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Problem 1:
The UK is the birth place of the cruel Psych Lobby denial of ME, and should play no part in deciding anything to do with CFS or ME, because they created the suffering for patients. (Unlike independent American researchers who do the exact opposite). Ergo, they could never be independent.
Problem 2:
The UK has no independent researchers like Scientists Navieux and Ron Davis, for CFS/ME it only has the MRC.
Problem 3:
The MRC orchestrated the PACE trial and historically backed pro psychiatric views on ME as CFS.
Problem 4:
The MRC continues to enable GET studies for Children.
Problem 5:
The UK has never mailed CFS/ME patients to inform them they cannot donate blood/tissue, they have also not informed doctors!!! How many babies are now infected? 1 or 1 milliion? No one knows. How safe!
Are we to think, the UK would produce an honest study, using classic 'ME sufferers' that proves they were wrong all along?
No, their current research based on psycho-social theory of fear avoidance on exercise and activity would then have to be disbanded. That will never be allowed to happen by those who deny ME (World Health Organisation disease) even exists, as then they are proven to be wrong and need to pay compensation for injuries and deaths to PWME who've died since the 'idea' CFS = ME was established by them.
What will happen is private American researchers selling private tests (that other countries with socialised medical health care systems ignore, not just UK), will cause the development of a time-wasting long drawn out legal process in which via very costly private testing, European, Canadian and Australian ME sufferers will have to take personal legal action against the various health agencies that produce scientifically fraudulent, non evidence based research.
CBT/GET, is blueprinted in the UK and exported around the world, to be sold to (ironically) America where it is sold to American insurance companies for profit.
In terms of game changing for patients, Americans can change the status quo: America is a free nation (bill of rights, constitution, 2nd amendment etc), that has no tax payer funded, pro psychiatric state run health service. UK has no choice, it's psychiatry or nothing.(socialism). In America, you pay with your credit card for choice (capitalism)
America has choice, the UK has a dictatorship of psychiatrists who 'believe' patients 'believe' in a disease that doesn't exist as this is cost effective, and thus fits the model for communism precisely.
No escape from that, when it's state lead. UK research is also state lead and state influenced, not independent private research. Why do you think it was the MRC who just happened to need the PACE trial so much? Think why it was so important to blow $8 million on psych patients, and refer to them as 'ME'? As it de legitimizes ME.
Why then, in heaven's name, would the MRC or anyone else in power, want to then legitimize ME, by honestly replicating Navieux or Davis's work? Of course they won't.
Conversely, in America, you have human rights and an excellent ability to take legal action against people who steal your human rights, when medical evidence surfaces this is happening.
The idea that the UK will perform good quality honesty science to prove ME exits outside of psych CFS, is not going to happen, ever, as if it does, the NHS (National Health Service) would be sued for millions of pounds, by each and every patient. They would go bust, and there would be no health service left.
Thus it cannot happen.
There are metabolomics experts in the UK who are waking up today and for the first time ever they have a big interest in ME/CFS. They have no BPS baggage, no history with CFS, and probably no ties with the BPS crowd. They have access to the technology and know how to use it. The big stumbling block, in my view, is funding - hopefully charities can help, but patients will have to fund this themselves. But that is worth doing.