High-Dose Selenium Significantly Improves My Fatigue and Brain Fog

Does selenium 400 mcg daily help your CFS? Have an active enterovirus infection, tested at ARUP Lab?

  • Selenium HELPED. My ARUP Lab tests showed I HAVE an active enterovirus infection

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Selenium HELPED. My ARUP Lab tests showed I DO NOT HAVE an active enterovirus infection

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Selenium DID NOT HELP. My ARUP Lab tests showed I HAVE an active enterovirus infection

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Selenium DID NOT HELP. My ARUP Lab tests showed I DO NOT HAVE an active enterovirus infection

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Selenium MADE ME FEEL WORSE (or made me feel too mentally "wired" and over-stimulated)

    Votes: 7 11.5%
  • Selenium HELPED. I have not been tested for enterovirus at ARUP Lab

    Votes: 27 44.3%
  • Selenium DID NOT HELP. I have not been tested for enterovirus at ARUP Lab

    Votes: 18 29.5%

  • Total voters
I don't know a great deal about it, but this systematic review found no solid evidence for the efficacy of B17 (laetrile) against cancer, whereas this review of selenium compounds such as sodium selenite concludes:

So it looks like certain selenium compounds do have potent cancer killing effects in certain types of cancers.
My Urologist and i were talking awhile ago about selenium and when i mentioned about it he was the one that stated about it had potential to shrink certain type cancers. I cannot remember what type though..


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
By the way, for anyone taking supplemental selenium in the form of seleno-methionine, you might want to consider switching to methyl-seleno-cysteine. Both forms are naturally found in vegetables, but only seleno-methionine has been linked to ill health effects in animals, if the dose is artificially high.[1][2]

The main concern with seleno-methionine is that the body will mistakenly use seleno-methionine instead of plain methionine when synthesizing proteins. This might subtly alter the chemical properties of the protein. Since the body does not synthesize or use seleno-methionine directly, it has not evolved ways to distinguish between seleno-methionine and plain methionine. In fact, the majority of ingested supplemental seleno-methionine may end up being misincorporated into proteins. Only a small portion of supplemental seleno-methionine may end being re-formed as seleno-cysteine to be used by the body.

Methyl-seleno-cysteine, however, is not mistakenly incorporated into proteins, and any excess is easily eliminated from the body. For more information, I recommend the following review article:[3]

Here are some quotes from the review article:
We found that a low methionine diet significantly reduced the protective effect of selenomethionine, even though tissue selenium was actually higher in these rats compared with those given an adequate amount of methionine (Ip 1988). When methionine is limiting, a greater percentage of selenomethionine is incorporated nonspecifically into body proteins in place of methionine (see Fig. 1) because met-tRNA cannot distinguish between methionine and selenomethionine. In other words, the anticarcinogenic activity of selenomethionine is severely compromised in a situation in which it is preferentially compartmentalized into tissue proteins instead of entering the metabolic pathway.

Se-methylselenocysteine, on the other hand, is converted to methylselenol directly via a β-lyase reaction (Foster et al. 1986b), and unlike selenomethionine, it cannot be incorporated nonspecifically into proteins. We found that both selenobetaine and Se-methylselenocysteine were more efficacious than either selenite or selenomethionine in cancer chemoprevention in the range of 1–3 ppm Se (Ip and Ganther 1990 and 1992, Ip et al. 1991).

Further studies also showed that Se-garlic was superior to selenomethionine in terms of its anticarcinogenic efficacy (Ip and Lisk 1996). Unlike selenomethionine, which produced large increases in tissue selenium accumulation, Se-garlic caused only modest elevations (Ip and Lisk 1996). These attributes of Se-garlic became clear when Se-methylselenocysteine was identified as the major selenium-containing constituent in Se-garlic (Cai et al. 1995).

It is reasonable to assume that lower dosages would be needed when switching from seleno-methionine to methyl-seleno-cysteine. However, there is no conversion formula to use. For what it's worth, I have been taking about 60mcg per day of methyl-seleno-cysteine for many years, but that's just an educated guess of a dosage.

Hope this helps.

[1] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/104063879500700312
[2] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1583&context=usgsstaffpub
[3] https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/128/11/1845/4722471


Senior Member
By the way, for anyone taking supplemental selenium in the form of seleno-methionine, you might want to consider switching to methyl-seleno-cysteine. Both forms are naturally found in vegetables, but only seleno-methionine has been linked to ill health effects in animals, if the dose is artificially high.

That's very interesting. I actually switched to methyl-seleno-cysteine 400 mcg daily just because it's cheaper than seleno-methionine (I use Swanson Ultra SeMSC Selenium), but has the same high bioavailability as seleno-methionine.

I did not know about these ill health effects of seleno-methionine; glad I switched to methyl-seleno-cysteine.


Senior Member
How can we know methyl-seleno-cystine has the same health effects as seleno-methionine? Perhaps using seleno-meth in proteins was leading to the positive changes noticed?

For the first few years of taking high dose selenium, 400 mcg daily, I used seleno-methionine. Every time I stopped, within 5 days I noticed my ME/CFS would start to get worse. I tested this several times, so it was quite clear that selenium was working for me, provided I kept taking the high dose.

When I switched to methyl-seleno-cysteine 400 mcg daily, I noticed no worsening of symptoms. So this suggests that it's not the particular form of selenium that counts, and that any selenium supplement will do.
I took one pill of selenium 100mg after my lunch today. My stomach hurts. It hurts after any medication or supplement I take. Should I just push through and continue taking it or should I not risk it anymore?


