My recovery story


Senior Member
I've lived the nightmare. It used to take me weeks to recover sometimes from going out to see friends, if recover is even the right word. Perhaps return to the previous level. But that aside i really object to your statement, somehow insuinating I didn't have CFS. I didn't make this diagnosis myself. I am trying to spread awareness of an extremely serious issue, which no doubt effects a lot of people. This is one of the causes of CFS. Until people go after the causes of diseases, rathern than just focusing on ways to treat the symptoms, there will be no hope of recovery. Big pharma will never release a pill that will cure CFS.

Thank you for sharing your story. I have had CFS since 2014, but in 2011 I had a MAJOR upper and lower double jaw surgery. I have screws and plates in both my upper and lower jaws. And while they were doing that surgery, they also took out my wisdom teeth. I also cracked a molar in the upper right section of my mouth, and I got a molding (or filling or whatever you call it) placed on it to replace the half that cracked off. Ever since that molding has been there, I have been unable to chew anything hard with the right side of my mouth as it causes too much pain. Also on the top right side of my mouth, I can feel one of the screws from my jaw surgery protruding from under the gums. There is a big bump high on my gums, and it is the caused by the screw poking out under it.

And I only know that bump is there because I sometimes get a dull aching pain coming from that specific spot on my gums, so I went to massage it one time and discovered the bump being caused by the screw. The pain is dull and mild and only occurs rarely, so I have not gone to my surgeon about it. And every time I go to a dentist and they "fix" my problems, I end up leaving in way more pain than i was in when I got there, and I am worse off for my visit. This has created a MASSIVE distrust of the dentist and I avoid going at all costs. However, after reading your story, I really think I might be in the same boat as you and I need to go get this figured out. I just have some questions:

-My symptoms started very suddenly on September 20th, 2014 (and have very slowly worsened over time, although they do fluctuate, on average, I am not quite home bound, but somewhat close to it), but all my major jaw surgery and dental work was done in 2011 (even though the dull pain and inability to chew hard things didn't come along until 2013 or maybe even 2014, right after the dentist replaced my filling for my cracked tooth), would that be logical if cavitations were the cause of my problems? Why wouldn't they start as soon as I had the dental work, and why would they start so suddenly on such a random day?

-Did you ever experience a rapid lactic acid buildup in your muscles when you would use them for any extended period of time? Like a burning sensation as if you were at the end of a long workout?

-Did you find that activity made your symptoms worse? Could mental exertion worsen them?

If you are still reading, THANK YOU. Thanks for giving me this new avenue to pursue, and thanks for sharing your story and giving me hope.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Thanks for giving me this new avenue to pursue, and thanks for sharing your story and giving me hope.

@bctjr1993, congratulations on discovering this very important thread--especially since it seems so closely related to some of the issues you've got going on in your mouth. I've got oral issues as well that I need to follow up on, as I think one of them could be related to my tinnitus--besides my CFS. -- Anyway, thought I'd post a link to another CFS story where it was discovered that oral infections were the main cause. -- Best, Wayne

Diagnosis Unknown - Story of CFS Recovery


Senior Member
@bctjr1993, congratulations on discovering this very important thread--especially since it seems so closely related to some of the issues you've got going on in your mouth. I've got oral issues as well that I need to follow up on, as I think one of them could be related to my tinnitus--besides my CFS. -- Anyway, thought I'd post a link to another CFS story where it was discovered that oral infections were the main cause. -- Best, Wayne

Diagnosis Unknown - Story of CFS Recovery

Wow, thank you Wayne! That is great stuff, I am currently putting together a list of stories like this.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I am currently putting together a list of stories like this.

Not sure whether the story below are the kinds of stories you're looking for, but thought I leave you with a couple more links. I think "My Mercury Story" is particularly compelling...​

Oil Pulling (Ayurvedic Technique) for Oral and Sinus Issues...

My Mercury Story
In the mid 90s, despite being athletic and energetic, I began experiencing various health ailments. These ailments worsened and grew in number year-by-year. By 2000, I had acquired 17 specific physical ailments ranging from fatigue to immune weakness to constant ringing in my ears. I could only work about 4 hours per day and had to take daily naps. I knew that something was seriously wrong.

