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My recovery story


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hey Ian, thanks for making this video, and doing your best to get the word out about the myriad dangers of modern dentistry. I'm on the cusp of going to a periodontist who I hope will have the kind of insights into various oral and jawbone infections that you outline in your video.

I appreciate you mentioning the potential radioactivity problems with dentures, as I assume I'll have most of my teeth extracted. As you can imagine, it will be quite a journey, with me being ever vigilant as to whether the professional I'm working with actually knows how to do things safely and thoroughly. Wish me luck!

I loved your summation a minute from the end of the video. For those who may not be inclined to watch a 50-min. video, perhaps the summation at the end starting with the quote below will spur your interest. Thanks again for the video, and your work in spreading the word about the dental dangers most people face but are largely unaware of. How's your health these days?

Dentistry is an insane dumpster fire of pseudoscience and quackery.


Senior Member
Hi Wayne :) thanks for your feedback, yes you are right the summation at the start may have been better. There was a popular film on Netflix root cause, the guy actually had a very similar recovery path to me, 1 root canal tooth and cavitations from where wisdom teeth had been extracted. But for me the documentary was totally lacking in any kind of real science or really explanations as to how these things can go so wrong and effect your health. This is what I really wanted to make rather than a personal story about myself. But yes there are probably things I could have done better I only had very limited free time to make it.

My health generally is good, today I spent most of the day putting up a shed, yesterday servicing some tractors and doing a tip run, so very busy. But when you are very ill like I was the hill back to normal health is a bigger one. The years of chest pain I had, it started at the top of my neck and went about half way down my chest, felt like I had some sort of internal acid burn. I had my under arms swell up then the skin would repeatedly come off, although later on in my illness that stopped. But I had serious damage to my tonsils and lymph system. The mri I had of my jaw, the only report that came back was my left tonsil (same side as the largest bone infection) was abnormal in size. Anyway after I had my last jawbone cavitation surgery my health was massively improved, but the situation with my tonsils didn't get better, actually as time rolled on it got a lot worse. Normally doctors will remove them if you have 3 or 4 bouts of tonsillitis in a year that require antibiotics. I didn't have that I had something like a river of white fluid almost continuously coming out of my left one and antibiotics didn't work. Anyway I ended up having them removed which fixed the problems. Sometimes I still get intermittent pain in my neck, there is a lot of other lymph tissue in your neck, but generally I'm good :)

I didn't find out until later that anaerobic bacteria can grow in tonsil crypts, I think that's the right word. So essentially the infection in my jaw spread into my tonsils and lymph system. The crazy part about my story is everything I did to get better, removing dead teeth, cavitation surgery and tonsillectomy was basically what they did in the 1940s dentistry book I had, death and dentistry. In the book they were really able to cure a wide range of chronic diseases by removing dental infections from people. This is pre antibiotics. And here we are 80 years later and nothing has changed, people are still suffering with these chronic ailments and mainstream medicine can't cure them. Well how can you fix any problem if you don't address the cause lol.

If you do get your teeth pulled make sure to find a good dentist, ie one that will surgically remove the periodontal membrane and and infected bone. Pulling teeth out without doing that can leave you worse off. Good luck :)


Senior Member
Thanks for the posts and the video, which I'm watching now.

I knew dentistry was a racket, but I had no idea my wisdom teeth that were pulled when I was 16 might leave areas behind that are infected. There are no dentists that have that imaging tech you mention near me in the US; I searched a lot of regions in the US, too.

Sorry if this has been asked already but wouldn't infection markers show up on a lab test, like white blood cells etc?


Senior Member
I made documentary about how I got better if anyone is interested
Like your video, find it excellent to understand as a layman.

What are the alternatives to root canal therapy when caries spread too much or wisdom teeth causing too much of trouble to let them stay where they are?

I have some questions:

1.) What made you that sure that it must come from the teeth or the bone underneath, because you didn't have any pain afair.

2.) Have you had jaw tightness or bruxism?


Senior Member
I am new to this forum I guess (first post). But I wanted to share my recover story. There seem to be far too few of these ? About 5 years ago I developed CFS, it pretty much came out of the blue. But I got progressively worse, in fact I deterioated to the point where I was compeltely house bound, and then continued to get worse.

To cut a long story short, I found out through a lot of research and money spent that I had a chronic bone infeciton in my jaw. More specifically the bone marrow had died, and the necrosis was progressing along my jaw line. This type of nightmare is called a cavitation, or nico lesion, ratner bone lesion, or just simply osteocrenosis. Since there is no blood flow to the area, the body mounts no defense against the anerobic bacteria that live in the dead marrow. The toxins from these bacteria, leech out of the site and essentially poison your blood. And this is what I felt like especially when I had woken up, it felt like I had chronic poisining, every ounce of my being was affected by this. I just just fell so ill, even getting through the day doing absolutely nothing was a challenge. Anyway I sought out one of the few specialists in the world that actually acknowledges this kind of problem exists and can do the surgery. I actually had the surgery done twice because first time around it wasn't entirely successful, and now I am better, no more CFS, no more feeling of being chronically poisoned.

This is a picture of the kind of infection I had

If you have root canals or you've ever had teeth extracted (especially wisdom teeth) you could be affected by this.

I've made a website of my story, you can read it in much more detail here:

Whilst I am free now of CFS, i am not entirely free of problems. My main problem right now is my left tonsil, it's basically destroyed, and I might have it out next year. Anyway, i hope my story can help some of you.

- Ian
I’ve tried the link to your website but nothing happens?


Senior Member
Like your video, find it excellent to understand as a layman.

What are the alternatives to root canal therapy when caries spread too much or wisdom teeth causing too much of trouble to let them stay where they are?

I have some questions:

1.) What made you that sure that it must come from the teeth or the bone underneath, because you didn't have any pain afair.

2.) Have you had jaw tightness or bruxism?
I wasn't sure to start with. But I was getting crazy pain in my neck predominantly on one side. It was just a matter of figuring out what was causing the pain in my neck. All I knew was I had developed a dental abscess around the wisdom tooth on my left side. The abscess itself was short lived and mostly painless.

Never had bruxism


Sick of being sick ~
So Cal USA
Hi ~ I’ve had Sever Dental Issues for almost 40 years - Starting with a “Head on” Collision at 20. I had to have 2 teeth (upper molars) removed and then Bridge work on both upper back molders😣 The “Bridges” had to be replaced twice. 6 years ago one just fell off??!! The “tooth” what as left of it was like “Crumbled Charcoal” ??
The Dentist immediately said my bone had deteriorated so bad that in order to keep the surrounding bone for my “good”? Teeth? He had to do a bone graph right then!! I didn't know what to do? I ask him to let me go home and I would come back. The Dentist said it MUST be dine ow! Or it would be impossible to “fill the hole” left from the decayed tooth. So i let him. My ME/CFS(& Lymes) symptoms only became WORSE! I have lost most of my molars with Root Canals ~
IS THERE A Doctor or Dentist in the US (preferably CA ir AZ or Mexico?) that will treat Cavitation issues?
IF SO PLEASE let me know😶⁉️ And Thank you very much for this Thread‼️‼️ San🌿