MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?

Seattle Washington
Well now it is about 8 hours after the first tsp of the maf 878 to my surprise I began to have first stomach issues, a little pressuer maybe? The it left now this evening my liver started to ache, or it was at least in the area of the liver, now I am still up at 2:03 am and I have had to take extra sleeping meds. My neck glands on the right side are now starting to swell. This stuff must be doing something.


Senior Member
Let me see if I can follow this. We've already been told by Dr. Enlander that the starter will last in the fridge for 2 months. Are you saying that technically we could use 1/2 of the MAF starter that is shipped and add the full amounts of the other ingredients and just by leaving it a little longer to culture, it would be basically the same as the full strength MAF?

So we could get a 2 month supply from one original starter?

I think we can only figure this out by finding out how we feel on regularly cultured MAF, and comparing that with MAF cultured with 1/2 of the starter. With yogurt or kefir, there's an amount of starter you can't go below. I also don't know about the amount of colostrum in the starter - is it critical to get that amount, spread over a month?

I'm very interested in sharing starter, once I've got my dose figured out. At the moment I'm taking a 1/8 dose daily (1/2TBS). So I've either got to figure out how to keep the starter working longer, or share with a group taking turns buying.

I did find a little $1.25 container that holds 1/3 cup of starter - a quarter of the MAF starter. I put water in it and left it upside down on a paper leaks. This would be cheap to ship (small box).


Senior Member
Yes, Justy. It's just like the container in post 227, but holds 3 oz. Link provided in post 237. You can buy them (set of 4 only) online, but I think they're cheapest in store at bed, bath, and beyond, with the spice bottles. Which happens to be very close to me.


Senior Member
Day three report from me. The irritability has set in and a bad headache. Slightly sore throat and my face is red and flushed.
Seattle Washington
Day three report from me. The irritability has set in and a bad headache. Slightly sore throat and my face is red and flushed.
Ukxmrv, hi so you are at day 3 on the full dose per day? I will start mine on Saturday. I had a pretty good day today after being up half the night. I was even able to make it to a doctors appointment. I have also been on hydrocortisone lately which has done a world of good for me.
I will post how I do on the maf878 next week.


Senior Member
Hi Pinky, yes, I started on the full dose of MAF878 as I'd already tried the MAF314 before so was more confident of tolerating this version. Usually I am sensitive to drugs and start off at a low dose. When I started the MAF314 I started low but was OK.

Good luck. Will watch out for your report.


San Francisco
Day three report from me. The irritability has set in and a bad headache. Slightly sore throat and my face is red and flushed.
Interesting, I am experiencing almost the same on week 3. Headache goes away with caffeine though :) The sore throat is a mix between a cold sore throat and an allergic sore throat, some neck pain as well - but everything tolerable. Felt flushy hot in the office today all day and was sweaty, but temp is steady around 98.2.


Senior Member
I really don't understand why it's fabulous that we get sick on the MAF. Is the idea that we have infections that are dragging us down, but they stay under the radar of under-functioning immune systems? And that we finally get sick because the MAF strengthens our immune response?

It doesn't make sense to me that we have a constant under-the-radar cold that suddenly erupts.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I really don't understand why it's fabulous that we get sick on the MAF. Is the idea that we have infections that are dragging us down, but they stay under the radar of under-functioning immune systems? And that we finally get sick because the MAF strengthens our immune response?

It doesn't make sense to me that we have a constant under-the-radar cold that suddenly erupts.


I think it is sort like like that. I know my immune function has been overactive (spinning its wheels), but under functioning (couldn't manage to really shoot any bullets). When the immune system gets more clout it can both "see" and "attack" invaders more readily.

Not much fun for the "hosts," but seems to be part of the saga.



Senior Member
The reaction that I got (before I immediately lowered the dose) felt like an acute histamine reaction. How can we differentiate between, say, an allergic reaction to the MAF and a useful immune activation? Because an acute cold and an acute allergy attack feel pretty much the same to me.


San Francisco
That's a valid question, I am not sure on this but apparently it is not ideal to never get colds/fever and also not good if you always get em. The way I differentiate is that this feels more like the colds used to feel without all that weird general inflammation all over the body, gut and torso. The symptoms are all above the chest so to speak and not general flu-like symptoms. I can still do a full day with this although it's not pleasant ;)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
The reaction that I got (before I immediately lowered the dose) felt like an acute histamine reaction. How can we differentiate between, say, an allergic reaction to the MAF and a useful immune activation? Because an acute cold and an acute allergy attack feel pretty much the same to me.

That is a hard one. Couple of ideas: unless you are reacting to dairy, I haven't heard of anyone getting an allergic reaction to GcMAF--though anything is possible. But, GcMAF is known to cause histamine to rise -- for other reasons that I can't remember. Hence, at least with injections, many doctors tell you to take histamine blockers.

The whole interaction between histamine, inflammation, and the immune system is complex I think.



Senior Member
Well this is unfortunate! I'm pretty sure I already have a histamine problem, because Benadryl is the only thing that helps me sleep. [I had to stop taking it because it caused memory loss.] So, hmmmm....


San Francisco
99.2 temp and feeling like having a shit cold (but no CFS symptoms). I had forgotten how that feels like, it has been 3 years.. On the upside I think I will call in sick tomorrow :)


Always looking for improvement
St. Paul MN
I'm confused as to the relationship/difference between the MAF 878 and injections. I can order the MAF (and have, started 2 weeks ago) but would have to go to NY to have Dr. E give me the first injection in case of reaction. It's been 2 weeks for me, I've been ever so slowly recovering from a crash last August that brought me right back to how sick I was the first year. I've had days that are 'pretty darn good' and days I feel naseau and as if I've been shot with a horse tranquilizer. I don't know if it's the MAF as it's been a roller coaster for almost a year now. How long does one take this before noticeable improvement would be felt? Is there any sort of timeline?