MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?


Northern Vermont
Another question for Sushi,(and others)

Sushi I am not taking the nexavir or other forms of it. I have heard the nexavir helps with pain. Do you have any thoughts on this. Does anybody else have thoughts on this? Also....I bought BD 3ml Syringe 25g X5/8 (0.5mmX 16mm) is this the right one. Does anyone have advice on what syringes to buy? I am supposed to inject 0.25ml a week. Any help would be appreciated. Also again....I had no ill effects from my first injection last Friday. I am looking forward to Friday!


Senior Member
Maddietodd, your insomnia sounds like a reaction to poisons. It could be the MAF is making you more sensitive to your environment, in which case I would try washing your bedding. Or it could be the MAF is causing your body to kill something that is releasing toxins internally, in which case I would take some toxin binders. Those are just ideas.

I will try your ideas. This is only an intensification of existing issues. I've been waking up 3x a night forever. The long-time to get to sleep is new, but it feels like I don't get deep enough asleep to prevent waking from every little noise.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Another question for Sushi,(and others)

Sushi I am not taking the nexavir or other forms of it. I have heard the nexavir helps with pain. Do you have any thoughts on this. Does anybody else have thoughts on this? Also....I bought BD 3ml Syringe 25g X5/8 (0.5mmX 16mm) is this the right one. Does anyone have advice on what syringes to buy? I am supposed to inject 0.25ml a week. Any help would be appreciated. Also again....I had no ill effects from my first injection last Friday. I am looking forward to Friday!

Hi Xandoff,

First about syringes: For injections that are more than 1 ml (like Nexavir which is 2 mls) I think the easiest to use are BD 3 ml syringes which are sold separately from the needles. They call them "Luer-Lok tip." This allow you to choose the type of needle you want to attach. The ref. # on mine is: 309657. I attach a 30 guage, 1/2 inch needle. The higher gauge hurts very little. The ref. # on the needles is: 305106.

Your syringes may already have the Luer-Lok system and you could just buy separate needles. Sometimes I use a larger gauge needle to draw medication into the syringe and then change the needle so I have a really sharp needle when I stick myself. A 25 gauge needle is going to hurt a bit if you inject with it.

But if you are just going to inject GcMAF, you don't need a 3 ml syringe. For GcMAF I use BD 1 ml, 12.7 mm, insulin syringes with 30 gauge needles.

I have not heard that Nexavir helps with pain but that is not to say that it doesn't. LDN is more likely to help with pain though.

Best wishes for your second injection!


Senior Member

My sleep has gotten worse and worse during this week on a 1/4 dose of maf 878. Last night it took 45 minutes to get to sleep, and then I woke up every hour.

Is this a response others have seen to MAF? Any thoughts?

I had good sleep from day 3 to day 7 with the MAF314 then on day 8 I developed insomnia. It was also day 8 that I saw the the spots on my chin. Overnight I had felt hot and fluey.

Day 6 was the day the very sore widespread throat and glands and a friend pointed out that it was in the area in this diagram. They had found a mention of this area from a paper on one of the MAF's's_tonsillar_ring

The insomnia alternated with better sleep after that. Some nights were good and others terrible.
The good nights were better than I had for years and the insomnia worse.

Any other symptoms with you now?


Senior Member
Did anyone notice a very strong "yeasty" smell with the MAF878 starter when it arrived?

I'd be interested to know if that gets stronger as it deveops and if there are any other strong smells associated with it?

(I've got one of those hyper noses so it may just be me)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I will try your ideas. This is only an intensification of existing issues. I've been waking up 3x a night forever. The long-time to get to sleep is new, but it feels like I don't get deep enough asleep to prevent waking from every little noise.


I wish someone could tell us how many nannograms of GcMAF are in a certain measure of MAF yogurt. It is a little like blindman's bluff!

Best to all you pioneers!


Senior Member
My MAF 878 starter had leaked during shipping, but it looked like what happens to liquids when they fly on an airplane and the pressure change forces some liquid out. So I wasn't alarmed by it.

When I asked the office about their concern, I was told that if the seal has been broken for any reason it is considered unsafe for sale.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
When I asked the office about their concern, I was told that if the seal has been broken for any reason it is considered unsafe for sale.

Hi Ember, do you happen to know if this means they will refund you and/or send you another?
Many thanks


Senior Member
Is a new sensation in my middle toes (12 hours after first dose) the start of a problem? It's like being ticlked with a feather every now and then. It's less after not taking a few days.


Senior Member
That's really interesting Rooney. I didn't get the effect in my toes from the MAF314 but on the top of my back around my shoulders. Yes, it did feel that every now and then I was getting tickled with a feather.

