Improving Using Rife and CDS/MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) for Lyme -- Coronavirus Update


Senior Member
@Sparrowhawk do you support your gut? I´ve treated lyme and now candida with homoepathic remedies, and supporting the gut with RS and fibres makes a lot of difference. Before taking RS+fibres I had always very strong side effects with frequencies or homoepatics. Since supporting the gut by this way I am very successful with these therapies. Methylation helps that the infections are coming up. That´s only my experience, it´s very individual.
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Senior Member
West Coast USA
@jepps apologies for the delayed response on this. Yes, agreed that all this is absolutely individual. My saying is "some things work for some of the people some of the time." As in, even therapies that have helped me for a period after a while I wound up having to quit. Heavy salting worked for more than two years to help with my POTS/OI, until suddently I developed hypertension (BP was up to 150/100) so I quit that.

For me the main thing for Gut health was getting away from the mold, after which my gut seemed to heal itself over the course of about a year and a half. In the short term I had also taken Solgar vegetarian digestive enzymes until I became too sensitive to them as well. I did comprehensive three day Genova stool tests three times, over the course of nine months, and saw steady progress.

I have not tried RS fibers but definitely it is on my short list if I continue to have issues. I eat a lot of coconut flour and count on that as good for my gut. Also once I could eat raw carrots gain I feel they helped both in substance and in the bacteria that came with them (organic, locally grown).

I think my issues were related to too much supplementation/ medication that had ruined my gut: two years or more of doxycycline which I ignorantly had taken due to a skin condition, and also several years of aspirin dosing due to a heart condition. Aspirin is highly correlated with the lymphocytic colitis I had (white blood cells in stools) that I identified via Genova diagnostics stool tests.


Senior Member
Sparrowhawk, I´m pleased to hear, that you make progress:)

It´s not only, that I have fewer side effects from homoepathic and frequency therapies. The treatment of candida mobilizes mercury and other heavy metals from amalgame. As heavy metals are bond to viruses, and candida (or mold) are bond to other microbes (streptococcus, staphylococcus or parasites), the treatment of fungi like candida+mold make it possible to mobilize all these other microbes and toxins.
I do bioenergetic testing each week (the result is visible on a monitor), and the several bindings of microbes/toxins can be reproduced. The testing shows exactly, what Klinghardt, Yasko or the research describes.

In my case, it was necessary, to support the gut with the supplements, the RS-thread describes. So microbes, heavy metals and toxins, which are bonded to candida+mold and the biofilms, are mobilized. As fungi is very deep in the gut lining and in the tissues, it´s hard to treat it, and it takes months to years to treat fungi infection.

I never testet positive to fungi in my stool test, but since treating it with RS+prebiotics+probiotics, candida shows the highest excretion in stool.

Maybe this is interesting for somebody. In my case frequencies only are successful, since I treat methylation and support the gut with RS+prebiotics+probiotics. The high stool excretion of candida is shown since this package, and since candida is excreted, metals come out, and parasites, viruses and bacterias are treatable.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
But the builder of my machine said that there was some evidence that one of the ways the machine worked was by boosting the immune system, and I think that that may be the benefit I'm getting from it. I used to use the frequencies 306, 612, and 930, but these days I just stick with the 930 Hz frequency, which works just fine. And since shortly after I started using it, it's been clear that the Doug Coil machine has been worth every penny. The antibiotics alone were unable to keep my gut under control.

@zzz, thanks for your excellent report. I've set aside my Rife machine for probably two years now as I explored other different avenues one after the other. Your comments about PEM being worse if you don't use Rife for a while rings true for me. The hard part of Rife for me is getting starting when reactions may be more intense, and somewhat overwhelming. But it's been strongly on my mind to start again--very slowly--and see what my experiences are this time around. Your post has provided a boost for me to do this--thanks much!


Senior Member
I have taken a break from rifing for Lyme for some time now due to working on other issues but have got back to it today as well as continuing to treat for interstitial cyctitis and Dupytrens Contracture. I ran 3 minutes on 2016 with contact on my spooky2 generator. The plasma bulb is due out soon which should improve the effectiveness so I hear. Did you ever try the dna freq's from Charlotte Boehm? I bought some and think I will try them soon.


