MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?


Senior Member
its not dry??? wtf.

if it doesnt get to you cuz of customs, i think you have to order again and pay again...

after reading the instructions on ebay, i knew it had to kept at 80 degrees for 5 days and in fridge after 10, but i wasn't clear on what to do on the days in between. Dr. Enlander said to refridgerate....but please verify..i am very foggy.



Senior Member
I've just set my culture up. I put 1/4 of the starter in a 1 quart mason jar with the cream etc. (because I'm starting with a low dose).

I put the mason jar on a folded tea towel inside my kitchenaid mixer bowl. [The mason jar is only half-full, but the water level has to be high for the heater to work. The mason jar tips because it's too lightweight.......unless I raise it up.]

I hung the aquarium heater off the kitchenaid bowl and plugged it in. When it's on, it throws a yellow light.

I added 80 degree water to the kitchenaid bowl up to the line on the thermometer, and then adjusted the temperature knob until it went off. I'm now watching the temperature and fine-tuning the knob, as the starter mixture warms up from refrigerator temperature.

The instructions say nothing about covering it, but I've folded a piece of plastic wrap up, and placed it lightly on top of the mason jar.

5 days from now I'll take my first mini-dose and put the rest in the fridge.

ADD: The starter measures 1-1/3 cups, so I stirred it well and used 1/3 cup. If you do this, be very careful re-closing the jar. I almost dumped it all out on the counter.

Also, avoid metal completely.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've just set my culture up. I put 1/4 of the starter in a 1 quart mason jar with the cream etc. (because I'm starting with a low dose).

I put the mason jar on a folded tea towel inside my kitchenaid mixer bowl. [The mason jar is only half-full, but the water level has to be high for the heater to work. The mason jar tips because it's too lightweight.......unless I raise it up.]

I hung the aquarium heater off the kitchenaid bowl and plugged it in. When it's on, it throws a yellow light.

I added 80 degree water to the kitchenaid bowl up to the line on the thermometer, and then adjusted the temperature knob until it went off. I'm now watching the temperature and fine-tuning the knob, as the starter mixture warms up from refrigerator temperature.

The instructions say nothing about covering it, but I've folded a piece of plastic wrap up, and placed it lightly on top of the mason jar.

5 days from now I'll take my first mini-dose and put the rest in the fridge.

Thanks for the step by step! You are so clever! :thumbsup:



Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Madietodd, may I compare amounts with you?
I've just mixed up a quarter batch myself.

The starter was 300 ml, including the amount that leaked during shipping.
So I used:
75 ml starter
1 cup Kefir
4 oz yogurt
4 oz whole milk

I put it in a glass jar, stirred it with a wooden spoon, set a plastic lid lightly on top of it, and set it on the counter. I'm going to try culturing it at room temp. Where I am, that's around 75 F.

The starter smells really yogurt-y, but it's not unpleasant. It is really yellow, though.


Senior Member
The only difference is that I used cream.

My aquarium thermometer is working really well, so I'm culturing at a steady 80 degrees.
Hi Everyone! and Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Forebearance (so glad you're doing this too)

I ordered the Maf 878 and got it last Monday - but have been stumped on how to proceed - mainly I had to gather ingredients that wouldn't go bad before a month -- not easy based on expiration dates. Am I wrong on this point?

I had a tough time getting a glass container that size - so I ordered one - then I realized that I shouldnt make the whole batch at once...I'm super sensitive and frankly kinda afraid :(. And so on - delay after delay...kinda like writing bills.

My biggest issue is how does it not go bad in 10 days - does that worry anyone else?? I'm just dont think I could handle food poisening - I'm just too weak.

So if anyone knows the answer to these issue(s) PLEASE let me know.

Forebearance, I heard Lisa was going to order some too - so maybe she knows.

I think I'll do what you're doing - the same quantities...

