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as long as you manage to stay alive, there's hope
Hi! in two weeks I'm starting an intravenous vitamin C treatment, consisting in four weekly infusions of vit C, each one with 10 grams or more. My blood tests show low vitamin C serum levels, sometimes as low as the minimum possible, 1mg/l, a value that according to my research is found among people with scurvy, despite I don't have such disease. I am taking 4000mg of oral vitamin c and yet sometimes my test came back again with 1mg/L. Along with ME/CFS, my body seems to be ridden with all sort of connective tissue injuries, such as 5 symptomatic disc herniations, frozen shoulder, damaged coxo-femoral articulation, etc all this happening from 20 to 34 years old without any major impact or accident that could have caused them. I think that the vitamin c therapy might improve both my injuries and the symptoms of ME/CFS. Anybody has any experience with vitamin C treatment, specially intravenous vitamin C? Thank you!


Senior Member
Northern southern California
I did vit C iv’s for about 4 months around this time last year. I have severe stomach issues and can’t eat well
so I felt certain that supplementing would help. We did a straight vit C on Tuesdays and a Myers on Friday’s.
My advice as follows...
1. Vit C can be hard on your veins. Start slow regardless of what they say, and alternate needle locations. Expect some bruising.
2. I did end up getting a couple of blood clots. Went to have them checked (ultrasound at the hospital), not serious but painful. Eventually went away.
3. I did have some diarrhea and unsettling feeling the first few times.
4. It can take 1-2 hours for the iv bag to drip in, so bring something to entertain.
5. Drink A LOT of water before and after.
I would also add, if after 2 weeks you don’t feel any benefits, maybe weight the risks/expense of continuing.
Your condition may be different since you’re measuring blood levels, I didn’t do that. But after 4 months I didn’t
notice any improvements. I hope it helps you!


Senior Member
@pamojja has a number of posts related to IV Vitamin C that you might want to take a look at. Are you familiar with using the search function to find members posts? I tagged pamoja, so perhaps she will respond here. (pamojo - I mentioned you as a “she”, sorry if my guess at gender is incorrect.).

Here is some information about high dose IV Vitamin C written by Dr. Robert Cathcart that you might like to read. https://omarchives.org/dr-robert-cathcart-md-preparing-vitamin-c-for-iv-use/