No matter what I tried with the thiamine, it was aging me and making my ME much worse. I like what this member said in this post though:
It made me think that we are so super sensitive with this disease that maybe just taking things like these supplements that we react to so strongly only once a week to start would be better. Maybe later we can build up to a higher dose but
slowly to see how our bodies handle it.
Pyrrhus also talked about starting with NAC on a once weekly schedule. He said that was difficult for him in the beginning and I think he increased his dosing a lot faster than I would have but at least it eventually became more tolerable for him by starting low.
Anyway, just a thought.
Edit: Also I remember watching a video where the doctor said bad bacteria also use methylation so advised getting Sibo under control first before starting a methylation protocol. Otherwise, he said we're just "fertilizing" the bad guys.
Thanks for the links! I had a very interesting experience with NAC;
-A 60% improvement in my gut health
-A 90% improvement in my sinusitis
-An 80% improvement in oral thrush -Considerable energy and disposition during the day, remission of that constant feeling of flu and discomfort
-Slight improvement in tinnitus
-My skin was amazing, many of the acne spots and new blackheads disappeared, it was so smooth! My hair has also improved.
-I started to tolerate potato chips, garlic, onions, nuts, but of course everything in moderation, coffee didn't cause me so much anxiety and agitation either
- I had no more canker sores
-My sleep schedule has always been something between 3 hours of continuous sleep and a few naps of 20 or 30 minutes, it takes me hours to fall asleep and I pee a lot throughout the night! But with NAC I slept in a maximum of one hour, slept for 5 continuous hours and then two more cycles of 1 hour, just one pee per night.
-At little decrease in anxiety and depression
I started taking 600mg and then increased to 1200, at first the only side effects were a very large drop in concentration, increased daydreaming and mental ruminations but without accompanying anxiety or depression, just an almost constant state of inattention, in the third month the side effects in the musculature and nerves started out pretty heavy! There was a day that I woke up with my whole body aching, cramps in all the muscles and a very strong pain in the nerves of the feet and hands, I continued for a while and then completely stopped using it.
I found the links very interesting, comparing my experience with theirs I realize that despite the side effects of inattention my initial relationship with NAC was better than them, maybe that gives me hope of finding the right dose of B vitamins and NAC/glutathione.
What I often find conflicting is the relationship of B vitamins with SIBO and candida, each doctor seems to say something different, what is the verdict among users about oral supplementation of B vitamins and SIBO-candida? I know from my body that the only b vitamin that didn't cause me gut problems was b1, even the b2 that I decided to use together seems to have made my symptoms worse! How i would supplement NAC with B complex is a mystery for me, hahaha!