I finally stumbled upon the cause of my problems while speaking to a friend about her health issues. She told me she had Chronic Fatigue and had healed herself after 5 years of visiting doctors and getting nowhere. She told me that she had her amalgam ("silver") dental fillings removed one-by-one, as she could afford it, and it had changed her from a bed-ridden state to a normal, working person. She told me something no dentist ever had:

Amalgam dental fillings contain mercury, the world's most toxic, non-radioactive metal.

I started conducting research on the Internet and found that I was not alone. Many other people were suffering just as I was and they had determined the problem was their dental fillings as well.

After spending numerous hours researching this issue, I had my amalgam fillings removed in couple weeks and my life changed forever, and it happened virtually overnight. A few years later, I realized that not only had my physical symptoms gone away, but a number of phobias vanished as well. My relationships improved, I became more social, my memory improved dramatically, and I realized how life is supposed to be lived.

Now, looking back, I realize that I lived most of my life with a number of negative personality traits and emotional ailments that were actually caused by mercury. My bad memory, extreme shyness, very low self esteem, fear of commitments (especially in relationships), history of suicidal thoughts and fear of confrontations is now gone, not to mention horrible depression, and all of these changes have dramatically improved the quality of my life.​


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Below is another remarkable story on mercury removal and tinnitus...

Patient Success Story:
“I had been experiencing tinnitus for about 3-4 years. It concerned me as it was getting louder as time went on. I had an earwax problem at that time and thought ear cleaning would also help with the tinnitus but it did not. I started having my amalgam fillings removed quadrant by quadrant. It wasn’t until the last quadrant of mercury fillings were removed that I noticed any changes in the tinnitus. Days later, I was just about ready to doze off to sleep when I realized there was no ringing in my ear, just beautiful silence.”

During this patient’s clinical evaluation, it was noted that her galvanic (electrical) current was much higher than normal in several of her mercury fillings. Simply reducing the galvanic current(s) by replacing the mercury fillings with tooth colored restorations made all the difference in the world for this patient. (Visit our website article entitled, Is There a Battery in Your Mouth?)​


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
The following link will take you to an exceptional story on recovery from CFS by addressing oral infections...

Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
after multiple cavitation surgeries on root-canalled/tooth extraction sites

The following detailed report of eventual recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome thanks to multiple cavitation surgeries - after a healing quest and odyssey spanning several years - is no longer on the internet in its full version. Since it gives great insight into the subject of cavitation surgery and what hidden jawbone infections (typically arising after dental extractions or root canal treatments) can do to a person's health, it is newly published here with gratitude to the author (who will remain anonymous).

Content copyright © 2009 - 2018 Healing Teeth Naturally

(reported in 2009)

Descent Into The Abyss

I have always been healthy. In December 2005 (I was 22) however I knew something wasn't right with me, although I couldn't pinpoint what exactly. The energy that I once had seemed to have disappeared somewhat and for a few odd days I found myself sleeping for virtually the entire day. I developed a very mild but permanent sore throat. January of 2006 rolled around and these symptoms continued until I stayed up all night at a party then entirely skipped sleep that day. The next day I felt fine. The day after that I felt fine. The day after that my health totally fell apart.....
I am new to this forum I guess (first post). But I wanted to share my recover story. There seem to be far too few of
- Ian
wow thank you ian for your kind sharing.
i love real stories like that. sometimes doctors have cold bed manners and do not realised we are individuals, each with unique experience and not just their textbook cases.
i learnt something reading about your case today and i really hope i can draw strength from you.
I've just found this thread and was wondering if this could be something for me to look in to?

I started to ill at the beginning of 2016 - eventually getting diagnosed with ME/CFS later that year. My illness a bit atypical, I have no pain and can have long periods of relative good health followed by horrible fatigue/sickness crashes. I also didn’t have a virus of anything like that to start off with.

One thing that did happen however (a few months before I fell ill) was I had a tooth extracted which was right next to the site of a previous extraction. It was a bit of an unusual situation as the tooth was in perfect condition but seemed to have developed a hairline crack (for some unknown reason), the dentist said she hadn’t seen anything like it before. Almost like it decayed from within.

