MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?


iherb code TAK122
Being a bit paranoid in the kitchen anyway about hygiene just thought I'd post a little bossy.
Please make sure everything you use is scrupulously clean when preparing this product, all equipment sould be sterilised, teatowels having been boiled/hottest wash, and hands, wash wash wash. Better to be safe and just keep the good bacteria going, not introducing any bad.


Senior Member
Also, anyone have an idea where to get such a large wide-mouth glass jar? And, for those in the US, anyone know where you could get the goat milk, kefir, yogurt and full cream milk--Whole Foods?


Sushi, gallon jars of pickles are widely available in US supermarkets, and pickles are cheap enough to throw away if you don't eat them.


Senior Member
Received my MAF 878 starter this afternoon. It came in a flip-top pint canning jar that had leaked some, but they had it in a ziploc bag so there was no real mess. It's yellow and smells quite yeasty. The instructions call for letting it sit at room temperature for 5 days. So apparently yogurt makers and other contraptions will not be necessary. What you will need is a new wooden spoon. Here are the full instructions they give:

MAF Production

The starter contains probiotic bacteria and colostrum, which when added to kefir and yoghurt will produce MAF.

Get a gallon glass jar, wide mouth jar is preferable, so that stirring is made easier. Wash the jar thoroughly rinsing away soap residue.

add container of starter to glass jar
add one quart kefir to glass jar (goat kefir if lactose intolerant)
add one pint yoghurt to glass jar (goat yoghurt if lactose intolerant)
add one pint full cream milk to glass jar (goat milk if lactose intolerant)
The goat substitution may or may not satisfy the lactose intolerance it varies patient to patient.

The final mixture is approx. 66 ounces (approx 2 liters) sufficient for one month.

Stir thoroughly with new wooden spoon to mix starter throughout mixture. Keep this spoon solely for the MAF.

Allow glass jar mixture to mature at room temperature for 5 days, stirring each day.

After five days the mixture should be ready for administration and may be kept in a refrigerator.

Take 2.5 oz (approx. 75 ml) with food each morning. Some patients add one teaspoon of olive oil or flax see oil to reduce the gastric enzymes digesting the MAF 878.

Thanks Camas for sharing this. Regarding the instructions saying it only needs to be kept at room temperature, as i've seen elsewhere it should be kept at 80F, the room temperature instruction seems to have changed. I googled what classes as room temperature and it says it's approx between 20c and 23.5c/73F with 21c/70F being classed as average. Being in the UK, my room can definitely get cooler than that even now in the summer (ah bloomin British weather), but if it is true that the temp now only has to be between 20-23.5 c that is certainly easier than the 80F originally given.

Sushi, when I corresponded with Dr Enlander's office last week, I asked if I could use only half of the starter keeping the other half to make up the following month, as i want to start slow, they replied yes but didn't give me instructions on how to store the unused half. I don't know whether this info helps you.


Just checked the ebay site and that still gives instructions for keeping it at 80F. Would be good to get confirmation of what is the correct instructions now. THink I'll e mail Dr Enlander's office


Senior Member
I keep thinking of ideas, but none that I could easily implement.

1. Incubator
2. Food warmer
3. Heating lamp attached too a dimmer to control heat.
4. Double boiler

Or, get a bunch of chickens to sit on it.


Senior Member
Thanks Camas for sharing this. Regarding the instructions saying it only needs to be kept at room temperature, as i've seen elsewhere it should be kept at 80F, the room temperature instruction seems to have changed.
Just checked the ebay site and that still gives instructions for keeping it at 80F. Would be good to get confirmation of what is the correct instructions now. THink I'll e mail Dr Enlander's office

If it's of any help, in my experience with the other yogurt the conversion to Maf occurs at room temperature, whatever that is and which varies across countries/latitudes...


Senior Member
If it's of any help, in my experience with the other yogurt the conversion to Maf occurs at room temperature, whatever that is and which varies across countries/latitudes...
Thanks xrunner. I suppose as i know the UK is cooler than other areas whether the room temperature would be slightly too cool at present with our summer weather, especially as the original instructions said keep it around 80F. I'm probably over worrying....


