My recovery story


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
No one is looking for a medical opinion, I am fully aware that this is a WEBSITE of non-professionals who are sharing their experiences. Do not worry. Thank you.
In fact there are many, many professionals here--M.D.s (including @Jonathan Edwards), scientists, probably even a few radiologists. However, if you look at our rules section, you will see that it is not either appropriate (or even legal) even for professionals to engage with you on your x-rays. It is fine for patients to report their own experiences, and if that is helpful to you, good. But as others have said, you might find more helpful information in a forum dedicated to the topic you are interested in.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Well, all ozone can do is temporarily kill the anaerobic bacteria. It's not a solution to surgery. Personally I'd avoid any dentist that offers it as a treatment because its basically a waste of time. You can liken it to having your fingers get frost bite, go black and die, and expecting to bring them back to life with ozone. A cavitation is a basically a type of necrotic bone lesion.

@Ian, thanks for your perspectives. Would you have a similar take on using DMSO for oral infections and/or jawbone cavitations? I ask because I'm currently reading this article, which contains the following snippet:

"After oral use or skin application DMSO not only penetrates all soft tissues but also the bones. This is not only good for treating tumours and cancer of the bone, but also jawbone infections and cavitations."
P.S. EDIT: I've been given this topic a lot of thought this morning, and was wondering if it would be possible to use DMSO to get deep into infected gum and jawbone areas, and begin to address infections. And then perhaps hold a bentonite clay solution in the mouth that could in a sense follow into these same areas--by way of DMSO"s transdermal qualities--and clean up or absorb some of the debris of killed pathogens left behind.

This might be a stretch, but I can't help but think it might give at least temporary relief until a person can get cavitation surgery done. In some cases that are less severe than others, it might provide a degree of relief on an ongoing basis, without necessarily having to resort to cavitation surgery, which quite honestly with my level of vitality, sort of scares the heck out of me.​
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Senior Member
I don't think there are any drugs or anything that can help with cavitations. Antibiotics don't work because there is no blood supply to the effected area.
This is what happened .. I'll paste it here because the link might disappear.

I know by the time they had finished with Cavitat, they had some government agency raid their offices and take everything, all research, patent notes, everything. The crazy part was cavitat won their lawsuits against Aetna, but in the end it didn't matter.
I have been a Cavitat patient going back to 2007. I was also part of a study using a Lumen Photon laser to try to heal some of the mess they found in my mouth. After 9 months of use I was 80% improved. The Cavitat showed NICO in two sites when xrays, & CT scans did not. The wisdom tooth holes were full of dry rot from improper extractions done 40 years prior. Dentist was very excited & showed them to everyone in the office. It was the size of a pencil eraser. My husband also had advanced cavitations that the same dentist treated. Go to if you are near South Carolina for one of few remaining Cavitat exams available & a Hg & F free office. also has a list of certified biological dentists in your area.
I spoke to the inventor Bob Jones in 2008 shortly before he retired to Panama & no one I know has heard from him since. He also made a Cavitat Resonator [rife machine] that is very high end but I need to get the instruction manual. Can anybody here help me with that or tell me who might know?
That's because he passed away a few years ago.
Yes I had heard that too. I am trying to find someone who has an operation manual for his Resonance rife machine. I have a booklet of frequencies, but am electronically challenged & don't want to damage myself or the machine.
By the way when I said I was 80% better after the cavitation surgery ; I meant my jaw; not my CFS/ME/MCS. After25 years studying everything from toxicology, microbiology, endocrinolgy, and trying to learn raw data DNA analysis [thank you Rich, Sterling & Heartfixer]; I am still in pretty bad shape at 63. I believe the reason it is so difficult to pinpoint the cause/cure for this is that there is no ONE cause. It is a cascade of synergistic toxins that finally over whelm the body depending on age, size, stress, sex & level of exposure. There is some belief that women are more prone to this because of estrogen. In my case it was heavy metals, fluoroquinolones,& anesthesia.
I don't think there are any drugs or anything that can help with cavitations. Antibiotics don't work because there is no blood supply to the effected area.
Agreed. Tried ozone injections. Painful, expensive & did not work.


Senior Member
By the way when I said I was 80% better after the cavitation surgery ; I meant my jaw;
Did you also have unsuccessful surgery? I had 3 cavitations. The first two were both resolved first time, but my worst one, the one that actually made me so sick took 3 surgical attempts over 3 years, or 4 if you count having my wisdom tooth removed in the first place.
Hi Ian,

Found this thread via google and you seem very knowledgeable about this!

