JalapenoLuv, why are you so militant about this? It honestly seems like you've invested in a lifetime's supply of Cyanocobalamin and are desperately trying to defend your decision as opposed to having buyer's remorse. You've hijacked my thread to throw out deconstructive passive aggressive opinions about my alternative method for b12 therapy such as "it's preferable to just go with the 5,000mcg tablets and skip all the hassle with atomizers". While I'm just trying to share my experience and my experiment with those of you who may find it useful. I RARELY go out of my way to go on to forums, register, go through all of the monotony, just to give away free knowledge that I've obtained from schooling, research and experimentation. If you were all I had to welcome me then I wouldn't be doing it again.
How do you know it's a hassle? Have you tried it? It's actually incredibly simple and WAY less of a hassle than taking anything sublingually. Seriously, who wants to shove 15 5000mcg pills in their upper lip each day? An atomizer takes literally 5 seconds for a quick inhale. Of course I do more inhales than just one throughout the day but you have complete control over it with instant results. And if I find a more concentrated source of MB12 in water then I could get it down to one inhale. I'm contemplating evaporating the water based one I've purchased in a dark room and then seeing how dissolvable mb12 is in either Vegetable Glycerin or Propylene Glycol. If I do my entire half tank non-stop it would probably take me 5 minutes. Since I need to inhale, hold, then slowly exhale over and over. I do this while working on my computer, not a hassle in the slightest.
Do you know what intrinsic factor is? It's the protein used to absorb b12 from the stomach. From the sounds of it you don't have an issue with intrinsic factor since the majority of your b12 is being absorbed in your gut if it's truly as effective as you claim it is. For those of us that do have issues with intrinsic factor, sublingual dosing is NOT an option.
Why is it that I can take 10,000mcg of MB12 sublingually and my hands/feet stay cold and I notice nothing mentally. Then when I use a nasal spray I feel energetic, emotional, excited, and my hands/feet become warm within 45 minutes. If I vape the b12 all of the effects of the nasal spray happen within 5-15 minutes with 10x the effect on my cognition. Because I lack intrinsic factor.
While I agree with you that I won't trust the source of something from "alternative medicine review" I do trust that I would never take cyanocobalamin over the other forms that haven't already given up their affinity for noxious molecules, here is why:
Read this:
And this:
Those who cannot absorb b12 in food require supplements. Cyanocobalamin only exists because after making hydroxocobalamin from bacteria it binds to cyanide during the charcoal filtration process. Everyone gets cyanide in their systems one way or another, bonfire, second hand smoke, even most plants/vegetation have small amounts. Without either methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin to bind to the cyanide and have it harmlessly excreted through the urine it will instead cause damage. If someone who cannot absorb normal b12 (methylcobalamin) only takes cyancobalamin then they are depriving their body of a natural antidote, a cyanide antagonist. Just an FYI hydroxocobalamin is in fact the antidote used for cyanide poisoning.
Also the retention for cyancobalamin is half of the other forms:
Oh and apparently it takes <48 hours for cyan-b12 to convert to hydrox-b12, and >48 hours for it to convert to methyl-b12, and only a small amount at that:
"Sharabi found that sublingual B12 was just as effective as injectable." Who is Sharabi? The link doesn't work, can you relink the pubmed article? I very much want to read this.
Also in this study all of the individuals were healthy except for being deficient in b12. They were not lacking intrinsic factor. The first group took 500ug sublingually, the second group took 500ug orally, the third took a b-complex with 250ug among other things. Over the course of 8 weeks their plasma cobalamin levels were measured and they were all the exact same every time. There was NO statistical difference. In other words oral and sublingual b12 have the exact same bio-availability. The next time you're feeling like you need to redose as an experiment just try taking it orally. You might be able to save yourself the hassle:
"Bioavailability is approximately 25%. http://www.drugs.com/ppa/cyanocobalamin-vitamin-b12.html"
Directly from the article you linked, which isn't pubmed so why would we trust it?:
"Bound to
intrinsic factor during transit through the stomach; separation occurs in the presence of calcium, and vitamin B 12 enters the mucosal cells for absorption. Bioavailability is approximately 25%."
First of all that's for when an individual with a healthy army of intrinsic factor is using the b12. For others, like me, this is useless. Also it says NOTHING about the bioavailability of a sublingual dose, which was the point you were trying to argue I believe.
Have you even read the research that I linked to in my original post? Please read the last paragraph on pg. 38 which shows that using Lactoacillits Icichnioal as a b12 bio-availability test that 200mcg of mb12 inhaled is more than 5x more potent than 10,000mcg of oral mb12 in patients with pernicious anemia. I've attached another paper I found at my university on the subject. They also say that sublingual b12 is NOT an effective form of therapy for someone with pernicious anemia. People try to switch after they are brought to baseline with injections but they are inevitably sick again. With the inhalation method however, they continue to improve just as they would with injections.