Anyway she had a real issue getting the tooth out (I was in the chair for over an hour) and I do remember that there was a lot of infection that came through when she got the tooth out. The tooth also split into numerous small pieces hence why I was in the chair so long.

Anyway since then I’ve been getting a bad taste in my mouth from time to time, coming through from the extraction site. I have been to the dentist a couple of times and she said that the jaw appears to have healed and there is no visible infection in the other teeth of gums. She suggested that perhaps I had polyps at the back of my throat (as I do suffer from seasonal allergies) but I’m not convinced. I can taste whatever it is, and it’s definitely coming through from the extraction site - not the back of my throat.

I must admit I certainly wouldn’t have thought that this could be a potential contributor to my health issues until I read through this thread.

One question I do have is, if ‘toxins are leeching out of the site’ would you not expect to see a lot of swelling and redness in the tissues directly around the site? (i.e. the jaw itself)

Any advice would be appreciated



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
if ‘toxins are leeching out of the site’ would you not expect to see a lot of swelling and redness in the tissues directly around the site? (i.e. the jaw itself)

Hi @richymcp,

In case you missed THIS POST I made in this thread, I thought I'd leave a link to it, as it would appear to answer your question. Below is a snippet from that post. Though I refer to root canals specifically as being asymptomatic but still be infected and able to release a steady stream of toxins, the same can be said for focal oral infections as well (such as yours). -- Best, Wayne

Based on my own experience and research, I just don’t believe root canals are as benign as endodontists normally claim. I believe that even if everything is performed competently, the failure rate is most likely very high. Unfortunately, these failures don’t always make themselves known by overt physical symptoms.
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Senior Member
One question I do have is, if ‘toxins are leeching out of the site’ would you not expect to see a lot of swelling and redness in the tissues directly around the site? (i.e. the jaw itself)

If you have a bacterial etc infection in living tissue there will be an immune response. But in these bone lesions there is no blood supply, and thus no immune response. Bacteria can live and grow totally undisturbed.

The term cavitation was coined in 1930 by an orthopedic researcher to describe a disease process in which a lack of blood flow into the area produced a hole in the jawbone and other bones in the body. Dr. G. V. Black, the father of modern dentistry, described this cavitation process as early as 1915 when he described a progressive disease process in the jawbone, which killed bone cells and produced a large cavitation area or areas within the jawbones. He was intrigued by the unique ability of this disease to produce extensive jawbone destruction without causing redness in the gingiva, jaw swelling, or an elevation in the patient's body temperature. Essentially, this disease process is actually a progressive impairment which produces small blockages (infarctions) of the tiny blood vessels in the jaw bones, thus resulting in osteonecrosis or areas of dead bone. These dead cavitational areas are now called neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO) lesions.[1] In his book on oral pathology, Dr. Black suggested surgical removal of these dead bone areas.


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
Several years ago, I became suspicious of a very old root-canaled tooth after reading about some of the dangers of root canals. I even made an appt. with an oral surgeon to have it extracted. He said his latest high tech imaging machine could tell whether it was a problem or not, and so he took a picture. He said it looked amazingly healthy, and talked me out of having it extracted.

About 2-3 years later, I developed a blister on my lip directly across from this root-canaled tooth and again became suspicious of it.
I too had a blister under the lip not far away from a tooth and since the tooth had just got filled. "Hopefully you won´t get any problems with this tooth." the dentist already had the idea to say. Now the blister has gone right after the root has got canaled. I also felt better, but jumped back after having drunken one single beer.
But sometimes I think I should get rid of all my teeth that have got filled, well I would not do that, I think. I also was quite fine in between time.
Hi, I am going to have cavitation surgery in the UK on the 7th of december. I have had a cavitat scan done which shows caitation in 3 places. I am also having 3 root canal teeth removed and all my amalgam fillings replaced. I was diagnosed with M.E about 8 years ago. I have allways had a lot of tension around my jaw area which can be unbareable and horrible bitter taste in my mouth constantly.

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Senior Member
I am going to have cavitation surgery in the UK on the 7th of december.

