@esecallum--good luck with your projects--I have no idea what the power ratings of your things would work out to, but the ratings given to the Vielights are in the range of 5-10 mW. I have found that the Vielights help with both nasal stuffiness and nasal allergic responses to pollen.
The power rating is much higher then 10 millwatts.i tested the BIonase and it passed 70 milliamps through TWO 660 nm leds in series.
It did not seem very bright to me when i contrasted it with a 1 watt 660 nm led with a current of 150 milliamps.
I would say it is at least 10 times higher.red light goes right through my fingers and i can see the veins in the fingers.the efficiency of these red led beads is much higher in producing red light from a given current.
Also i have put these red led beads in my mouth and closed it and i can see the red light in my eyes!
for those trying to get light through the skull i suggest you try these red led beads and direct the red light on to the roof of the mouth and you will see the red light in your eyes!
it seems the red light penetrates the much thinner bones of the roof of the mouth much more easily.
no doubt using 850 nm 1 watt infra red leds which penetrate twice as deep will be even more effective in the mouth.
my reason for putting in the mouth was sore gums and it seemed to work as next day they seemed normal.
if you are going to use these" plant grow leds beads" from ebay the current to use is 150 milliamps ...any higher will cause the leds to run much hotter..i have tried up to 200 milliamps..and it's fine as long as air circulates.
the current limit for a 1 watt red led is 350 milliamps.try to get one with a star shaped heatsink.
for a 3 watt 660 nm, led the maximum current is about 1 amp and you can see the red light right through your hand and all the veins at a current of .7 amps...it is really intense!!!
the leds i use are enclosed in glue so i don't get any current in my mouth.the leds cost about £1 or 10 for £4 from ebay.
i have about 50 to use in various red led therapy experiments