MAF 314 - All Natural GcMAF Plus Probiotics

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
There's quite a good discussion here on the "questioning aids" forum about what could be in the MAF314 culture(s) and it also mentions some of the papers on other probiotic yoghurts and CD4 etc in HIV/AIDS. The papers name the bacteria that they use and I think Dr Ruggerio was inspired by these

There were also some videos of Dr Ruggerio talking about MAF314 posted a couple of weeks ago. Shannah very kindly did a transcript of one

(5:39) So we began studying, we began researching. Our research group is made of about ten people, between PHD students and research assistants, and we came up with a conclusion. There are certain strains of bacteria, bacteria that are not pathogenic of course to humans, that are able to convert the precursor, which is the Gc protein, into GcMAF in a natural and fully physiological way. However, these bacteria, they are not easy to grow, that is, they don’t do this job by themselves. They have to live in a symbiosis, in a community with other bacteria and most important, they have to have the primary ingredient, so they have to have the Gc protein to be converted into GcMAF. Not only that, the biochemical reactions are complicated and so you cannot simply mix all the bacteria together and expect that they produce the GcMAF. You have to add some bacteria first, then other, then other, then other. To make it short, it took more than three hundred experiments to come up with a formula that produced huge amounts of GcMAF and unexpected extremely positive side effects which I will tell you in a short while.

(7:03) So the name MAF 314, MAF stands for Macrophage Activating Factor, 314 for the number of experiments it took to have the first viable formula. If we had to give it a name now, probably I would say it’s MAF six hundred and something because we keep on doing experiments almost on a daily basis. Anyway, after 314 experiments, we came up with a formula and starting with Colostrum, which is the early milk produced by the mammals that is very rich in Gc protein and adding in a very peculiar sequence all the bacteria that we needed, we are able to have the bacteria convert to the Gc protein from Colostrum into GcMAF.

(7:55) So we ended up with a product that looked like a yogurt. If you look at it, it looks like a yogurt and it tastes like a yogurt. Of course, it is not a yogurt; otherwise, all our efforts would have been in vain if you could just go to the grocery store and buy some yogurt, we would have worked for nothing. Anyway, we came up with a product that looks like a yogurt, but unlike common yogurts, it has a huge amount of GcMAF inside it because the bacteria that we introduced were able to convert the Gc protein into GcMAF


Before taking MAF314 I'd already taken probiotics (capsules), probiotic yoghurt and colostrum (tablets and powder) but these didn't have the effect MAF314 has on me.
Thanks very much for filling me/us in


Senior Member
i will start micro doses of injectable gcmaf in the next few weeks. i have been bedbound for several years and am overly sensitive to everything but desperate to get well........any tips from injectable gcmaf users on how to avoid IRIS and other bad side effects. my disease is viral in nature: hi titres, low cd counts, hi inflammation, poor methlation, insomnia, 4 am anxiety and diastolic dysfuntion are the worst of a the multitude of symptoms. any and all advice welcomed.

regards, navid


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Good luck with your injections! It is usually advised to take an antihistamine while taking GcMAF. Take it an hour or so before an injection and then daily. Some add an H2 blocker too, but since these block acid you'd have to take that into consideration.

Some things that seem to help with inflammation are a couple of grams of curcumin daily and for those who do well with it, LDN.

Have you and your doctor decided on what dose you will take?

Let us know how it goes.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
i will start micro doses of injectable gcmaf in the next few weeks. i have been bedbound for several years and am overly sensitive to everything but desperate to get well........any tips from injectable gcmaf users on how to avoid IRIS and other bad side effects. my disease is viral in nature: hi titres, low cd counts, hi inflammation, poor methlation, insomnia, 4 am anxiety and diastolic dysfuntion are the worst of a the multitude of symptoms. any and all advice welcomed.

regards, navid
maybe benicar if you have high 1,25 vitamin D
best-est wishes


Fine, thank you
you did not understand me. I don't mean use colostrum instead of maf. i meant use fresh unprocessed colostrum instead of powder.

