@Freddd thank you for this. I have a mix of hypothyroidism and ME symptoms and it's v hard to know what's what and how to treat best. Also if using all T3/liothyronine as I am then the symptoms are bumpier anyway so it's even harder to know what is happening, though I take BP/temp/pulse if I am unsure of which way to go, and these of course can react quickly to the T3.I see a lot mixing of methylation and thyroid considerations. I want to point out one very important difference, rate of response. MeCbl and AdoCbl used through mucosal absorption can start responding in 5 minutes and has typically peaked by 2 hours. Methylfolate taken orally can start affecting a person in an hour or less and peaks in 2 or 3 hours and fades after that, very serum level related. L-carnitine can take effect in an hour and can take up to 36 hours or so to return to previous condition.
Changes in TSH from hormone dose levels takes days to start responding and longer to fully adjust. The exact times aren't the point. It is this difference in rate that is important. If one tries to adjust thyroid each day based on how they feel each day things are going to mess up. B12 and folate have basically immediate effects. It takes weeks or months for equilibrium to be reached with MeCbl, a few doses for some people with AdoCbl but not everybody. So one needs to learn the dynamics of their own body. But B12 and folate and be changed every day knowing what is helping and what symptoms are being affected. There is no such fast connection with thyroid hormone and TSH.
Be careful. Good Health.
Isn't that a great feeling, that brainfog liftoff?
my chronic gastritis
Could I ask a related question please @Fredd re Carnitine on here or on the thread I raised it on, as no one yet has replied who knows apart from ahmo who is using it in footbath.....http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...l-would-this-method-work-transdermally.34983/
Just want to know really from a scientific point of view how much this is helping please?
I can tolerate well so far all the methylation supps apart from Carnitine which I cannot take orally due to the acidity which affects my chronic gastritis(?ulcer) badly. I am now trying Drs Best L-Carnitine Fumarate contents (up to 2 a day now) mixed with magnesium oil spray that also contains DMSO. How well is this likely to work for me please? Would I likely to need much more than orally? I am putting it on soles of feet and thin skin elsewhere.
I do have fat (coconut oil) but maybe there are degrees of how much I can take.
Hi Mermaid,
I don't know. I can't even guess what the absorption rate might be. Can you titrate by effect? If carnitine is helping you will feel it but the threshold may be some hundreds of MCGs to hundreds of MGs. Dermal absorption is often a small percentage. Good luck.
Were you taking in a large amount e.g. a tablespoonful or more?
Was your insomnia severe??? Could you sleep at all???! How long did it take for nicotinic acid to work??What happened:
What I surmise from my reactions:
- I gradually worked up to 400mcg methylfolate w/ mB12.
- With each step up I got big improvements in energy, mood, and my need for thyroid and ribose dropped off. But at the 400mcg mark I developed severe insomnia - COULD. NOT. SLEEP. Similar effect to taking 400mg SAMe.
- I dropped back down to 267mcg methylfolate, but still had powerful insomnia.
- I went off methylfolate for 4 days. Took Nicotionic acid as needed. The insomnia gradually decreased each night I was off. I could sleep again.
- On Monday I started over again with just 67mcg methylfolate, thinking that wold be more gentle. The insomnia came right back. But my energy / PEM threshold has risen.
- It appears that my methylation cycle was previously disrupted or broken.
- It appears that taking methylfolate with B12 restarted my methylation cycle successfully, keeping it going even after I stopped methylation supplements.
- It appears I am very sensitive to methylfolate. (I'm more like @Avalon or @caledonia, less like @Freddd )
- It appears I am mostly tolerant to mB12 - it feels good, doesn't seem to bother me.
- I don't know my SNPs: I was rejected by 23andMe.
- I may need some sort of very low dose methylation support - preferably some kind of support that lets my body control its own rate of methylation. Hydroxycobalmin? Folinic acid? ???
Since Monday I have been off almost all supplements (except fish oil, NT Factor energy lipids, Vitamin C, thyroid and magnesium). I have depended on daily supplements for years.
To my surprise, I seem to have PLENTY of energy... I don't feel like a "CFS sufferer"... I am active all day and wait for PEM to come and it just doesn't really hit me like it did pre-Methylation experiment.
But I still feel a little bit "off balance".. sometimes "undermethylated" and sometimes "overmethylated" and have some insomnia. I am not cured, but definitely inspired.
I am considering going on Yasko's All-in-One multivitamin which boasts "VERY LOW dose methylation support" - 25mcg folate per pill.
How long should I wait before starting up methylfolate again?
Do some people require short-term methylation support only, and then they are back up and running for a long time?
Can you see any kind of pattern or offer insights / cofactors that may be important?
thank you.
Was your insomnia severe??? Could you sleep at all???! How long did it take for nicotinic acid to work??