Well if this pans out with some sort of hypo metabolism. It is pretty hard to exercise your way out of that!
Indeed, with a cellular defect in energy metabolism (presumably driven by infection/autoimmunity), if you performed a VO2 max exercise test, twice, you may find a drastic difference between Day 1 and Day 2 (as Snell et al did), because exercise increases immune response, specifically inflammation, which presumably slams ATP. This inflammation in 'CFS' can be Oxidative Stress. Immune response in CFS doesn't have to be a rampant infection which skeptical doctors are looking for (temperature, diahoreah, vomiting), instead it could be an infection lead autoimmune attack that (due to Mito defect) massively elevates ROS. NB: We don't have exercise based Oxidative Stress data on this in the severely affected or bedridden.
11 years ago, Snell et al said this in their paper....
''These results implicate abnormal immune activity in the pathology of exercise intolerance in CFS and are consistent with a channelopathy involving oxidative stress and nitric oxide-related toxicity''.
In Vivo. 2005 Mar-Apr;19(2):387-90.
Exercise capacity and immune function in male and female patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Snell CR1, Vanness JM, Strayer DR, Stevens SR.
Then 3 years ago, Snell et al, discovered this also....(this is the infamous 2-day VO2 repeat exercise test):
''Multivariate analysis showed
no significant differences between control participants and participants with CFS for test 1. However, for test 2, participants with CFS achieved significantly lower values for oxygen consumption and workload at peak exercise and at the ventilatory or anaerobic threshold. Follow-up classification analysis differentiated between groups with an overall accuracy of 95.1%.
Phys Ther. 2013 Nov;93(11):1484-92. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20110368. Epub 2013 Jun 27.
Discriminative validity of metabolic and workload measurements for identifying people with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Snell CR1, Stevens SR, Davenport TE, Van Ness JM.
With a future 'test', Snell et al (and others) can repeat their findings, and find out
who exactly has the hypometabolic state (percentage in a heterogenous cohort) and see if this correlates with the
previous 2-day VO2 max drop off in
CFS, that appears to be unique to the disease.
Not only that, but patients who have this novel hypometabolic disease
confirmed, then exceed Fukuda Criteria CFS, they must then be given a new disease diagnosis (CDC criteria does not permit explained reasons for Fatigue). This means, the truth will gradually emerge that
organic disease cohort 'CFS' patients who meet and exceed CCC CFS Criteria/ME-ICC are commonly affected by:
1) Dysautonomia and Autoimmune POTS - not officially recognised as it's the converse of bio-psycho-social theory.
2) Existing Autoimmune diseases in addition to the CFS, acquired over time since the diagnosis - ditto.
3) Rare allergy Syndromes (MCAS) with some even reporting Anaphalaxis - ditto.
4) Additional illnesses and Syndromes such as Ehlers Danlos, and PCOS in CFS females - ditto.
The above basic examples (1-4) is precisely what you would expect to find in chronic ME type conditions (inc 'Chronic Lyme'), if you
allow the people with the original described condition, ME, to be researched, and don't foolishly exclude them from biomedical research studies, because they exceed Fukuda Criteria CFS!!!!