I think people just aren´t thinking about evolution the right way. Genes aren´t always advantageous or disadvantageous, it depends on their environment. The same goes for phenomena like altered metabolisms, and so forth. It seems quite unlikely that this is advantageous for those with severe ME, unless the bed-bound are managing to find dates, go out, and have children somehow. It may be advantageous in those with mild ME - my father, for example, had four children after getting mild ME, and although this one (the one with ME) may not have children, it´s quite likely that the others will.
Of course, this mechanism will not have been selected for solely because of ME, there will be many such diseases (or states) where it is either advantageous or disadvantageous; the fact that it seems to so prevalent suggests that overall it is advantageous, but we cannot say whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous in any particular individual or group of individuals without studying the surrounding environment.