Senior Member
Hi Brenda, thanks for your update. A quick note: The first time I started using MMS several years ago, I noticed improvement in my (relatively moderate) interstitial cystitis. -- Wayne

Thanks Wayne. I hear that it is part of having Lyme but have not heard many say they have it. Freq's do stop it for me. I get a flare when I take b12 or vit E. I have some MMS in the fridge but have not tried it yet. perhaps I will give it a shot now.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
when you hear about an autistic child who hasn't spoken for years, takes a SINGLE DROP of MMS, and an hour later, from the back seat of a car, starts to talk about what a beautiful day it is, and how beautiful the trees are, then you gotta figure there's something to MMS that may well be worth exploring.

I searched for the video of the above story, but unfortunately couldn't find it. But I did find a video by a mother whose autistic child improved from using MMS. She makes quite a poignant comment at the 5:50 minute mark, which struck me as a remarkable example of "Soul Knowingness" on the part of her 4 year old son.

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism - Testimonial by Maggie

The book that had come in the mail and the child was referring to was this one:

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

P.S. I took a very dilute amount of MMS about a half hour ago, and have felt much better and alert since then.


Senior Member

When you were rifing, were you doing the detox freq's or just using other methods? I thought that I was heading for a huge herx through the night but okay on awakening but very tired to day but I will still start CD at 1/8th drop. I ran some detox freq's first thing including mercury ones. I have been eating a lot of salmon lately for the D3 without thinking about the mercury even if it is lower than other fish, I think I might have taken in too much as my brain function and depression has decreased this week.

I have been taking an electrolyte mix with my distilled water and wonder if that is why I have been feeling bigger hits with the freq's I have used these last few days. My hands feel a bit better and my IC seems to be better. Apparently, it is all about your hydration levels for frq's to work well.

Thanks for the links which arer encouraging as I have ASD.
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Senior Member
Interesting article on CD here:

Chlorine dioxide is a size selective antimicrobial agent which can kill micron sized organisms rapidly but cannot make real harm to much larger organisms like animals or humans as it is not able to penetrate deeply into their living tissues. Moreover the circulation of multicellular organisms can provide an additional protection to these organisms against ClO2.

It is an aim of the present work to initiate clinical studies hoping that ClO2 could be applied to treat various local infections, especially where bacterial resistance is a problem. We have already obtained an official permission [49] to start such studies.

Can you explain how you are using it @Wayne ? Dosing every hour or less frequent larger dosing?

Dr K uses CD for treatment of Babesia:

The first video here is a useful resource on CD I found:

Best wishes,



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne - When you were rifing, were you doing the detox freq's or just using other methods?

Hi Brenda, I haven't really ventured beyond the Lyme frequencies. I had long planned on doing so, but feel my plate (what my body can handle) is pretty fully with just the Lyme stuff. Perhaps I should give the detox frequencies a try, but I normally try to do bentonite clay footbaths when I feel a need to support my detox capabilities.

Can you explain how you are using it @Wayne ? Dosing every hour or less frequent larger dosing?


I really don't have system of dosing down pat. I used to think the more I could build up to, the better. This may be beneficial in some cases, but I've found I do better with very occasional and very small doses. Typical would be 1/4 drop, once a day. But I remain open to taking it more than once if I feel my body would like it.

I normally take MMS in the a.m. hours, and let the pro-oxidant properties of the MMS go to work. Since it reduces anti-oxidant levels in the body (which pwCFS normally have low levels of to begin with), I follow up with several grams of Vitamin C to replenish my anti-oxidant levels. -- Hope that helps.



Senior Member

I would encourage you to do some detoxing with your GB in preparation for getting back to treating Lyme. I run them every time l do some killing including mercury detox frequencies. There are also some specific herx ones on the CAFL list and l heard that they can stop a herx dead. The DNA freqs are supposed to be good as you don't herx so much with them. Also finding electrolytes helping.


Senior Member
@Wayne thanks. Yes I know about the pro-oxidant thing with MMS. Shame but you can't have everything I guess!

