MAF 314 - All Natural GcMAF Plus Probiotics


Senior Member
I looked into getting raw goat's milk, I was told it's banned here in Illinois.
Also, what's the shelf life on that stuff? Don't you have to drink it pretty quick?


Senior Member
Mammals milk only...

I think this product is partly about the probiotic content, but it's more about the DPB-maf content? I'd love to ask the developers a question or twenty!!

DBP (Vit D Binding protein) is present in the milk of mammals, and higher in colostrum, and it sounds to me that these researchers have found how to introduce the correct sequence of probiotic bacteria to have the DBP converted to DBP-maf in commercially available milk. Perhaps they have also modified the milk to contain more DBP before they culture it?

This simple GCMAF youtube video shows the snipping off of two sugars to create GcMAF (or DBPMAF).

Probiotic bactera can snip these specific sugars off too :)
As far as I know there is no single bacteria that will cut both. But there are plenty that will snip one or the other given the right conditions. I'm speculating here, but I think a combination of probiotic strains that are common in a healthy, breastfed infant's gut are the most likely to work together to complete the job.

It's not a case of adding those probiotics to milk and hoping they'll just get on together and make DBP-maf. Most likely the bacteria would have been modified slighly and/or added in careful sequence so that they work symbiotically to produce the desired end result. Multi strain culturing is complex. Pretty sure this accounts for some of the 314 experiments they say they did to get it right. :D

...There was a symbiotic bacteria product developed in an lab in Japan in the 1980s. It cleans waterways and soil of toxic waste and. It's called EM technology. ...This new Gcmaf development reminds me a bit of that....


Senior Member
southeast US
Sorry if you saw new post, came here hoping to see new information re MAF 314. I got none. But there's quite a few views since last post, apparently a good bit of interest, and I thought while we all wait further testing of maf 314 I might offer something that at least for me was a, I don't know, a sublime feeling, something not felt in a very long time. BTW, there's nothing in this scientific, it was a completely subjective experience. So, just to be clear, not trying to instill any false hope.

Just a little background: I've had me/cfs a long time, was part of the Incline Village outbreak in the 1980's. At some point, maybe a dozen years into it I could no longer recall what it felt like to be normal and healthy. Probably still a few years after that any real hope of 'getting over' me/cfs finally and completely disappeared. The hope that I'll ever be w/o cfs is no longer a part of my thinking process. Just live with it, do the best you can. But then this year after using chemical gcmaf there was some tangible improvement. And then the word came out about MAF 314. I just had (and have) a godd feeling about it.

So, here's the thing, the 'sublime feeling'. The other night, lying on the sofa contemplating Roggiero's trials, I drifted into a half conscious idea of actually getting well again. Then I made a fully conscious mental bluff that I was going to get well again. I approached it like we all do when reading a good novel, that is, with 'a willing suspension of disbelief'. Come 2012, after using the special yogurt for awhile I'm gonna be hiking again, bicyling again, yawning and lazy stretching after a good and restful night's sleep. Lots of other things I used to love to do. It may have lasted fifteen minutes or it may have lasted an hour, I don't know, I was so fully into it.

The experience was good for me, and something like it may benefit some of you. Tnhat may be the case even though I know, and you know, this may be another dead end. It may work for some and not for others. It may yet have worse side effects than presently known, or it may work for awhile and stop. Who knows. Sometimes, all we can do is keep hoping and the prospects of MAF 314 have rekindled that important feeling for me.


Senior Member

Thanks so much for this beautiful, hopeful post. I think I even went there with you. Sick 10 years so I know of the everlasting feeling, but we do have so many reasons to be hopeful coming from several directions now. I'm pleased for you of your health improvement after such a long battle.



Senior Member
confused here..

I thought the GcMaf was like IVIG .. a pooled blood product.

Is it not, then, is it synthetic? I take it that's what is meant by chemical gcmaf?



Senior Member
confused here..

I thought the GcMaf was like IVIG .. a pooled blood product.

Is it not, then, is it synthetic? I take it that's what is meant by chemical gcmaf?


Hi, aquariusgirl.

As I understand it, GcMAF is made by treating the GC protein with a couple of enzymes, which could be considered a chemical process. MAF 314, on the other hand, is made by a microbiological process, using bacteria to do the conversion.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Since it's cached, it's gonna go away once the cache clears.

Here are the contents:

"I am a MAF-314 Patient

What does this mean?

It means Im finally getting better.

Ive been on it for twelve days. I dont like to make rash judgements like this beut if my NaGa Lase levels go to zero after the whole thing is over, then well know for sure.. But in the meantime I feel unbelievable.

1.) Work in an environment that requires high executive functioning skills (i.e. no brain fog)

2.) Get up early, even before other family members

3.) Stand for long periods of time without wanting to faint or sit down

These things are a reality for me now for the first time in at least three years. I want to share more in the coming days, because I have a lot more to tell.

BTW, you can ask me anything

As long as I can legally share the information with the public, I will."

Very promising indeed. Too bad he/she never did BGLI's gcmaf (wanted to but encountered suspension of shipments). Then we could compare the responses!


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
It sounds like she is a mild patient (only ill for 3 years, is able to do a high functioning job after only 12 days).

I'd like to see how a severe patient responds to MAF 3-14.


Senior Member
It sounds like she is a mild patient (only ill for 3 years, is able to do a high functioning job after only 12 days).

I'd like to see how a severe patient responds to MAF 3-14.



Senior Member
There is some inaccurate info about maf 314 being spread on the main gcmaf thread. Some users are implying that once we get ahold of the proprietary method of making maf 314, we're home free. I said "proprietary methods and materials." Without either it cannot be made. The proprietary material is not like kefir where you get one culture and it grows forever, making it nearly impossible for the FDA to circumvent. Instead it is in finite supply with a finite lifetime (at the moment, anyway).

I just don't want anyone to get misled into thinking that getting this outside of the appropriate avenues is gonna be feasible. As of now, distribution of maf 314 is no different than distribution of BGLI gcmaf--rife with risk of political ntervention.


Senior Member
As of now, distribution of maf 314 is no different than distribution of BGLI gcmaf--rife with risk of political ntervention.

I am having a moment of paranoia, which I usually do not indulge, that even this thread risks drawing unwanted negative attention to both GcMAF and MAF 314.