God Bless,



Senior Member

I'd take a chance and freeze any leftovers if I did make a huge batch (if I couldn't afford to give it away). When I froze some of the MAF314 it still had an effect on me when thawed. Not as much as the fresh stuff but enough to make it worthwhile in my case.

It's all new territory with the MAF878 though and I hope someone else has better ideas than me. It's all a huge new experiment and I'm waiting for mine to arrive.
Just finished making it up (1/4th of it) to wait until Thurday at 11:30 PM.

I guess first dose should be in the AM on an empty stomach - Friday.

I realize now it's only out of the refrig 5 days - but still - eaaaak...

Anybody started this already?



Senior Member
Just finished making it up (1/4th of it) to wait until Thurday at 11:30 PM.

I guess first dose should be in the AM on an empty stomach - Friday.

I realize now it's only out of the refrig 5 days - but still - eaaaak...

Anybody started this already?


Elisa, it's just like making yogurt or kefir. It has to culture at room temperature - it's not going bad.

Dr. Enlander told me that the yogurt keeps for one month, once it's refrigerated, and the starter keeps in the fridge for 2 months. After that he says the starter will no longer replicate.

Also, the instructions that came with my starter say: "Take with food each morning. Some patients add one teaspoon of olive oil or flax seed oil [to the full I'm not sure how much I'll take] to reduce the gastric enzymes digesting the MAF 878."

Mine will be ready on Tuesday.


I got mine but haven't made it yet. Need to get the gallon jar, but moreover, I don't tolerate store bought kefir at all. I have to make my own I guess. That means I have to go get grains. And am I allowed to mix cow's and goat's milk? Anyway I've kept mine in the fridge for now.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Hi Elisabeth!!!
I'm a nervous yogurt maker, too. I've never done it before. I didn't think to worry about the expiration dates on all the dairy products. The thing that I worried about was whether to cover it while it cultures. It just seemed to me like it should be covered somehow.

As far as I know, you can start with as small a dose as you want, and see what it does for you (or to you). Like you, I'm super-sensitive, so I'm always super cautious with new things. I really hope this stuff will do something good for you!

If the starter expires in two months, I'll have to make up some more in the future and freeze the finished MAF 878. I don't want to waste the starter. I predict it will make more than I can consume in two months.

Good luck with this, jenbooks! I don't see why you couldn't mix cow's and goat's milk.
Good luck, ukxmrv! Please tell us what you feel from it, Maddietodd.



Senior Member
My two day report: I've started with just a tablespoonful every morning. The only effect has been some bloating. I don't normally eat kefir or yogurt and haven't taken a probiotic in over a year, so the bloating could be from that. No signs of immune over-activation which is my biggest concern and why I'm starting with such a small dose.


Senior Member
Thanks for the report Camas, the first things that I noticed from the MAF314 is that I had an acid type indigestion feeling, smelly gas and then much better sleeps than normal. The immune system and other more unpleasent side effects didn't start until day 6. Good luck!


Senior Member
Hi Elisabeth!!!
I'm a nervous yogurt maker, too. I've never done it before. I didn't think to worry about the expiration dates on all the dairy products. The thing that I worried about was whether to cover it while it cultures. It just seemed to me like it should be covered somehow.

Dr Enlander on Facebook says " should be covered to prevent debris dropping in ". I guess not with a screw top lid, but loosely with something. I have never made yoghurt or kefir so don't know for sure. Does one use plain yoghurt or Greek yoghurt? I'm still waiting for Dr. Enlander's Facebook reply as to whether goat yoghurt will work. He said they were working on it.

I can only find goat yoghurt in quart containers. Anyone in U.S. know where they sell smaller quantities.


Why do we have to use BOTH kefir and yogurt? WHy wouldn't the stuff culture in cream/milk like other organisms do?


Senior Member
This is a total guess, but there are different probiotics in yogurt vs kefir. So maybe it's just to get as much variety as possible.


Re: yogurt vs kefir I know they are different, but are all these bacteria producing MAF. I guess I need to research more.