I had an infected root canal tooth removed recently (about 4 months ago) which was just straight pulled out (no cleaning done afterwards) and now seem to be having a bunch of symptoms. I have a feeling I have a cavitation based on the timing of the gum healing, and that I still feel occasional phantom tooth pain in the area.

How did you know you had a cavitation in your tooth area despite it not showing up on scans?

How do I find a good dentist to deal with this? How did you know which ones were good?

Thank you!
I've noticed that a lot of the cavitation discussions have dead links. Specifically anything about the Cavitat scanner. Has the Cavitat scanner been removed from the market? Its difficult to research cavitation surgery/procedures - not finding a lot of recent information (most of it is about 10 years old). Its impossible to find local dentists that can even discuss the procedure. Has the procedure become too dangerous or too costly with no benefit?
No Bob has passed away & was bankrupted in the lawsuit he waged & won with Aetna Insurance but was never paid the court ordered restitution & they continued against court order to bash him online at places like Quackbusters [they have been sued multiple times for slander]. Anyway the machine is no longer being made but there are still dentists in the USA that have them. Dr. J Palmer in Greer,SC is one of them. Most endodontists & periodontists offices now have an oral CT that is VERY detailed & will USUALLY find a cavitation, however they are not LOOKING for them, nor will they usually treat them. My cavitations did NOT show up on xrays, CT, or panorex, only on Cavitat & were extensive. My husband's however did show up on CT . Believe me when you are looking at this you want as much confirmation as possible. A good international source would be for Hg & F free dentists as most DO treat & diagnose cavitations. Some also use thermography but not really specific enough to know where to drill.
I haven't posted anything on here for awhile. I thought I would give a brief update I was really sick for a very long time. And I slowly started to get better after I had dental cavitatIon surgery, but for some reason I could not get to 100%. I decided I could no longer wait for dental implants it was time to just do it! I went to cavitation expert , Dr Panapour for a check up and an estimate . He first, tested me for infection, his test method seems to very accurate, it is not conventional stuff but I'm fine with that. He checked all the dental sites and picked up one was infected. Anyhow, he opened up the dental site and surprise a bone infection, the bone was mushy after he cleaned it out . I felt so much better, but few days later a fistula formed and moved to the front of my mouth.

A couple months before the surgery my homeopath put me on mercurius heel which brings a hidden abscess to the surface, well after a month I noticed my skin on my chin, itched and puffed up real big and a bunch of pus was oozing out quickly cleaned and sterlized it. A week later I was put on Silica which brings infections to the surface I believe these two homepathics played a part in bring some ot the infections to the surface.

Then I had UVI ,and Ozone IV's. Tired of IV's and tired of reactions from antibiotics I decided to needed to take something and after much deliberation I started low dose MMS drinking some every hour for nine hours a day. I also just swishing my mouth with four drops of MMS mixed with distilled water and little bit of DMSO.

I went to my new doctor, and he heard my entire pathetic story, and he goes let's go over to nuclear medicine and talk to a doctor there. Wow, I was surprise that a doctor would ever do anything like this! The nuclear medicine radiologist, said, he would not recommend and MRI because of metal in people mouths. He felt the best test was bone scan with radioactive tracer which will show us where the most white blood cells are gathered and apparently , that will reveal the site of infection. Then he mentioned that for harder to detect infections, SPECT. I of course, am not an expert, but it was interesting to hear it from an old nuclear medicine doctor. I learned a few things there. What just gets me is all of those tests that I had previously had MRI's, high resolution CAT scans. 3D panoramic and micro-magnification were waste of time and useless. I had several tests and my radiation exposure has been higher, than I'm comfortable with I was debating about getting the test, but I was assured that the bone scan test is has much less radiation, than a CAT scan. My doctor told me the test will show us if there is an infection. I have very hard time trusting doctors judgement because I was misdiagnosed over ten times.

If anyone has had bone scan with a radioactive tracer or SPECT , please let me now your thoughts?

Wishing all good health.
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senior member
Concord, NH
A couple months before the surgery my homeopath put me on mercurius heel which brings a hidden abscess to the surface, well after a month I noticed my skin on my chin, itched and puffed up real big and a bunch of pus was oozing out quickly cleaned and sterlized it. A week later I was put on Silica which brings infections to the surface I believe these two homepathics played a part in bring some ot the infections to the surface.

If anyone has had bone scan with a radioactive tracer or SPECT , please let me now your thoughts?

Wishing all good health.

This sounds interesting, have never seen a Naturopath or tried homeopathy.

