I know exactly how you feel. I am even back to eating nuts, seeds and chocolate daily
Yesterday and today I took Maca, despite having a slight worsening in my ankle joints this morning. And about 2 hours after my Maca today I felt discomfort at the right ureter
I don't always take the oxalate degrading probx because the Lactate-free probx help me sleep better, so I alternate them.
why are we storing oxalates? Is everyone? Why is one person an endogenous producer and another not? indeed
I think there is a fungal connection.
it sounds like we are doing similar things...ie chocolate, nuts on occasion.
I took 1/4 VSL#3 packet last night and eyes are a tad itchy today. I will need to look up other oxalate degrading probx.
Interesting about sleep and lactate-free Probx.
I'm finding that different Probx have very different effects! With so many other variables, it is sometimes hard to determine, however.
As for the fungal connection, I have had problems with the yeastie beasties off and on for many many years. I am wondering why? Digestion markers were good on last CDSA test but I know digestion does suffer with stress. Perhaps I am diabetic or pre-diabetic? I did have gestational diabetes with my 4th pregnancy. And my babies were big....both signs of predisposition to diabetes. However, the last HbA1c test was very good. My SIgA is low which means, I think, that my body is not recognizing the yeast and therefore not mounting a defense. I rarely get sick but have had cancer. So, there are some problems in my immune system. I have the feeling that if I could keep yeast very low and heal possible leaky gut that the presumed oxalate problem would go away.
If we are endogenous producers, then dumping will continue until underlying problem is corrected. Most people do not seem to have oxalate problems. Its all very frustrating!