Improving Using Rife and CDS/MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) for Lyme -- Coronavirus Update


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've not done any Rife sessions or MMS for many months, as I began doing some homeopathy for Lyme and didn't want to mix the modalities. After getting limited results from homeopathy for Lyme (for now), then taking a break from ALL therapies for the past several months, I'm going to retry some of the things I've done in the past.

I did a Rife session yesterday afternoon, doing 2 minutes for each frequency. It definitely "took the edge off" my constantly agitated neurologically system, and I fell into a light nap. By evening, I had a headache, and then woke up with various aches and pains throughout my body, and very stuffy sinuses as well (herx reactions I assume).

But I do seem a bit more cognitively focused today, and anticipate restarting this whole Rife program for Lyme. I also plan to start using more Rife frequencies for other things, such as gut dysbiosis, various viruses, fungi and bacteria, and much more. I'll post more if I achieve some notable improvements along the way.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Wayne any updates on this approach? Thanks.

Hi Sparrowhawk, actually, fairly good timing on your inquiry.

I haven’t done anything with Rife and MMS for probably over a year now. My partner had mentioned to me that she noticed that whenever I did the Rife, I would go down in a pretty major way, apparently even more so than I myself noticed. [I need to include however, that I did have periods of feeling much better than normal]. In conjunction with this, I recalled David Jernigan cautioning against putting so much stress from Lyme bacteria dieoff and herx reactions on an already overly burdened system. And so I decided to take a break from it all.

This cessation, or taking a break from Rife and MMS, coincided with my deciding to try another approach. That was trying to use homeopathy to more gently get my system to “fortify” itself, so that it could not only better handle Lyme dieoff, but would also tweak my immune system in a way so that my body was no so vulnerable to the Lyme bacteria to begin with. I wrote fairly extensively on my homeopathy experiments HERE.

After several months of experimenting with the homeopathy approach, I felt I found myself essentially “treading water”. That is, feeling the effects of the homeopathy, but not really feeling like I was moving out of the entrenched cycles associated with long-term chronic Lyme.

I shortly afterwards went to see a new ND in town, who claimed to have successfully treated many of his patients with Lyme, with homeopathy being a primary component of his approach. He described in detail in our first meeting how he goes about treatment, with each patient given individualized care, and addressing various layers of a weakened body in a very methodical way. He felt finding my constitutional remedy to start out with was more important than starting Lyme specific remedies.

But even before starting the constitutional remedy, he felt I needed to address my recently diagnosed severe hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease [see another separate thread HERE]. The past several months have been mostly about addressing the thyroid issues [plus dealing with some difficult lower back problems]. But now that I feel my thyroid is functioning more normally [I will be getting another test shortly], I felt ready to try my constitutional remedy.

So, I started it just five days ago. My ND recommended a dropperful of a homeopathic liquid every morning and evening [about 15 drops worth of solution]. Given how sensitive my body is, I decided to start out with just one drop instead of 15. I’ve been adding another drop every day to my doses, and am now up to five.

The results have so far been fairly encouraging. It’s still early in this latest experiment, but I seem to get a noticeable boost in the hours after taking my morning dose. But I've also had feelings of my neurological system and brain being somewhat “contorted”. This has felt “mildly” disconcerting, but I’ve so far not become overly concerned, as the positive effects of taking this remedy have far outweighed some of the contorted feelings I’ve felt. — I’ve also noticed times of feeling much more relaxed than my normally agitated neurological system allows me to feel. Also, yesterday was one of my best days in quite some time. I think it’s more than a coincidence that this occurred shortly after starting this most recent homeopathic remedy.

So, the jury is still out on this latest phase of my Lyme treatment odyssey. Regarding the Rife that I started out with, and the Lyme specific homeopathy I followed up with. My plan is to continue to “fortify” my body with my ongoing thyroid treatment protocols, and the recent constitutional remedy. My hope is that doing so will allow me to deal with [at some future time] some of the more stressful aspects of the RIFE, MMS and Lyme specific homeopathy [herx reactions] much better than I have in the past.

Thanks for your inquiry Sparrowhawk. It was just what I needed to get my thoughts down at a time when I’m able to. Sometimes when I don’t do so, my cold molasses type brain fog keeps me from pulling disparate aspects of my treatment protocols together in a way that serves as a yardstick for myself going forward.

Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Super update, Wayne, thanks and glad to hear the new approach seems to be fruitful. I did some homeopathy at the very beginning and did find it had positive effects. Later I found I got more bump from acupuncture in terms of balance and energy. So I stuck with that this past year. I look forward to reading the threads you linked to above.


Senior Member
Hi Wayne,
How are things going for you now? I recently started Rife treatments and the herx is kicking my butt. :)

I'm very curious to try MMS. I;m in a facebook group in which several people with Lyme disease have claimed total cures with MMS.




Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi Audrey, (@chilove)

Good to hear from you. Congratulations on starting the Rife, I hope it ends up working well for you.

As far as how I'm doing: -- These past few months have been a bit of a roller-coaster. In the spring, I started taking high doses of Liposomal Vit. C for its anti-bacterial (Lyme), anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. (BTW, high doses of Vit. C can initiate production of hydrogen peroxide in the body, which apparently helps with many of its anti-pathogenic qualities).

3-4 months later, I started adding fairly high doses of Himalayan salt to it. This "Salt/C" protocol has apparently been used by many to significantly improve their Lyme situation. It worked very well for me until I went through a bit of a stressful period in July, and then no longer had the resiliency to continue with the Salt/C at the levels I was used to. So I had to cut back to what my body could handle, and then take it from there. It was a slow process until this past week.

This past week I started back on MMS after a fairly long hiatus. Since I was still "recovering" from my summer setback, I started at a very low dose of 1/4 drop / day about a week ago. That very morning, within a couple hours or so, I started feeling better than I had in quite some time.

The same thing happened the next day as well. The following day I experienced a bit of PEM, but not too bad. But it was significant enough that I cut back my dose to 1/8 drop. The next day I skipped it entirely. I ended up rebounding quickly from my brief PEM, and am now feeling as well as I was my first two days. All in all, my best week in a very long time.

And I feel I owe it primarily to the MMS. I've started and stopped MMS about a half dozen times now, and each time I re-start, I'm usually amazed how much better I start feeling, and wonder why I decided to stop it. I think the answer to that is that I gradually got used to the benefits, and began to forget what a difference it made.

Another reason I may have stopped that I'm currently given more credence to is that in the past, I would start out at low doses, and gradually increase it to several drops a day. This time, my plan is to stay at this 1/4 drop dose, and gradually DECREASE it instead. I've come to believe the primary benefit, at least for me, is not its anti-pathogenic qualities, but its ability to affect mitochondria, and that very low doses may be better in this regard than the higher doses.

DCA (di-chloroacetate) is a very old drug has been used for decades to treat mitochondrial disorders. I refer to it (in my mind) as a type of chlorine compound substance--though I'm NO chemist. -- Kerri Rivera has stated, and it's stated elsewhere, that MMS also has a beneficial effect on miotochondrial function. This seems to be similar to DCA, which makes me think there's something about chlorine-type compounds that can do this.

Anyway, I'm currently "celebrating" (though fairly subdued by most standards :)), my good week, and my new plan to continue with my 6th MMS experiment at LOW doses. I'm only going to take very dilute amounts, unless my current better energy levels deteriorate. In that event, I'll take it step by step from there, possibly taking more, possibly taking even less.

I personally don't believe extremely dilute amounts of MMS are harmful. Some of the dosages that I've seen suggested are very questionable in my mind. But when you hear about an autistic child who hasn't spoken for years, takes a SINGLE DROP of MMS, and an hour later, from the back seat of a car, starts to talk about what a beautiful day it is, and how beautiful the trees are, then you gotta figure there's something to MMS that may well be worth exploring.

All the Best, Wayne
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Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
Wow that's amazing about autism @Wayne - I didn't actually know that it is used for that purpose!
I am a strong supporter of MMS as it's the only thing that has ever truly seemed to help & it helped in a dramatic life saving way.
I am still not perfect, but it helped me with lyme/bartonella problems considerably. I took it per the how I cured morgellons site instructions. I do not suggest the Jim Humble approach personally.
I did buy a rife (spooky 2) but have had a crazy summer & haven't had a moment to set it up.
My worry with rife is that it would shake things up. That's what happened when I did biomagnetism, which I stopped because it wasn't helping enough in proportion to the cost. But in retrospect it may have helped... it just definitely did exacerbate initially.
I'm really interested in reading more about the ways that MMS works, if anyone has any websites that seem like a very solid & legit source- please share :)!
Austin, TX
Hi Wayne,

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I tried a machine once last week on their Lyme program, but the only herx I had was sleeping more the next two nights, nothing significant. This week I started Buhner's Lyme protocol and herxed the same day much more, but the following day I woke with energy in my legs like I hadn't felt in a while and went to the gym and did a leg workout. Herxing again today, but doing things to help detox. Thanks for your comments on MMS, interesting!