I haven't posted anything on here for awhile. I thought I would give a brief update I was really sick for a very long time. And I slowly started to get better after I had dental cavitatIon surgery, but for some reason I could not get to 100%. I decided I could no longer wait for dental implants it was time to just do it! I went to cavitation expert , Dr Panapour for a check up and an estimate . He first, tested me for infection, his test method seems to very accurate, it is not conventional stuff but I'm fine with that. He checked all the dental sites and picked up one was infected. Anyhow, he opened up the dental site and surprise a bone infection, the bone was mushy after he cleaned it out . I felt so much better, but few days later a fistula formed and moved to the front of my mouth.

A couple months before the surgery my homeopath put me on mercurius heel which brings a hidden abscess to the surface, well after a month I noticed my skin on my chin, itched and puffed up real big and a bunch of pus was oozing out quickly cleaned and sterlized it. A week later I was put on Silica which brings infections to the surface I believe these two homepathics played a part in bring some ot the infections to the surface.

Then I had UVI ,and Ozone IV's. Tired of IV's and tired of reactions from antibiotics I decided to needed to take something and after much deliberation I started low dose MMS drinking some every hour for nine hours a day. I also just swishing my mouth with four drops of MMS mixed with distilled water and little bit of DMSO.

I went to my new doctor, and he heard my entire pathetic story, and he goes let's go over to nuclear medicine and talk to a doctor there. Wow, I was surprise that a doctor would ever do anything like this! The nuclear medicine radiologist, said, he would not recommend and MRI because of metal in people mouths. He felt the best test was bone scan with radioactive tracer which will show us where the most white blood cells are gathered and apparently , that will reveal the site of infection. Then he mentioned that for harder to detect infections, SPECT. I of course, am not an expert, but it was interesting to hear it from an old nuclear medicine doctor. I learned a few things there. What just gets me is all of those tests that I had previously had MRI's, high resolution CAT scans. 3D panoramic and micro-magnification were waste of time and useless. I had several tests and my radiation exposure has been higher, than I'm comfortable with I was debating about getting the test, but I was assured that the bone scan test is has much less radiation, than a CAT scan. My doctor told me the test will show us if there is an infection. I have very hard time trusting doctors judgement because I was misdiagnosed over ten times.

If anyone has had bone scan with a radioactive tracer or SPECT , please let me now your thoughts?

Wishing all good health.
Did your cavitation expert have a Cavitat machine?If not I would try to find one. Go to the biological dental site & ask around. They are still out there. Also thermography would tell you the location of infection. Much cheaper & no radiation. Also don't despair if they don't get it all the first time; this is not uncommon. My dentist sent in a bone culture after he got to the "clean" bone to make sure there was no bacteria left in it. They now have PCR and Mass Spectrometry bacterial DNA analysis for this because most bone bacteria are anerobic & will not culture as they die on contact with the air.
If you have had as much radiation as you say I would not do nuclear medicine. In fact I would not do it at all. The # 1 thing that mutates DNA is radiation. My genome has mutations that make recovery an extremely uphill battle now where as before I was a triathlete. I am convinced ;especially because of the general health & longevity on both sides of my family, that some of these defects are post birth & caused by EIGHT CAT scans, dozens of dental & chest Xrays, and the A-hole MD that tricked me into swallowing a radioactive iodine pill to do a PET scan on my thyroid back in 1989. You can not repair radiation damage.
Another extreme example would be my cousin who died from a horrible rare skin cancer that ate its way thru his face & into his brain. It was so aggressive & rare that even the CDC took note & tested him . They found a DNA mutation associated with it but neither of his parents had the same mutation. When my uncle told me this years later I reminded him that his son had worked in Russia for a year rebuilding the American Embassy because the old one had been so riddled with not only spyware but something was making all the diplomats get cancer. Bruce's job was to find & deactivate the devices that were being planted in the building every night after the workers went home. Radiation poisoning was the only explanation for his cancer & DNA mutation. His parents are now pushing 90 by the way.
This is interesting, I was tested seven times for Lyme, I believe three of those tests were done by LLMD (Lyme Literate MD). I tested negative for Lyme , but one band that positive but the ones for Lyme were not The doctor did know about that other band so l researched it and the band was positive was referring to dental issue/ periodontal disease ! The problems is locating the exact site of infection in the mouth.

I did not find a dentist willing to use the cavitat, even if they had the machine! I'm going to call some of the ones on the link you listed. My MD suggested EAV so I might try this. My ND and his assistant seem to be getting positive results from EAV testing . I did try thermography and it showed heat in right neck and right shoulders .

In regards, to radiation, my doctor tested patients for all types of things,
and he noticed an increase in uranium levels in his patients after Fukishima, I live on the west coast, but it seems there are varying levels of it across the country. Anyhow, my doctor put me small bottles of this drink to chelate the radiation. This is worst man made disaster ever.

