MAF 314 - All Natural GcMAF Plus Probiotics

Does anyone know the difference between Maf 314 and 878? Why is 314 difficult to prepare and 878 available? Does only Cheney provide 314 in US? I hear he offers two day classes to make it. Explain please. Thanks.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Does anyone know the difference between Maf 314 and 878? Why is 314 difficult to prepare and 878 available? Does only Cheney provide 314 in US? I hear he offers two day classes to make it. Explain please. Thanks.

I tried to catch you on chat, cause it is easier to explain "back and forth."

Neither 314 or 878 is available "ready-made"--though 878 used to be available at Dr. Enlander's office. Now you have to make both yourself from starters.

Dr. Cheney did a few classes for his patients (limited number, fairly high price for the class). Now I believe the classses are given by a Doctor in Vienna--you can do them by Skype, but there is still a fee for the classes. 878 is Dr. Enlander's "copy" of 314--he hoped to make it more widely available. They are probably not exactly the same since Dr. Enlander and a lab developed 878 independently.

Both products need specific steps and equipment to make. Both charge fees for the starter. You can read various people's comments here on each of them.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
i have the info on the doctor who teaches you to make MAF314 via skype. i am thinking of doing this myself, so i got the info. if you want the info, please "private message" me.


iherb code TAK122
Would I be right in thinking there is no point in taking Samento at the same time as Maf314?


Senior Member
Maf 314 comes with a 20 page manual. It explains how to make it step-by-step. It's quite detailed and I don't think classes are necessary.

I took Samento for a while and didn't noticed any particular effect. The Maf continued to work though.


Senior Member
i know folks who had a very powerful reaction to samento due to lyme or something like lyme. i do not see why you'd need to stop taking samento in order to take MAF314 (or any MAF for that matter). why are you saying there is no point to taking both at the same time?


iherb code TAK122
Rrr I thought Samento was anti bacterial therefor it would cancel out the good bacteria in the Maf. But what xrunner said seemed to suggest it wouldn't.


Senior Member
That's good news Xrunner!

Another London patient is kindly giving some to me and I'm looking forward to improving again. The good effects did last for at least a month for me the other time and I wonder how long yours will?


Senior Member
Thank you.

I don't know how long but I've been getting better even without it.
I'll probably do another six months in order to bring N. within the ref range, that is under .95. The Dr had actually told me, in her opinion, people needed to do at least one year.
However, I wanted to make sure this "yogurt" was actually working before another commitment.

It's good to hear you have the opportunity to try again something that helped. I hope it's going to work even better this time round and wish you all the best.


West Australia
Sorry, i havent scanned the threads properly. Does Dr Enlander still provide MAF 314 or 878 on ebay?
I cant find it anymore.

There is a supplier of MAF 878 on ebay for US$120, but how do we know this isnt dodgy?


Fine, thank you
Sorry, i havent scanned the threads properly. Does Dr Enlander still provide MAF 314 or 878 on ebay?
I cant find it anymore.

There is a supplier of MAF 878 on ebay for US$120, but how do we know this isnt dodgy?

Dunno but Dr Enlander's website is here:

Don't be scared when it starts talking to you (scares the heck out of me every time).

You could email them and ask. If it's not on Ebay, maybe they can mail you some direct.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
I hope this helps here.
MAF 314 contains probiotic bacteria that they are keeping under wraps.
The MAF 878 presumably contains different bacteria.
The source of GcMAF in these yoghurts is the colostrum. The amount of GcMAF in colostrum can vary widely during the time after the cow giving birth. Hence the strength of GcMAF can vary even for individual suppliers.
Don Lewis in Melbourne made some MAF 314 and it was extra strong!!
it works not on a linear scale - so doubling the dose can give maybe a 10 fold increase in effect.
This effect means that some people can get massive herxing etc.
Start LOW and start SLOW


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I hope this helps here.
MAF 314 contains probiotic bacteria that they are keeping under wraps.
The MAF 878 presumably contains different bacteria.
The source of GcMAF in these yoghurts is the colostrum. The amount of GcMAF in colostrum can vary widely during the time after the cow giving birth. Hence the strength of GcMAF can vary even for individual suppliers.
Don Lewis in Melbourne made some MAF 314 and it was extra strong!!
it works not on a linear scale - so doubling the dose can give maybe a 10 fold increase in effect.
This effect means that some people can get massive herxing etc.
Start LOW and start SLOW

how is it different to colostrum supplements?
do normal colostrum supps have gcmaf in them too?

