Hi Audrey, (@
Good to hear from you. Congratulations on starting the Rife, I hope it ends up working well for you.
As far as how I'm doing: -- These past few months have been a bit of a roller-coaster. In the spring, I started taking high doses of Liposomal Vit. C for its anti-bacterial (Lyme), anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. (BTW, high doses of Vit. C can initiate production of hydrogen peroxide in the body, which apparently helps with many of its anti-pathogenic qualities).
3-4 months later, I started adding fairly high doses of Himalayan salt to it. This "Salt/C" protocol has apparently been used by many to significantly improve their Lyme situation. It worked very well for me until I went through a bit of a stressful period in July, and then no longer had the resiliency to continue with the Salt/C at the levels I was used to. So I had to cut back to what my body could handle, and then take it from there. It was a slow process until this past week.
This past week I started back on MMS after a fairly long hiatus. Since I was still "recovering" from my summer setback, I started at a very low dose of 1/4 drop / day about a week ago. That very morning, within a couple hours or so, I started feeling better than I had in quite some time.
The same thing happened the next day as well. The following day I experienced a bit of PEM, but not too bad. But it was significant enough that I cut back my dose to 1/8 drop. The next day I skipped it entirely. I ended up rebounding quickly from my brief PEM, and am now feeling as well as I was my first two days. All in all, my best week in a very long time.
And I feel I owe it primarily to the MMS. I've started and stopped MMS about a half dozen times now, and each time I re-start, I'm usually amazed how much better I start feeling, and wonder why I decided to stop it. I think the answer to that is that I gradually got used to the benefits, and began to forget what a difference it made.
Another reason I may have stopped that I'm currently given more credence to is that in the past, I would start out at low doses, and gradually increase it to several drops a day. This time, my plan is to stay at this 1/4 drop dose, and gradually DECREASE it instead. I've come to believe the primary benefit, at least for me, is not its anti-pathogenic qualities, but its ability to affect mitochondria, and that very low doses may be better in this regard than the higher doses.
DCA (di-chloroacetate) is a very old drug has been used for decades to treat mitochondrial disorders. I refer to it (in my mind) as a type of chlorine compound substance--though I'm NO chemist. -- Kerri Rivera has stated, and it's stated elsewhere, that MMS also has a beneficial effect on miotochondrial function. This seems to be similar to DCA, which makes me think there's something about chlorine-type compounds that can do this.
Anyway, I'm currently "celebrating" (though fairly subdued by most standards
), my good week, and my new plan to continue with my 6th MMS experiment at LOW doses. I'm only going to take very dilute amounts, unless my current better energy levels deteriorate. In that event, I'll take it step by step from there, possibly taking more, possibly taking even less.
I personally don't believe extremely dilute amounts of MMS are harmful. Some of the dosages that I've seen suggested are very questionable in my mind. But when you hear about an autistic child who hasn't spoken for years, takes a SINGLE DROP of MMS, and an hour later, from the back seat of a car, starts to talk about what a beautiful day it is, and how beautiful the trees are, then you gotta figure there's something to MMS that may well be worth exploring.
All the Best,