@chilove What rife machine are you using, if I may ask, and have you made any progress?

Austin, TX
This story, plus my own experience, makes me think that somewhat of a marker for whether a person truly has Lyme or not would be to experiment with known effective Rife frequencies, and see if there is a significant reaction. Seems it could be just as reliable (or more) than some of the tests that are currently available. Since Rife machines can also kill various viruses, I think its possible that somebody with known viral infections/overloads could use Rife frequencies as well, and could have some similar experiences as mine with bacterial treatment. Ive read that viruses in general are easier to treat with Rife machines than bacteria.
I was just reading in Rosner's lastest 2014 book of a doctor who recovered from using the Doug Coil machine. I'm thinking of purchasing a Rife machine and see that the GB4000 is very popular. However, I also see that I can purchase a Doug Coil machine for much less and it seems to be the most powerful according to Rosner's 2004 book on Lyme and Rifing Technologies, but that was before the GB4000 came out or I think he would have mentioned it. Wayne, how did you decide on the GB4000? Thanks!


Senior Member
This story, plus my own experience, makes me think that somewhat of a marker for whether a person truly has Lyme or not would be to experiment with known effective Rife frequencies, and see if there is a significant reaction. Seems it could be just as reliable (or more) than some of the tests that are currently available.

I don't think so. I got my Doug Coil Rife machine eight years ago, when I wasn't sure if I had Lyme or CFS. But I was having uncontrollable gut problems with extremely severe gall bladder pain, and I figured that the Rife machine should be able to help out with that, regardless of what I had. It did, along with an 18 month course of antibiotics, although it gradually became clear that I didn't have Lyme. I was able to stay off the antibiotics by keeping up with regular Rife treatments (which is very fortunate for me, because my central sensitivity no longer permits me to take any antibiotics). The Rife machine also had the completely unexpected benefit of completely getting rid of my prostatitis symptoms when I used it regularly.

If I use the Rife machine after going without it for a while, I get bad Rife PEM, lasting for two days and starting the day after the treatment. But whenever I use the machine, my gut and prostate symptoms are gone within hours. The PEM simply takes the form of severe exhaustion.

I use the standard Lyme frequencies, since that's what I thought I might have. And they do work the best for me. But the builder of my machine said that there was some evidence that one of the ways the machine worked was by boosting the immune system, and I think that that may be the benefit I'm getting from it. I used to use the frequencies 306, 612, and 930, but these days I just stick with the 930 Hz frequency, which works just fine. And since shortly after I started using it, it's been clear that the Doug Coil machine has been worth every penny. The antibiotics alone were unable to keep my gut under control.
I was just reading in Rosner's lastest 2014 book of a doctor who recovered from using the Doug Coil machine.

The builder of my Rife machine, a former NASA engineer, also cured himself of Lyme using his own (Doug Coil) machine.
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Senior Member
I am using spooky2 for Lyme and have been herxing with 2016 Hz but have not been so good this year, and have been sporadic in the treatments due I think to thyroid deterioration (Hashi's) causing mental deterioration so am about to try the circadian method with T3 as past experiments with pigs hormone then T3 failed. I guess I will have to stop rifing till I get stabilised so that I can read symptoms. We are waiting atm for the new plasma tube to come out which will make spooky much more effective. I use contact mode though have used remote occasionally.

I have heard that 3 mins is required to avoid 'stirring things up'.


Senior Member
@zzz where did you get your doug coil machine if I may ask? every time i research this i get totally overwhelmed.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
There is a Lyme and Rife Yahoo group that gets into a lot of this discussion esp. what Doug Coils are available and what frequencies seem to work for folks w. Lyme.

In addition to Spooky there is also the Frex program that is free, and can be run via a laptop to your output device of choice.

I also have experienced that two day Rife die-off/PEM lag, and have found that Rifing with heavy metals in my body may not be the best thing for me. I am currently chelating, after which I expect it will be easier to use Rife to fight off and keep away the viruses and bacterial stuff, possibly even yeast.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Thanks. I don't think I was clear enough above (this is your brain on weekends). What I meant was the metals keep the immune system down, so no matter how much you Rife, you're still a great playground for all these various pathogens once the Rife stops. Plus the herx/detox after Rifing strains your liver and lymph systems. So this is just one guy's N=1 findings, I'm holding off on Rife until I get this metals thing sorted out.