Anyone have any ideas? I've not had that sensation before.


Senior Member
Just want to say thanks to all who are the first to try this out and sharing the experience, given the difficulty of preparing it and its unknown efficacy.

You are all doing a good service for patients!
In this thread about the homeopathic version, there was some discussion on Maf 314 yogurt and user pilgrim said "The doctor confirmed to me that in theory there's not a limit on portions. One just needs to proportionally adjust the quantity of the key ingredients that are added to the starter e.g. milk, as the bacteria etc. will continue to feed and reproduce indefinitely. That way one can cut the cost down considerably. It costs me about 80 per month plus milk etc. If you added two other people, it would go down to 40 and so forth."

So I hope that is true for MAF 878 too. I think the starter might not keep, but you could theoretically make a lot more yogurt each time. It might take more time.


Senior Member
Dr. Enlander specifically said that the yogurt is no longer viable after one month, and the starter stops reproducing after 2 months. I'm just quoting; I have no opinion about this.

I suddenly have either a bad summer cold, or seasonal allergies outside my normal timing. Faucet-nose, pressure-pain around eyes, a little sneezing. I don't know if this is connected to the maf or not.........just sharing.


Northern Vermont
Hi Xandoff,

First about syringes: For injections that are more than 1 ml (like Nexavir which is 2 mls) I think the easiest to use are BD 3 ml syringes which are sold separately from the needles. They call them "Luer-Lok tip." This allow you to choose the type of needle you want to attach. The ref. # on mine is: 309657. I attach a 30 guage, 1/2 inch needle. The higher gauge hurts very little. The ref. # on the needles is: 305106.

Your syringes may already have the Luer-Lok system and you could just buy separate needles. Sometimes I use a larger gauge needle to draw medication into the syringe and then change the needle so I have a really sharp needle when I stick myself. A 25 gauge needle is going to hurt a bit if you inject with it.

But if you are just going to inject GcMAF, you don't need a 3 ml syringe. For GcMAF I use BD 1 ml, 12.7 mm, insulin syringes with 30 gauge needles.

I have not heard that Nexavir helps with pain but that is not to say that it doesn't. LDN is more likely to help with pain though.

Best wishes for your second injection!

Second injection accomplished with your help. Actually the GcMAf.EU website has all the information and I had big brain fog! Thanks for your help. The syringes you told me to buy worked perfect this a.m. I feel side effects at all.

Sushi...give yourself four trophies filled with health and well being! You are like the Nora Ephron of PR members.
Seattle Washington
Hello everyone I just received my maf 878 yogurt starter today. I made it according to the directions and have it sitting in a glass jar that is in a cardboard box and I put a heating pad on low on the bottom wrapped in a thick towel. It think that will bring up the heat although directions were to leave it at room temp.
I tried about a tsp of the mixture while making it. I thought I noticed somthing in my tummy by it has gone away now. I guess my first dose will be on Saturday.


Senior Member
In this thread about the homeopathic version, there was some discussion on Maf 314 yogurt and user pilgrim said "The doctor confirmed to me that in theory there's not a limit on portions. One just needs to proportionally adjust the quantity of the key ingredients that are added to the starter e.g. milk, as the bacteria etc. will continue to feed and reproduce indefinitely. That way one can cut the cost down considerably. It costs me about 80 per month plus milk etc. If you added two other people, it would go down to 40 and so forth."

So I hope that is true for MAF 878 too. I think the starter might not keep, but you could theoretically make a lot more yogurt each time. It might take more time.

Let me see if I can follow this. We've already been told by Dr. Enlander that the starter will last in the fridge for 2 months. Are you saying that technically we could use 1/2 of the MAF starter that is shipped and add the full amounts of the other ingredients and just by leaving it a little longer to culture, it would be basically the same as the full strength MAF?

So we could get a 2 month supply from one original starter?
Let me see if I can follow this. We've already been told by Dr. Enlander that the starter will last in the fridge for 2 months. Are you saying that technically we could use 1/2 of the MAF starter that is shipped and add the full amounts of the other ingredients and just by leaving it a little longer to culture, it would be basically the same as the full strength MAF?

So we could get a 2 month supply from one original starter?

From my interpretation, yes. And if a whole family was sick, or you had nearby friends, you could all have 2 months from one starter. I don't know if it's true.
Seattle Washington
Hello everyone I just received my maf 878 yogurt starter today. I made it according to the directions and have it sitting in a glass jar that is in a cardboard box and I put a heating pad on low on the bottom wrapped in a thick towel. It think that will bring up the heat although directions were to leave it at room temp.
I tried about a tsp of the mixture while making it. I thought I noticed somthing in my tummy by it has gone away now. I guess my first dose will be on Saturday.