Senior Member
Sushi, when I corresponded with Dr Enlander's office last week, I asked if I could use only half of the starter keeping the other half to make up the following month, as i want to start slow, they replied yes but didn't give me instructions on how to store the unused half. I don't know whether this info helps you.

I asked about this on the FB page, and Dr. Enlander said keep the extra starter in the fridge, for a maximum of 2 months.


Off the fence
Any reason why one can't freeze the starter? Work with smaller quantities, maybe divide the starter into four, use one freeze three? I know you can freeze fresh yeast as well as yoghurt...

My kitchen is likely around 60F right now, I don't think I've wasted my money on the dimmer. The yeast/bacteria/whatever will work more slowly at a lower temperature.


Senior Member
Thanks Madietodd for sharing that.

Jace, do you plan to use your dimmer with a yoghurt maker? Many thanks


Senior Member
Once I froze my kefir grains and they weren't the same afterwards. The kefir became too runny and not producing kefiran any longer. I think freezing caused damage.


Senior Member
Just wanted to give a quick update. I stirred the MAF mixture this morning and hadn't given it much thought until I was cleaning the kitchen tonight and saw that it had risen a good inch or two. I assume this means all is working well at room temperature (around 70 degrees).


Senior Member
i called Dr. Enlander's office and they said there are some patients taking both injections and yogurt. one staff member implied that those with digestive and cognitive issues might benefit from the i am thinking of trying it with the injections....Dr. Enlander suggested an aquarium heater to keep the 80 degree temp


Senior Member
Oh no, are we back to temperature control again? This is very confusing.

The actual instructions that come with the MAF specify nothing at all about temperature.


Senior Member
- lower temp will mean it will take longer to at 70 degrees will take 6 - 7 days instead of 5
- not sure how many ng of gcmaf is in the mixture....could vary depending on how it is cultivated
- starter will keep for 2 months in fridge
- stir once or twice a day during cultivation
- at 80 degrees for 5 days, put in fridge
- be careful - too high a temp can fry the bacteria
- if IRIS becomes a problem, can try lowering dose to 2 oz.
- dont treat it like a complicated science experiment..relax.

i asked Dr. Enlander if he is noticing cognitive issues improving quicker with the yogurt..he says it varies.


Senior Member
- lower temp will mean it will take longer to at 70 degrees will take 6 - 7 days instead of 5
- not sure how many ng of gcmaf is in the mixture....could vary depending on how it is cultivated
- starter will keep for 2 months in fridge
- stir once or twice a day during cultivation
- at 80 degrees for 5 days, put in fridge
- be careful - too high a temp can fry the bacteria
- if IRIS becomes a problem, can try lowering dose to 2 oz.
- dont treat it like a complicated science experiment..relax.

i asked Dr. Enlander if he is noticing cognitive issues improving quicker with the yogurt..he says it varies.

Thanks for posting this Daff. Did you get this info from Dr. E.?


It's not your English 7. The wording is not very clear at all.

I am assuming that all the ingredients that they send you are dry. I am guessing, through my limited experience with making home made kefir and yogurt, that you would probably add milk to create a yogurt and a kefir mixture and leave out for 5 days to culture before starting to use it. At that point, you could start consuming the mixture but leaving it unrefrigerated for a further 5 days to continue culturing. At the 10 day mark, you would refrigerate it.

Again, this is just guessing at the basics of the processing based on how kefir and yogurt making work.
No. Actually. It is not dry. I just received a shipment. Sent overnight. No ice. The lid was not screwed on so it came in a big mess.


Senior Member
No. Actually. It is not dry. I just received a shipment. Sent overnight. No ice. The lid was not screwed on so it came in a big mess.

I was very surprised that it was not dry as well. I'm sure that I read somewhere the MAF 314 is dry so assumed this would be too. Mine was very messy when it arrived as well. Don't understand why it couldn't be sent dry. What if it had been held up at customs for those who live outside the US. How long it could last then I wonder!