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
These things contain probiotics.
Colostrum is made so that the calf gets its immunity up and running.
It contains a number of things such as lauric acid/monolaurin (which by itself stimulates the immunity)
and vitamin D binding protein which is the precursor of GcMAF.
The assay of GcMAF is not easy and so the actual presence has not been confirmed as far as i know.
But it is said that the GcMAF does come from the colostrum, with some people saying that it is the bacteria producing the GcMAF (i may have some more info some where)
I have thought about this a bit , maybe put in a thread here.
Somebody in Brisbane, who shall be nameless, started on colostrum. This person he used the full dose and then cut it down a bit. He herxed a lot. This GcMAF thing can be very very potent. He may have been using say 10-20-50 x the dose needed.
The thing is with GcMAF and the MAFs the dose Versus effect is not linear, So doubling the dose can give maybe 10-50 the herxing OUCH!!
So this person may have given his immune system a super Boost & over herxed. (hint) I dont know.
Here is a paper on a digested milk preparation which is interesting.

This whole area is open for further developments.
Cheers GcMAF


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
These things contain probiotics.
Colostrum is made so that the calf gets its immunity up and running.
It contains a number of things such as lauric acid/monolaurin (which by itself stimulates the immunity)
and vitamin D binding protein which is the precursor of GcMAF.
The assay of GcMAF is not easy and so the actual presence has not been confirmed as far as i know.
But it is said that the GcMAF does come from the colostrum, with some people saying that it is the bacteria producing the GcMAF (i may have some more info some where)
I have thought about this a bit , maybe put in a thread here.
Somebody in Brisbane, who shall be nameless, started on colostrum. This person he used the full dose and then cut it down a bit. He herxed a lot. This GcMAF thing can be very very potent. He may have been using say 10-20-50 x the dose needed.
The thing is with GcMAF and the MAFs the dose Versus effect is not linear, So doubling the dose can give maybe 10-50 the herxing OUCH!!
So this person may have given his immune system a super Boost & over herxed. (hint) I dont know.
Here is a paper on a digested milk preparation which is interesting.

This whole area is open for further developments.
Cheers GcMAF

Interesting, so are probiotics/bacteria fed colostrum and the maf comes from that??
Must be more to it then that as there are a few products on the market with colostrum and probiotics in them. A few things i have justread are saying colostrum works in the gut which is how it boost immune system. even if one cant get maf, maybe colostrum and probiotics can help people with gut issues?? Maybe it helps feed these probiotics??

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Interesting, so are probiotics/bacteria fed colostrum and the maf comes from that??
Must be more to it then that as there are a few products on the market with colostrum and probiotics in them. A few things i have justread are saying colostrum works in the gut which is how it boost immune system. even if one cant get maf, maybe colostrum and probiotics can help people with gut issues?? Maybe it helps feed these probiotics??
Heaps nobody knows, Supposedly the 314 is the number of probiotics that they tried before they had some success.
Some body did mention that the bacteria made the GcMAF but i cannot remember.
Certainly the role of gcMAF in this process is very hard to measure scientifically


Senior Member
There's quite a good discussion here on the "questioning aids" forum about what could be in the MAF314 culture(s) and it also mentions some of the papers on other probiotic yoghurts and CD4 etc in HIV/AIDS. The papers name the bacteria that they use and I think Dr Ruggerio was inspired by these

There were also some videos of Dr Ruggerio talking about MAF314 posted a couple of weeks ago. Shannah very kindly did a transcript of one

(5:39) So we began studying, we began researching. Our research group is made of about ten people, between PHD students and research assistants, and we came up with a conclusion. There are certain strains of bacteria, bacteria that are not pathogenic of course to humans, that are able to convert the precursor, which is the Gc protein, into GcMAF in a natural and fully physiological way. However, these bacteria, they are not easy to grow, that is, they don’t do this job by themselves. They have to live in a symbiosis, in a community with other bacteria and most important, they have to have the primary ingredient, so they have to have the Gc protein to be converted into GcMAF. Not only that, the biochemical reactions are complicated and so you cannot simply mix all the bacteria together and expect that they produce the GcMAF. You have to add some bacteria first, then other, then other, then other. To make it short, it took more than three hundred experiments to come up with a formula that produced huge amounts of GcMAF and unexpected extremely positive side effects which I will tell you in a short while.

(7:03) So the name MAF 314, MAF stands for Macrophage Activating Factor, 314 for the number of experiments it took to have the first viable formula. If we had to give it a name now, probably I would say it’s MAF six hundred and something because we keep on doing experiments almost on a daily basis. Anyway, after 314 experiments, we came up with a formula and starting with Colostrum, which is the early milk produced by the mammals that is very rich in Gc protein and adding in a very peculiar sequence all the bacteria that we needed, we are able to have the bacteria convert to the Gc protein from Colostrum into GcMAF.

(7:55) So we ended up with a product that looked like a yogurt. If you look at it, it looks like a yogurt and it tastes like a yogurt. Of course, it is not a yogurt; otherwise, all our efforts would have been in vain if you could just go to the grocery store and buy some yogurt, we would have worked for nothing. Anyway, we came up with a product that looks like a yogurt, but unlike common yogurts, it has a huge amount of GcMAF inside it because the bacteria that we introduced were able to convert the Gc protein into GcMAF


Before taking MAF314 I'd already taken probiotics (capsules), probiotic yoghurt and colostrum (tablets and powder) but these didn't have the effect MAF314 has on me.