Been taking high dose thiamine for about 8 days so thought I'd add my experience. My dosing schedule:
I'm taking this one nothing fancy:
Dosing was like this for me
Day1: 25mg start dose to check tolerance
Day2: 100mg
Day3: 300mg
Day4: 600mg
Day5: 800mg
Day6: 800mg
Day7: 1200mg
Day8: 1200mg
Day9: 800mg
From days 4 to 6 I was very spaced out and had an increase in occipital lymph node swelling and felt like I was floating through the day most of the time. Not dizzy but spaced out. Dr Kristina Orr who prescribes Nimodipine for increasing cerebral spinal flow (
which high dose thiamine also appears to do). So it does make me wonder if high dose thiamine does the same thing. I tried Nimodipine about 2 weeks ago with some unpleasant side effects, whereas with the thiamine I didn't have any of those horrid side effects.
On Day 7 was when it kicked in and I noticed my cells physically waking up. About 30 minutes the dosing I could feel what is probably best described as blood/nutrients rushing into muscles/cells in the body. I've had this experience before with omega 3 fish oil (if I don't take it for 2 weeks and then take it, I have the same experience but it occurs over about an hour or two) and I've had the same experience with siberian ginseng, where over the course of an hour my body will gradually wake up after not taking it for 2 weeks.
I gradually increased my exercise on days 4 to 7 and noticed no improvement until day 7 when the swelling at th eback of my head and down into my neck appeared to "shift". I had this sudden warm cloth like feeling in my neck, like it had become very warm and then the stiffness and swelling just abated. Interestingly the symptom of swelling and stiffness moved further down my spine, maybe 4 or 5 cervical points down so upper back area. This was stiff tender and a bit painful. But then this also went by Day 8.
I've not got the dosing right yet, I think 800mg to 1000mg is my limit due to sleep disturbance. But so far going very well. I am also taking small amounts of glycine and cysteine (about 150mg each) and some inosine, but the consistent energy and physical strength I feel appears to have come from the thiamine and not the others.
I've also noticed the thiamine calms me down when I take it, this wears off pretty quickly (within an hour) but I would say overall I actually feel a lot calmer. Whether this is less cellular stress from dodgy energy processes or bodily inflammation or subduing viral infections I am not sure, but it's interesting.
I'm going to test my exertional limits anyway (not exercise just driving for now!) so will report back.