MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Camas, you're not kidding about this being potent stuff!

Two days ago I licked a tiny bit of the yogurt off my stirring spoon, just to see what it tasted like.
That night I woke up feeling bad. Yesterday I felt worse as the day progressed.
I had extreme fatigue, all my muscles ached, my sinuses hurt, my joints made popping and cracking noises, and by afternoon I was really chilled. By evening I was sweating and shivering, feverish.
It feels like a Herx reaction.

At least it is a different kind of bad from the reaction I had to the injectible GcMAF. That made me feel really poisoned.

I am still in agony today. I wonder how long this will last.
It's going to be a challenge for me to get a small enough dose of this stuff.

But even after one dose I can tell that the MAF 878 looks like it could be more helpful to me in terms of positive effects than the injectible GcMAF was. Already it seems to be killing off my tick-borne infection, better than antibiotics ever have. And now it seems to be working on my sinus infection. It feels like a war is going on in there.



Senior Member
Camas, you're not kidding about this being potent stuff!

I am still in agony today. I wonder how long this will last.


My numbness seems to have mostly subsided, so it's taken a few days (and extra klonopin) for my immune system to calm. Glad to hear you think it might be doing something positive though, even if you do feel rotten at the moment. Not sure how you get a starting dose much smaller than a lick...


Senior Member
Couldn't you mix a lick into milk and then take a small amount of that?

I'm on day 3 and other than the horrible taste, its going fine. I'm taking a 1/4 dose (1 tablespoon). No reactions one way or the other.
Oh no Forebearance - so sorry...Boy, that makes me really worried - I'm supposed to take my first dose this AM. I have been having really bad nausea out of nowhere lately - and wondered if it was from the MAF smell. I stick my nose in the jar everytime I stir it. I guess its possible - I'm just a canary in the coal mine, I guess.

Will you continue with just a drop Forebearance?

Do we need to continue stiring it once its in the refrigerator (after the initial 5 days of fermenting)?

I guess just a drop for me...and I worry that may be too much.

Take Care All & God Bless,

Just wanted to add, that I will pray you feel better soon, Forebearance, and that this will end up being very helpful!

And blessings to everyone else giving this a shot!

I wonder if Dr Enlander has a Q & A thread on this anywhere? Like on his Facebook page?

Take Care,



Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Thanks for the thoughts, you guys. And prayers!
I think I'll wait at least a week and then try putting a tiny bit on the end of a toothpick. If necessary, maybe I can try rubbing the yogurt into my skin! Lol Or try your milk idea.

I'm glad you're feeling better, camas. I'm glad your experience is uneventful so far, madietodd.
You know, Elisabeth, other people have reported feeling things going on in their digestive systems when they take MAF 314 or 878. I've had a little gas. If it's a big problem area for you, maybe your stomach will be affected a lot.

I don't know about stirring it after it's done and refrigerated.

It's the third day and I'm still feverish, but not as bad. Fiber and even a charcoal pill didn't help. Ibuprofin helps.


San Francisco
I have started MAF314 nearly a week ago and while it is mostly uneventful, my avg. body temp has risen by 1-2 degrees and is now mostly close to the normal of 98.6. Also I seem to feel the slight inflammatory symptoms close t the evening and they subside over night (I take the yoghurt in the morning).


Senior Member
Question on the MAF878 instructions.

Has anyone asked Dr Enlander about the yoghurt to use - i.e. lives yoghurts? I'm not knowledgable about yoghurts.

Sorry about the silly question.


Senior Member
Dr. Enlander doesn't specify a particular yogurt, so it shouldn't matter. All yogurts have "live cultures" in them, so don't worry about that. I think you can use any type: non fat, low fat, full fat. I used plain yogurt, not sugared.


Senior Member
Question on the MAF878 instructions.

Has anyone asked Dr Enlander about the yoghurt to use - i.e. lives yoghurts? I'm not knowledgable about yoghurts.

Sorry about the silly question.

Different yogurts have different probiotic cultures in them. The different bacteria strains have different actions and effects. Don't know if the MAF would culture better in some than others.

For instance, all yogurts apparently have lactobacilllus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilis.
Danone Oikos (greek yogurt) contains only these ones.
Danone Activia also contains bifobacterium lactis.
Danone DanActive, a drinkable yogurt, contains the l. bulgaricus, s. therm, and lactobacillus casei denfensis.
Stoneyfield contains l. bulgar, s. therm, plus 3 others - l. acidophilus, bifidus and l. casei.

Personally, I lean towards the ones that have live active cultures in them such as Danone Oikos. Apparently Activia and Stoneyfield also contain live active cultures. I think there are a few others. I tend to steer clear of yogurt containing a lot of extra ingredients such as gelatin, etc., and also steer clear of certains strains that I don't do well with such as l. acidophilus.


Senior Member
The maf 878 is no longer being sold on ebay. They sold 30, and the listing is no longer active.

Does anybody know anything about this? I've posted a question on Dr. Enlander's FB page.


I hope I haven't messed up my culture, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be at room temperature or fridge, because, I have to *make* my own kefir and haven't managed to get grains yet. (Not that it's terribly hard, but I've been sleeping poorly and had a lot to do). I think I will use dreaming cow yogurt, BUT I tend to break out with a whitehead or two any time I eat any kind of yogurt. I'd rather MAKE my own yogurt, too. This gets complicated, to make enough and to get healthy cream. The kefir and yogurt in the stores is generally from unhealthy hormone laden highly processed milk. I'd rather not be taking that daily, as it will cause other problems.


Senior Member
If you're not actually culturing the MAF Jen, my understanding is that it's supposed to be refrigerated. You leave it at room temperature or 80 degrees to culture once you've mixed it up with the other ingredients.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone. I've bought an organic yoghurt from the shop. My MAF878 has arrived and I've got all the ingredients and equipment ready and waiting.

Just about to mix everything together and then the 5 day wait.
The maf 878 is no longer being sold on ebay. They sold 30, and the listing is no longer active.

Does anybody know anything about this? I've posted a question on Dr. Enlander's FB page.

I bought the last one a few days ago. Try emailing Enlanders office direct and ask them if you can buy some. I will have to do this also if I feel like continuing after the first batch, which is now in the jar.

Note, you do not need a gallon jar, I got a 2.5 litre glass jar from China, via Bed and Bath for $12 which is a perfect size for this amount also I do not think you should worry too much about the temperature as I am sure it will ferment OK at normal room temp.


Senior Member
southeast US
Question for some of you really smart people on this forum. Regarding gcmaf use at least two of us have experience hairloss with its use. Apparently this side effect is rare, just wondering if anyone has thoughts on why this may have occurred.

One suspicion, no real evidence, is it may be related to a form of yeast infection in hair follicles. Anyone care to make a stab at this conumdrum?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Question for some of you really smart people on this forum. Regarding gcmaf use at least two of us have experience hairloss with its use. Apparently this side effect is rare, just wondering if anyone has thoughts on why this may have occurred.

One suspicion, no real evidence, is it may be related to a form of yeast infection in hair follicles. Anyone care to make a stab at this conumdrum?

Interesting Lou,

When I treat candida systemically I get new hair growth, if that is any clue.



Senior Member
Hi Lou...there is one other person who reported hair loss too, on another forum but I cannot find it now.

I read that mold also can cause hair loss. So maybe fungal infections in general...?