the baking soda test for stomach acid - I know all about that. I've suggested it to many people with digestive issues. Generally when I have taken baking soda, I do burp within a minute or 2. Actually I am prone to low stomach acid and have been taking betaine HCL for many years with meals that have protein and fat. I learned this the hard way when my liver was in bad shape in 2003-2004. My digestion was so bad, I couldn't eat until after 12:00 noon, I felt tired, sick, awful - and my chiropractor who does muscle testing found my liver was toxic. I did a liver detox under his supervision - it took a month and was unpleasant - but afterwards my digestion was so much improved and I also found I had to start taking betaine HCL with meals. I also had been prone to gallbladder issues, and those resolved after the detox and also taking the betaine HCL. FWIW, it seems the main problem with my liver then was toxins from heavy exposure to chemical solvents at a job I had when I was 19. Also, I started taking milk thistle then and have continued ever since.
My digestion is good now. I know what bad digestion both from liver and gallbladder problems feels like! And I don't get those issues any more. A glass of wine used to leave me feeling sick for an entire day, and 2 glasses would make me sick for 3 days. That doesn't happen any more. I can drink in moderation with no issues at all. I've wondered if some of the people who have alcohol intolerance actually have livers that are overloaded with toxins.
Absolutely! I totally agree it's very good for the body! Thanks for your suggestionsLemon juice could be helping with digestion, bile production and a source of potassium and vit C.