As for DNA mutations, it so hard to know without a test. My friend worked at the airport and she began measure EMF's levels there because she was seeing lots of cancer with employees all the electronic/ body scanners and then thousands of people with cell phones, and lab tops. Long story short, no one wanted to hear her thoughts, She quit her job and left One day studies will come out on many of these environmental hazards.My MD strongly suggests, 23andme tests which is on my list to get done which might show if there is mutation

Thanks for the dental link I will call around and see if I can located a dentist that use Cavitat Scanner
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Senior Member
Yes I had heard that too. I am trying to find someone who has an operation manual for his Resonance rife machine. I have a booklet of frequencies, but am electronically challenged & don't want to damage myself or the machine.
By the way when I said I was 80% better after the cavitation surgery ; I meant my jaw; not my CFS/ME/MCS. After25 years studying everything from toxicology, microbiology, endocrinolgy, and trying to learn raw data DNA analysis [thank you Rich, Sterling & Heartfixer]; I am still in pretty bad shape at 63. I believe the reason it is so difficult to pinpoint the cause/cure for this is that there is no ONE cause. It is a cascade of synergistic toxins that finally over whelm the body depending on age, size, stress, sex & level of exposure. There is some belief that women are more prone to this because of estrogen. In my case it was heavy metals, fluoroquinolones,& anesthesia.
CAWS--I am curious what your anesthesia story is? There were several risk factors that hapened close together that seemed to trigger cfs and chronic pain in me--but one of them was anesthesia in surgery in '89, I heard that they don't use the same chemicals they did back then now
do you feel like it was a large factor for you? I am a lightweight in first place as far as chemicals go, never had a tolerance to alcohol etc


Senior Member
I haven't posted anything on here for awhile. I thought I would give a brief update I was really sick for a very long time. And I slowly started to get better after I had dental cavitatIon surgery, but for some reason I could not get to 100%. I decided I could no longer wait for dental implants it was time to just do it! I went to cavitation expert , Dr Panapour for a check up and an estimate . He first, tested me for infection, his test method seems to very accurate, it is not conventional stuff but I'm fine with that. He checked all the dental sites and picked up one was infected. Anyhow, he opened up the dental site and surprise a bone infection, the bone was mushy after he cleaned it out . I felt so much better, but few days later a fistula formed and moved to the front of my mouth.

A couple months before the surgery my homeopath put me on mercurius heel which brings a hidden abscess to the surface, well after a month I noticed my skin on my chin, itched and puffed up real big and a bunch of pus was oozing out quickly cleaned and sterlized it. A week later I was put on Silica which brings infections to the surface I believe these two homepathics played a part in bring some ot the infections to the surface.

Then I had UVI ,and Ozone IV's. Tired of IV's and tired of reactions from antibiotics I decided to needed to take something and after much deliberation I started low dose MMS drinking some every hour for nine hours a day. I also just swishing my mouth with four drops of MMS mixed with distilled water and little bit of DMSO.

I went to my new doctor, and he heard my entire pathetic story, and he goes let's go over to nuclear medicine and talk to a doctor there. Wow, I was surprise that a doctor would ever do anything like this! The nuclear medicine radiologist, said, he would not recommend and MRI because of metal in people mouths. He felt the best test was bone scan with radioactive tracer which will show us where the most white blood cells are gathered and apparently , that will reveal the site of infection. Then he mentioned that for harder to detect infections, SPECT. I of course, am not an expert, but it was interesting to hear it from an old nuclear medicine doctor. I learned a few things there. What just gets me is all of those tests that I had previously had MRI's, high resolution CAT scans. 3D panoramic and micro-magnification were waste of time and useless. I had several tests and my radiation exposure has been higher, than I'm comfortable with I was debating about getting the test, but I was assured that the bone scan test is has much less radiation, than a CAT scan. My doctor told me the test will show us if there is an infection. I have very hard time trusting doctors judgement because I was misdiagnosed over ten times.

If anyone has had bone scan with a radioactive tracer or SPECT , please let me now your thoughts?

