Received my MAF 878 starter this afternoon. It came in a flip-top pint canning jar that had leaked some, but they had it in a ziploc bag so there was no real mess. It's yellow and smells quite yeasty. The instructions call for letting it sit at room temperature for 5 days. So apparently yogurt makers and other contraptions will not be necessary. What you will need is a new wooden spoon. Here are the full instructions they give:
MAF Production
The starter contains probiotic bacteria and colostrum, which when added to kefir and yoghurt will produce MAF.
Get a gallon glass jar, wide mouth jar is preferable, so that stirring is made easier. Wash the jar thoroughly rinsing away soap residue.
add container of starter to glass jar
add one quart kefir to glass jar (goat kefir if lactose intolerant)
add one pint yoghurt to glass jar (goat yoghurt if lactose intolerant)
add one pint full cream milk to glass jar (goat milk if lactose intolerant)
The goat substitution may or may not satisfy the lactose intolerance it varies patient to patient.
The final mixture is approx. 66 ounces (approx 2 liters) sufficient for one month.
Stir thoroughly with new wooden spoon to mix starter throughout mixture. Keep this spoon solely for the MAF.
Allow glass jar mixture to mature at room temperature for 5 days, stirring each day.
After five days the mixture should be ready for administration and may be kept in a refrigerator.
Take 2.5 oz (approx. 75 ml) with food each morning. Some patients add one teaspoon of olive oil or flax see oil to reduce the gastric enzymes digesting the MAF 878.