Best of luck with that! I look forward to hearing your results. From the couple of other cavitation stories I've seen on this forum, improvements in ME/CFS symptoms happen very quickly after the surgery.
Hi, I am going to have cavitation surgery in the UK on the 7th of december. I have had a cavitat scan done which shows caitation in 3 places. I am also having 3 root canal teeth removed and all my amalgam fillings replaced. I was diagnosed with M.E about 8 years ago. I have allways had a lot of tension around my jaw area which can be unbareable and horrible bitter taste in my mouth constantly.

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Please be sure they follow the safety rules for removal [rubber dams, masks, super rinsing & suction, air filtration,goggles etc]or you may end up sicker than when you started from breathing fumes or swallowing amalgam chips.. Also try to find someone who can chelate you [some dentists will hook up a vitamin C IV for support]for metals soon afterwards. If you want to do it yourself[cheaper,safer and effective] go to where you can buy oral DMPS and go to to get the protocol & do it slowly so you don't get overwhelmed. [You can't take back an IV once it is inyou] Sadly I have had the Cavitat exam, root canals, sinus exposures & broken jaws & amalgams removed but still sick & in pain. Still have Hg poisoning and have lost most of my teeth because of Cipro,Levaquin & Factive 7 killing the peridontal ligamants which slowly kills tooth from inside out. Then I got Lyme & Babesia which then moved into my roots. When treating the Lyme [Rife machine & herbal only] my teeth ached something fierce. A Lumen Photon laser 2X a day for 30 minutes helped a lot.

I also had saline breast implants that gave me pneumonia & pleurisy twice because after 3 years [expiration date on package they never show you] the valves fail & you auto inflate. My 200cc bags of "sterile saline water" were piss yellow inside and 250cc when removed. This is because they autoinflate with bodily fluids and you have an ecosystem of bacteria,fungus,virus and parasites in a warm, moist, dark, anerobic sack right next to your lungs & heart. One of the reasons I could never get rid of that yeast infection!

I would also recommend you get a Spooky2 Rife machine which can be set up as a cold laser, zapper, TENS machine, PEMF, and it even runs a foot bath like the ones in spas. Mostly it is a killing machine for pathogens and does biofeedback scans. Most quality Rife machines used to cost 8-10K and had limited capabilities. This one has 40,000 frequency presets with 25K users on the forum; the software is a FREE download and you can get the basic hardware kit for under $200.

BTW even with all the metal,halogen & crop dust poisoning I was still competing as an equestrain triathlete until I took those fluorquinolones which alters the DNA of bacteria and human DNA as well. Now it is impossible to replicate fast enough and no one has figured a how to reverse topoisomerase inhibitors which are basically chemo[ prescribed for a sinus infection].

Lastly because 85% of anesthesia is fluorinated, extremely toxic and attaches to bone ,metals and anything else it likes [unstable]; it is very difficult to get rid of. I will only let my doctors give me Propofol [with an infusion pump for longer surgeries] any more.[ I have survived 29 surgeries] IV Versed [midazolam genric] is given before EVERY surgery. It is a benzodiazapene like Valium or Xanax but they add 91 ppm of fluorine which is 23 X the EPA Daily MAX Contamination Level! I refuse this and ask for valium or they let me take a Xanax. Then a "Standard Pack" for surgery is full of isoflurane, desflurane, mesoflurane,or sevoflurane given as a gas. After they gave me this against my wishes [& promised not to do so] I could not wake up for extra 45 minutes and ended up with partial water diabetes.

After having my DNA analyzed [23and me raw data sent to for analysis] I found out I was extremely slow metabolizer as my CYP450 enzyme snps were mostly double mutated. Every anesthologist knows what this is because if they have a fast metabolizer they get sued when you wake up during surgery. If you die; well you signed a release & it was a fluke! Good luck with your surgery & hope this helps you avoid some of the pitfalls I learned the hard way.
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Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Please be sure they follow the safety rules for removal [rubber dams, masks, super rinsing & suction, air filtration,goggles etc]or you may end up sicker than when you started from breathing fumes or swallowing amalgam chips...

Wow, that's a lot of potentially helpful information!

Could you edit your post to break it up into small, readable paragraphs? Some people have real trouble trying to read such large blocks of text.

Thanks for sharing.