@Pendergast Hello! I'm still inching along. I recently went off a med and went on a new med which threw my system off a bit and felt like it set me back. Also the stress of Corona is likely a factor! If anyone is experiencing flare-ups, that's totally normal, considering the craziness happening right now! Just means upping self-care and being extra mindful right now. Here are some excellent free resources btw:
Your progress with meditation is amazing! I still can't keep that kind of focus. I try to do 15 per day. Is there a link you could send for the meditations you're doing? And I haven't done the Gupta program, you said you found a transcript of that somewhere too? I'd love to read it if so! I'm glad you've found resources and you're sticking with it, these things take soooo much discipline. I really like ANS Rewire, not for the rewiring techniques as much, but because he talks about all the other things you might need to supplement the rewiring. For me, I'm finding those things will definitely be necessary. So for people that find the rewiring alone doesn't work, just know that sometimes it requires extra help!
@Timaca Thanks for sharing those books! I haven't heard of the first, although Howard Schubiner is one of the leading providers in the Mindbody world. He leans heavily on Dr. John Sarno's work (second book), which I've read. I recommend his book The Mindbody Prescription,
however--He uses a very Freudian explanation that I don't agree with. His theory is that when we have rage that we can't/don't express because it's socially unacceptable, our brain creates physical symptoms to distract us from that rage. The cure is simply to understand this because once you're aware of the rage, the brain's "trick" no longer works and it stops creating the physical pain. This is silly to me. The problem is much simpler: too much stress causes CNS dysfunction. But I still like Sarno's work because if you read it with that critique in mind, almost everything else is very helpful, and repressed anger (and any repressed emotion) is proven to create significant stress! It's just not the whole story.
And I'll give the Schubiner book a read, thanks for suggesting!
@Judee I am not doing a thesis on this, but they better give me an honorary doctorate by the time I'm done

Just a nerdy person with CFS and lots of time on her hands. Thanks for the tip on Esther Crawley! I didn't know that. I've tried to stay away from the politics in the CFS community because I find it to be a huge downer, but I completely understand why people get angry at certain doctors/researchers. I'm not a fan of the "just use CBT and graded exercise" approach of course. I do think every one of us could benefit from CBT hugely, but I don't think it will be a cure for 95%+ of us. I like Dan Neuffer's explanation of how to use exercise in ANS Rewire. He really unpacks the problem with GET and explains how to actually use exercise to your advantage.
It's good to know that about her because I plan to put all this together into a website/Youtube channel, and I'd like to put disclaimers for sharing resources that might be controversial. I don't want to give people the impression I'm a fan of the GET approach, but that doesn't mean she hasn't done compelling work elsewhere, and people might look away immediately if they think it smells like GET.
@Wayne Thanks for sharing! It looks like it's on the 4th episode now, I will give it a watch!
Stay safe everyone! We're like the superheroes of the world right now, we need to teach everyone else how to keep yourself occupied when you can't leave your house!