I wonder who is the owner of the probiotic formula, Ruggiero, who has researched in an Italian public University, or Cheney who is a doctor only for a rich patients and sells the home made method to make it for a 5000 dollars.to his patients and sells also the product to make it for six months.If he sells only the method, but can be made with usual foods or probiotic strains sold in dietary shops,it will be easy to make, but the strains are secrets, for now.But the important thing are to know which are this probiotic strains, and who sells it.
It can be a big bussines now the MAF 314 and its possible someone is struggling to have de magic formula.
A lot of cancer,HIV, and ME are waiting....and surely its good for another cronic deseases.
I hope the commercial/patented issues are quickly resolved and also the distribution,because the MAF 314 has only one week life.