There's quite a good discussion here on the "questioning aids" forum about what could be in the MAF314 culture(s) and it also mentions some of the papers on other probiotic yoghurts and CD4 etc in HIV/AIDS. The papers name the bacteria that they use and I think Dr Ruggerio was inspired by these
There were also some videos of Dr Ruggerio talking about MAF314 posted a couple of weeks ago. Shannah very kindly did a transcript of one
(5:39) So we began studying, we began researching. Our research group is made of about ten people, between PHD students and research assistants, and we came up with a conclusion. There are certain strains of bacteria, bacteria that are not pathogenic of course to humans, that are able to convert the precursor, which is the Gc protein, into GcMAF in a natural and fully physiological way. However, these bacteria, they are not easy to grow, that is, they don’t do this job by themselves. They have to live in a symbiosis, in a community with other bacteria and most important, they have to have the primary ingredient, so they have to have the Gc protein to be converted into GcMAF. Not only that, the biochemical reactions are complicated and so you cannot simply mix all the bacteria together and expect that they produce the GcMAF. You have to add some bacteria first, then other, then other, then other. To make it short, it took more than three hundred experiments to come up with a formula that produced huge amounts of GcMAF and unexpected extremely positive side effects which I will tell you in a short while.
(7:03) So the name MAF 314, MAF stands for Macrophage Activating Factor, 314 for the number of experiments it took to have the first viable formula. If we had to give it a name now, probably I would say it’s MAF six hundred and something because we keep on doing experiments almost on a daily basis. Anyway, after 314 experiments, we came up with a formula and starting with Colostrum, which is the early milk produced by the mammals that is very rich in Gc protein and adding in a very peculiar sequence all the bacteria that we needed, we are able to have the bacteria convert to the Gc protein from Colostrum into GcMAF.
(7:55) So we ended up with a product that looked like a yogurt. If you look at it, it looks like a yogurt and it tastes like a yogurt. Of course, it is not a yogurt; otherwise, all our efforts would have been in vain if you could just go to the grocery store and buy some yogurt, we would have worked for nothing. Anyway, we came up with a product that looks like a yogurt, but unlike common yogurts, it has a huge amount of GcMAF inside it because the bacteria that we introduced were able to convert the Gc protein into GcMAF
Before taking MAF314 I'd already taken probiotics (capsules), probiotic yoghurt and colostrum (tablets and powder) but these didn't have the effect MAF314 has on me.