MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?

Hey Suzanne or others

Any news to report on the MAF878?

I've been taking it for about 1month now and notice no real benefits yet. Did notice at 75mls it was too strong and I felt tired, exhausted and a bit fluish. Reduced it to about 25mls and its easier to take. Wish I could report benefits so far but not yet.

Keen to hear any other news


Senior Member

I can offer you a bit of a story around why I have stalled on GcMAF- for what it is worth.

I have my MAF 878 from Dr Enlander sitting in my fridge. I was hoping on giviing it a 'go' as I thought it may cause a less inflammatory response.
The reason I haven't trialled it yet is because I am still SO inflamed!
I have tried in vain over the last 6 months to get the inflammation down, but have had no luck on any of the supplements- in fact they all make me feel worse.

I am currently taking some bile acids that my dr suggesed due to some bad bugs in my gut- and guess what - more inflammation!

Also, my big and surprising news is that I have had a recent ( last week) diagnosis of lyme - borrelia, and I live in Australia, like you. Who would believe? But there is no mistaking it as it is a positive result from a PCR test.

In fact the lyme and possible co infections (I have some more test results that are still pending) may help to explain my impossible reactions to tiny doses of GcMAF.

So for now, I am waiting to see if I need to treat the lyme and co infections - get the pathogen load down a bit and then try the GcMAF again.

Like everyone else, this is turning into a long, painful and hideous process. I hope that a treatment pathway emerges soon, that I can stick with. The treatment options are going to be had to decide on, but I am researching that now.

I think until you have been on the MAF for 3 months it will be difficult to see the results. Perhaps just hang in there, if you can.


Any update using MAF 878?? I just ordered mine and was wondering how you are all doing on it. Also if you did bad have you been diagnosed with Lyme since using it?
I posted on Dr. Enlander's wall last night, and got this response:

I've sent for a starter pack of MAF 878. I plan to make a quarter of it up, and start at a quarter dose or less per day. I have 2 questions.

Do I have to throw out any unused yogurt at the end of a month? If not, how long does it stay viable?

If I add colostrum (what form and how much?), can I use my made-up MAF 878 as a starter for the next batch?

Derek Enlander It should last for 2 months.

Derek Enlander THE probiotic bacteria do not replicate continuously for more than six weeks.

A lot of us have asked the second question, and nobody has been answered.
The MAF 878 has been upgraded so that the MAF probiotic starter now only needs 3 days to mature
it can be matured in either yoghurt or Agar as the culture medium. go to MAF878.COM
I can't see anything on his facebook page. Just a question about whether he was going to host a conference in May. Do you have to be his 'friend' to see this discussion?

I do not use Facebook much so I am not aware or the MAF 878 comment on Facebook.
MAF 878 if a probiotic series that when the probiotic replicate a activating factor is produced.
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Does anybody still use MAF - either probiotic or otherwise? I realise Dr Endlander responded here in May, and I take it therefore that he prescribes it. I just don't seem to see much discussion about it anymore and wondered if it fell out of fashion - ie didn't work for people or whether it still helped/s anyone?

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Does anybody still use MAF - either probiotic or otherwise? I realise Dr Endlander responded here in May, and I take it therefore that he prescribes it. I just don't seem to see much discussion about it anymore and wondered if it fell out of fashion - ie didn't work for people or whether it still helped/s anyone?
yes people are still using it. There are different suppliers, and many people are using facebook sites.
I believe that people who use it may not post here much.
I see - then I guess the question is whether anybody reports any benefits with it here of late. I started on MAF878 powder a few years ago but gave up. Probably didn't give it enough of a go and am intrigued as to whether its worthwhile pursuing again.

I go through phases of accepting that suffering through the CFS journey is just my life. Then I go through phases of hoping one of the many remedies on this board may be the magic bullet - or a least a bullet of some sorts, even if not the complete answer.

Does anybody have any wisdom here to offer me? :)


GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
I see - then I guess the question is whether anybody reports any benefits with it here of late. I started on MAF878 powder a few years ago but gave up. Probably didn't give it enough of a go and am intrigued as to whether its worthwhile pursuing again.

I go through phases of accepting that suffering through the CFS journey is just my life. Then I go through phases of hoping one of the many remedies on this board may be the magic bullet - or a least a bullet of some sorts, even if not the complete answer.

Does anybody have any wisdom here to offer me? :)

Some people are doing Ozone and HBOT in Cyprus (and some other treatments) with variable success.
Best wishes