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Hi mbunke!
I would be interested in knowing what kind of exercises are you doing with the ANS rewire program.
Could you share any example?
I watched the 3 videos of Dan Neuffer.
I still have to dig deeper and try to compare this program with others like DNRS or Gupta.
I see that there is a book. Are there dvds too? How much does Dan Neuffer's program cost? I think the DNRS is quite expensive.
Did you have PEM? And if so, has it improved?
Sorry for so many questions and thank you for your kindness.
I'm severe and is really hard for me to imagine how this kind of programs can improve something so terrible like a bad PEM with the flu like feeling and the other stuff that goes with it.
In fact I'm afraid that even the programs could worsen the PEM if you are told to ignore the signals.
Thank you again,
A big hug!![]()
I completely understand the skepticism. I'm extremely analytical and about as skeptical as it gets. It took me over a year of hearing about this to finally give it a real look. But the more I looked at the science behind it, the more I felt like it made sense, even though it sounds too good to be true.
But the brain is an incredibly powerful thing. Consider how crippling PTSD can be, it can steal one's whole life from them, even though their conscious brain knows they are no longer in danger, their limbic brain is stuck in a "trauma loop," and they can't get out--not without help. If you've ever had a panic attack, you will probably understand the power the brain can have on your physical state very well. And these can come on in a split-second and be absolutely crippling.
Yes, of course I have PEM! At my worst I have been bed-bound and spoon-fed, only able to bathe every couple weeks and needing help when I did. I definitely have very bad malaise/flu-like feeling when I crash, and I get very bad nerve pain, which is one of the worst symptoms. I am still mostly housebound, only able to go out occasionally and for a short time. I only started neural retraining 2.5 months ago. The PEM has not improved noticeably yet, I only just started seeing results the past week or two with headaches and fibromyalgia pain going away. And my mood has improved. The lack of headaches has been most noticeable, and I still can barely believe it.
I totally understand your hesitation, but don't worry about being told to ignore the signals and push yourself. They will not ask you to do that (if they do, don't do it, and find another program). To de-condition yourself, you will start extremely slowly, and only move forward when you know your body is ready for it. For example, if you have trouble sitting up, you will start by picturing yourself sitting up in your head and when that invokes fear or worry, you will do the brain exercises. You will continue to do this day after day for short periods until you feel ready to sit up on your own, or maybe just sit with a pillow behind you. You will not do anything that's too much, we all know too well that doesn't work with ME/CFS.
There is a book, it's called CFS Unravelled, I highly recommend it! In fact, if you have an amazon account, I have the Kindle version, I can lend mine to you if you send me your email address! It will let you read it for 2 weeks.
The DNRS program is DVD's, which are somewhere around $250 USD I think. Dan Neuffer's program (ANS Rewire) is $276 USD. The DNRS program is better with helping you learn brain retraining technique, Dan's program is better for figuring out what other areas you might need to investigate alongside the brain retraining (like gut health, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc.) I'd say start with DNRS and if you get stuck, do Dan's. I know it's expensive, but I think it's worth it.
If you're able to read much, I found the full transcript of the DNRS program here.
Sorry for all the text, I'm more than happy to answer questions! My heart goes out to you, I'd encourage you to watch some of Dan Neuffer's and the DNRS testimonials of people that have made full recoveries on youtube. I know it's scary to open the door to hope, but I believe this is 100% real, and it's worth the leap of faith.
If anyone would like to join my Facebook group where we try to discuss root causes of CFS, please do!