Senior Member
I took one pill of selenium 100mg after my lunch today. My stomach hurts. It hurts after any medication or supplement I take. Should I just push through and continue taking it or should I not risk it anymore?

I am not sure what the right thing to do is. But you could try crushing the tablet into a fine powder, and rubbing that powder onto a large area of your skin (eg, top of thighs), adding a few drops of water to help absorption. I would guess that over several hours, you will absorb quite a bit of selenium through your skin.


Senior Member
Has anybody here noticed that selenium has depleted them of any specific nutrients? Like b vitamins or other minerals? Specifically that have caused anxiety. Thanks


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Thanks Hip. I'll give this a go, interesting how you feel so much better on this compared to years previously. I definitely am better than I was, albiet not cured at all. Maybe the selenium will help fingers crossed.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi all.

I've been taking 400ug selenium for about 5 days. I noticed some over stimulation yesterday, mainly talking a lot, restless legs, hard to remain still enough to fully relax the muscles. At the same time I was able to re-organise some boxes, which was just impossible 5 days ago as I am recovering from a very nasty epstein barr reactivation. Saying all that high dose selenium works for me, my fatigue hasn't disappeared as such but it's hugely improved and even though my brain fog is generally mild, this improved completely I would say. So brain fog has gone, fatigue is hugely better, but I do still have some.

I've dropped to 200ug now to try and see if it still works. It's nice to find something I can take in the winter when I need a much required boost, I also found it lifted my low levels of depression which I struggle with most of the time anyway.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Saying all that high dose selenium works for me, my fatigue hasn't disappeared as such but it's hugely improved and even though my brain fog is generally mild, this improved completely I would say.

That's great to hear. Enjoy the extra energy and clarity.

It is possible that you had a selenium deficiency and the positive effects you are seeing now are the result of correcting that deficiency. If that is the case, you might find that this improvement is a lasting improvement, but that doesn't mean that you should expect an energy boost every time you take selenium.

I also saw an improvement the first time I took selenium, but I don't notice the improvement anymore as I have gotten used to it. I still take about 60micrograms per day, but that's mainly to prevent a future deficiency.

Hope this helps.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Interesting you got used to it. I'm just taking 200 now and yet I'm still very wired and over stimulated. To be honest it got worse since I posted.

I'm not sure it's a defiency though. The body can respond by going "up" with almost anything if thst particular body system is setup to respond well. Or just responds anyway. I can take many things and become over stimulated. I have been over sensitive to things since I was a baby. It used to drive my parents mad. My Dad was in particular obsessed with artificial colours as he believed those sent me through the roof. Suffice to say it's been a life long thing for me really. In a way I'm glad as it means I can find a temporary boost from things or a long term one.

It's been a good experiment. Definitely worth people trying.
That's great to hear. Enjoy the extra energy and clarity.

It is possible that you had a selenium deficiency and the positive effects you are seeing now are the result of correcting that deficiency. If that is the case, you might find that this improvement is a lasting improvement, but that doesn't mean that you should expect an energy boost every time you take selenium.

I also saw an improvement the first time I took selenium, but I don't notice the improvement anymore as I have gotten used to it. I still take about 60micrograms per day, but that's mainly to prevent a future deficiency.

Hope this helps.

Hey Pyrrhus,
I am also interested in trying a low dose of methyl-seleno-cysteine (my blood works show a deficiency) but can't seem to find a supplement <200mcg. You take 60mcg and recommended the life-extension supplement but this one only seems to come in 200mcg capsules. I also can't find any tablets that I can cut. I am curious how you get 60mcg daily. One capsule every three days?
Glad to have found this forum. I am hypothyroid for over 15 years now and suffering from fatigue (want to sleep a lot during day and need to put effort and concentration to finish simple tasks) and brain fog for the last 6 years. I tried a lot of vitamins (B's, Iron, A, C, D etc) which any success. This year Feb, I took 100mcg L-Selenomethionine and next day my head was so clear and alert I was so thrilled. But I was back to normal in a couple weeks. So I increased dosage gradually from 200 to 400, every time the effect lasting couple weeks or so. Recently, I got my Serum Selenium levels tested and the result was slightly high. While L-Selenomethionine did have some effect, methyl-selenocysteine 400mcg did nothing for me. I stopped taking Selenium 3 months ago out of fear it could cause diabetes and hairfall.

Last 2 weeks has been very bad, I feel very drowsy all the time and standing up would make me light headed. This with the heavy fog is just driving me crazy. I tried Dr.Brownstein Iodine protocol early this year and I felt horrible on it. It raised my tsh level too and it continues to stay raised after 6+ months. I am scared to experiment, at the same time desperate to get rid of this brain fog. When I took Selenium initially, it felt like I could accomplish several things in a day, had high energy and concentration. I was never Selenium deficient to begin with, my levels were normal when I started.

Also, I was very sick for 4 months April-July possibly covid. I had shortness of breath, fatigue and post exertional malaise (couldnt walk small distances) which sort of cleared up slowly. Now all of a sudden, I am down again, this time I dont have any post exertional malaise, it's general tiredness and lack of focus.

Sorry for the long post, Appreciate if anyone could provide insights into my case. Doctors are out of ideas and prescribe anxiety and depression pills which I don't want to take. I took Benzos during Covid recovery and I had horrible withdrawl despite taking them randomly over the course of a month. I still have interal tremors/vibrations from those pills even after 3 months off them.