Wishing all good health.
That is interesting GRACED--are these mainstream physicians working under constraints of insurance company requirements? If so your story blows me away that they would think creatively like that. I am curious how the normal standard of care with MRI use doesn't seem concerned about metal in mouth ---I wonder why that is and why there aren't more mishaps with it if its a risk? I have had a number of MRIs, first one in 93, and then probably 7 between 98 and now---the last time I had one, for my neck, I didn't feel well afterwards, it seemed louder than usual and fast, they were done in like 20 mins, which was odd, it was at a reputable place though and then about 5 days later I got really sick, woke up dizzy and nauseated and began throwing up uncontrollably, had to call 911 and was treated at hospital and released after few hours, they thought it was either food poison or stomach virus, it was scary. I did wonder if some old surgical clip in my abdomen could have slightly shifted during MRI and if that could in some way have tied into getting sick. Since then (2014) I have had different times were I feel like the clip(s) are pinching, they have always itched at dif times, but otherwise I had pretty good recovery (post cholecystectomy in late 89) as far as no major obvious complications at surgical site, other than CFS lol and that's a larger issue. I asked my doc about the clips if they could shift and he said there would be no way to really measure it but he said if they shifted in a significant way I would have died without emergency care so he didnt seem too worried about that being an issue as he said it would be more obvious. but i wonder if a micro-microscopic shift could have happened after MRI causing digestive upset and then luckily calmed down. anyway, digressed....but I used to think MRIs were beneign, that is how they were presented to me in the 90s but now I wonder and your comments make me wonder more.
This is interesting, I was tested seven times for Lyme, I believe three of those tests were done by LLMD (Lyme Literate MD). I tested negative for Lyme , but one band that positive but the ones for Lyme were not The doctor did know about that other band so l researched it and the band was positive was referring to dental issue/ periodontal disease ! The problems is locating the exact site of infection in the mouth.

I did not find a dentist willing to use the cavitat, even if they had the machine! I'm going to call some of the ones on the link you listed. . My ND and his assistant seem to be getting positive results from EAV testing, so that is my next approach . I did try thermography and it showed heat in right neck and right shoulders .

In regards, to radiation, my doctor tested patients for all types of things,
and he noticed an increase in uranium levels in his patients after Fukishima, I live on the west coast, but it seems there are varying levels of it across the country. Anyhow, my doctor put me small bottles of this drink to chelate the radiation. This is worst man made disaster ever.

As for DNA mutations, it so hard to know without a test. My friend worked at the airport and she began measure EMF's levels there because she was seeing lots of cancer with employees all the electronic/ body scanners and then thousands of people with cell phones, and lab tops. Long story short, no one wanted to hear her thoughts, She quit her job and left One day studies will come out on many of these environmental hazards.My MD strongly suggests, 23andme tests which I believe costs 200. Something worth considering]
I believe the doctors must adhere to standard of care requirement if not they get dragged through the mud. Great doctor have lost their license that way they usually ones that become pioneers!. I have wondered about this. I'm a fan of Joel Wallach author of : Dead Doctors Don't Lie, . Anyhow he always suggests that a high resolution ultrasound a cheap test that is highly accurate, no radiation. I have not been able to get one doctor to write an order for this cheap test that is supposed to help diagnose me with accuracy!. Like why the resistance ?unless they cannot because their chained to the man'a standard of care.

I had three MRI's and no one mentioned metal fillings being an issue. The doctor we talked to basically said , if you have metal fillings and if you've had dental work like root canal, they can't see anything. Anyhow the doctor said, the best test is a bone scan. I think if your lucky you happened to see the right doctor, at the right time and place and everything lines up astrologically .:) A miracle occurs, you get the right answer.

Metals that aren’t attracted to magnets are non-ferromagnetic. Non-ferromagnetic metals interact with the magnetic field. They can cause local distortions which can mess up MRI. Here is the website that explains a little more and perhaps explain if the clips that you referring to were magnetized once you were in the MRI machine.

What if your allergic to the metals that the clips are made out of? The test for that is the Clifford test . All metals emit charge, that effects our bodies. That is why some many people do not want metal filling or crowns, because it emits a charge that effects the brain, heart the entire body . I assume we are all allergic to metals in our bodies it is just that some peoples bodies react more, than others

I guess my question is can allergies to metal cause autoimmune or CFS symptom's?
I believe something is triggering the CFS but what, EMF, mold, dust, dander food, air streams
radon, carbon monoxide leak, dryer sheets, fumes. memory foam , bleached tea bags, metal fillings, dental cavitations. parasite. sugar, or the deadly gluten and dairy cross reaction. I mean the list can just go and on it could be anything.
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Senior Member
thanks for your thoughts yea a bit overwhelming all of it eh
will have to look into that Clifford test
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. I am trying to find someone who has an operation manual for his Resonance rife machine. I have a booklet of frequencies, but am electronically challenged & don't want to damage myself or the machine.

I assume you've scoured EBay

I think I might have a lead for you this place is most compassion, healing caring place it is sustained on donations,They have helped a lot of people it is currently for sale They will most likely, not part with their manuals,
In the least they could give you the frequencies you need to cure.