Just to pile in and possibly add to the confusion, my understanding is that the MAF 878 starter is in colostrum and the powder is that colustrum plus the bacteria cultured in it, freeze-dried. So if you added fresh colostrum you'd just be adding more colostrum to what's already in there.

I think! :)


Sasha, where's the info on that?
Admittedly 878 is much cheaper. And I'm not doubting it makes some GcMAF. But from everything I've read, and knowing the specialties of those in 314 vs 878, it seems 314 is much more potent, no?
OTOH getting it is a hassle. But I am going to test and wait for nagalase. Someone said my nagalase results would take six weeks. Is that really true? Why is that?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

The time for the nagalase test varies with how busy the lab is. It looks like, with the rise in the interest in GcMAF, they are getting a lot more requests for the test and have had trouble getting the results back quickly. I found that I could call them after a few weeks and they would give me an estimate of when my sample would be run.



Fine, thank you
Sasha, where's the info on that?

I've been sent:

obtain approximately 100 g of agar from eBay

Add agar to 2 1/2 L of bottled water
Stir vigorously with wooden spoon until a mixture with the consistency of a thick soup is obtained
add container all probiotic MAF 878
Stir vigorously with wooden spoon again mixing thoroughly
Loosely cover the container so that Debis or mold do not contaminate the mixture

Let Mature at room temperature for five days stirring at least once a day

Put container in refrigerator

Take 75 ML (2 1/2 ounces) each day in the morning with breakfast

But from everything I've read, and knowing the specialties of those in 314 vs 878, it seems 314 is much more potent, no?

Don't know - I've only tried 878.


Sasha, that's peculiar, because Dr. Enlander specifically indicated a while back that the idea was to use both kefir and yogurt to get the widest variety of strains to produce the MAF...

How do you like the 878?
I just don't even know if they've tested agar to see if it actually makes reasonable amounts of gcmaf.
I just think 314 sounds more potent and tested.


Fine, thank you
Sasha, that's peculiar, because Dr. Enlander specifically indicated a while back that the idea was to use both kefir and yogurt to get the widest variety of strains to produce the MAF...

How do you like the 878?
I just don't even know if they've tested agar to see if it actually makes reasonable amounts of gcmaf.
I just think 314 sounds more potent and tested.

Good point - possibly it's a trade-off. I want to try the dairy-free version, though, in case dairy is giving me problems.

I started the 878 last summer, had a rapid improvement in sleep within the first few days I think, and after about 8 weeks a bit of an increase in my ability to be upright (not much but enough to be helpful for me). Unfortunately, I also had more flu-like malaise so had a two-month holiday from it. On restarting, I had the same rapid improvement in sleep but so far (four months in) no other apparent effects, either good or bad.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
The potency of the colostrum can effect the MAF effects.
So it may depend on ths source of the colostrum.
There is a feeling that first day colostrum may be the strongest.


Senior Member
Someone said my nagalase results would take six weeks. Is that really true? Why is that?

I'm the one who said that, and am still waiting for my retest results (will post when I have them). It wasn't only my nagalase tests from HDRI that took awhile, I think my methylation testing took more than 4 weeks as well.

As Sushi suggested, they (HDRI) are the only ones testing nagalase, and they definitely do the most comprehensive methylation testing. There is currently a decent demand for both, hence the long lead-time.

I'm not suggesting you not get the test, just wanted to give you an idea of the timeline so you can plan appropriately. As to estimates, I was given several bad estimates back when I had my original nagalase testing..."it will be next week". Called back "next week" and "it will be next week", then called back the following week, "we're hoping it will be next week". I find it quite frustrating, and if I could have these tests run elsewhere, I would (even if it cost more).


Symptomatic, thanks. I was totally forgetful today at the doc's, and forgot to tell them to take blood for nagalase before my IV drip. So I'll have to do it next week. I need to put an alert on my iPhone. I really hope it doesn't take nearly six weeks.