Senior Member
@zzz where did you get your doug coil machine if I may ask? every time i research this i get totally overwhelmed.

I got my Doug coil machine from The builder of these machines is Alex Levy; he's made these machines more modular since I bought mine (for easier shipping), but otherwise, they're essentially identical to mine. Fortunately, the price is the same as when I bought mine in 2006.

For best results, I would strongly recommend the 3D Coil Machine (which is what I have). The advantages of this machine are explained on the Web site. I recommend purchasing two coils (with fans), as you get a much more effective treatment that way, especially for parts of your body that are far from the surface. Generally, the best setup for this machine is Mode 2, with the coils on the opposite sides of your body.

The full 3D coil machine is listed as "Temporarily unavailable"; Alex sells these machines as fast has he can build them, and there's often a waiting list. However, by combining the Modular 3D Coil Machine Control Unit with the Modular 3D Coil Machine Extension Unit, it appears that you get the same setup as the 3D Coil machine, although the parts add up to $100 more. Whether you choose to wait for the availability of the 3D Coil Machine or not would depend on the length of the waiting list and how much you need this machine. I would also recommend emailing or calling Alex to verify that you can put the modular parts together to form a full 3D Coil Machine, and what the wait time for the full machine is.

Note that the coils are always sold separately. These are powerful electromagnets; the few times I forgot to take my watch off before coming near them, they stopped it temporarily every time. You don't want to bring any electronics near them when they're running.

The machines are just as they look in the pictures, and they're built with the high quality that you would expect from a former NASA engineer. I've been running mine for eight years, and the only problem I've had is that recently, the on/off switch on the amplifier broke and had to be replaced.

All machines come with a detailed, illustrated user's manual.
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Senior Member
Sparrowhawk, my name is Ged.

God, I cannot believe I still remember that, despite Lyme...:)

I suppose you get that all the time.


Senior Member
Thank you so much, @zzz. Not that I can remotely afford one right now, but it's nice to have personal experience/input for the future.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Fantastic post, thank you. Looks like very professional assembly on those.

One warning for coils: you do not ever want to use a coil directly over your heart. I did that once without meaning to (was trying to treat my liver) and my entire heart convulsed -- scared the daylights out of me -- and I assume it was an induced current effect on the heart muscle.

I know that a lot of folks use coils on their various joints, hips and knees etc. for Lyme to good success. I'm as you can imagine much more leery about use near your core but everyone has to do their own cost-benefit analysis on what they are willing to try. Experiment with small exposures until you know what kind of herx you are getting from different frequencies. Like many approaches, slow and easy wins the race.

As with everything caveat emptor and YMMV,


I got my Doug coil machine from The builder of these machines is Alex Levy; he's made these machines more modular since I bought mine (for easier shipping), but otherwise, they're essentially identical to mine. Fortunately, the price is the same as when I bought mine in 2006.

For best results, I would strongly recommend the 3D Coil Machine (which is what I have). The advantages of this machine are explained on the Web site. I recommend purchasing two coils (with fans), as you get a much more effective treatment that way, especially for parts of your body that are far from the surface. Generally, the best setup for this machine is Mode 2, with the coils on the opposite sides of your body.

The full 3D coil machine is listed as "Temporarily unavailable"; Alex sells these machines as fast has he can build them, and there's often a waiting list. However, by combining the Modular 3D Coil Machine Control Unit with the Modular 3D Coil Machine Extension Unit, it appears that you get the same setup as the 3D Coil machine, although the parts add up to $100 more. Whether you choose to wait for the availability of the 3D Coil Machine or not would depend on the length of the waiting list and how much you need this machine. I would also recommend emailing or calling Alex to verify that you can put the modular parts together to form a full 3D Coil Machine, and what the wait time for the full machine is.

Note that the coils are always sold separately. These are powerful electromagnets; the few times I forgot to take my watch off before coming near them, they stopped it temporarily every time. You don't want to bring any electronics near them when they're running.

The machines are just as they look in the pictures, and they're built with the high quality that you would expect from a former NASA engineer. I've been running mine for eight years, and the only problem I've had is that recently, the on/off switch on the amplifier broke and had to be replaced.

All machines come with a detailed, illustrated user's manual.