@brenda Have you had success with stopping herxing / detox? I can't understand how it works for detox.




Senior Member
@Wayne thanks. Yes I know about the pro-oxidant thing with MMS. Shame but you can't have everything I guess!

@brenda Have you had success with stopping herxing / detox? I can't understand how it works for detox.



From what l hear, the frequencies cause the toxins to be dislodged through vibration, so that the lymph glands can remove them and the liver and kidneys will improve function with their specific frequencies. I did some of those yesterday and woke up with underarm sweating whereas usually l do not sweat at all. I have not tried the herxing ones yet but will be doing so soon. @JBB


Senior Member
In my contry more people are using such treatment machines. I think we might soon see - a come back (DE)


Senior Member
Wow that's amazing about autism @Wayne - I didn't actually know that it is used for that purpose!
I am a strong supporter of MMS as it's the only thing that has ever truly seemed to help & it helped in a dramatic life saving way.
I am still not perfect, but it helped me with lyme/bartonella problems considerably. I took it per the how I cured morgellons site instructions. I do not suggest the Jim Humble approach personally.
I did buy a rife (spooky 2) but have had a crazy summer & haven't had a moment to set it up.
My worry with rife is that it would shake things up. That's what happened when I did biomagnetism, which I stopped because it wasn't helping enough in proportion to the cost. But in retrospect it may have helped... it just definitely did exacerbate initially.
I'm really interested in reading more about the ways that MMS works, if anyone has any websites that seem like a very solid & legit source- please share :)!

Tiger Lily, have you checked out Andreas Kalcker's videos on MMS? He seems to have a good understanding on how it works. I'm very glad to hear it helped you so much. It was also a game changer for me. It reduced my symptoms and increased my strength and stamina a great deal in just a few weeks. I now rotate it with other antimicrobials


Senior Member
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Wayne. No rife therapy ever worked for me (the Doug coil gave me horrible heart palpitations that were scary and lasted for 3 weeks after a five minute session; the Rife-Bare made me so wired I couldn't sleep at all; and the Dan machine was useless. I never did try the GB4000 but gave up on rife after that and I am also EMF sensitive so I wasn't sure about it).

But for some it really seems to cure them of lyme. I've talked to Doug personally, it cured their whole family. We are all different. Perhaps if you're metal poisoned or mercury poisoned rife is more difficult.

But I will tell you those kefir grains of yours are amazing. I PMed you. They really have a wonderful energy too. Not to go all mystical but they're robust, vigorous, energetic, happy, and really want to go to work hard and help people. The grains are making incredibly delicious kefir out of POWDERED goat milk reconstituted in water.
I have been trying the last 2 1/2 months a similar technology--Frequency Specific microcurrent (FSM) getting it weekly at a PT office. I also went through a period of my heart feeling wacked a bit and maybe increased hypotension....worried me enough that I got a heart monitor to make sure no arrhythmia. But it has been decreasing bad chronic pain I have enough that I have kept doing it in spite of that and finally after about 7-8 weeks my heart and B/P feel better, previous baseline. This is the best thing I have found for chronic pain and "fatigue" in 27 years of searching. I will post more about it later but was struck by your post in my search on here to find others who have tried electro therapies. With FSM I have found that I handle it better if I do shorter sessions.....its sort of like me and mediine and supplements, less is more. And like Wayne I had more pushback at first with herx type things but its getting better. This last week I handled things I didnt think I could anymore!
I've just started rifing again and really like using it. I'm doing H-pylori first as i'm interested to see what effect this has on migraine and raynauds.

While using my sinusus became stuffy, my raynaud worst finger was stinging, my breathing became laboured and my stomach and bowel noises were ridiculous. Immediately afterwards I had a bowel explosion :lol:

The herx from h-pylori has been pretty bad, sweats, low fever, weak and shaky, metallic taste in mouth, severe brain fog, tachycardia, nausea.

As soon as I did an overnight detox setting, the symptoms all went. So now i alternate between h-pylori and detox settings. The herx symptoms are much milder now.

I'm also still using my maximol and revenol supps, milk thistle and kefir.

After reading this thread, i may try the mercury too.