Good reaction to Cellfood- may be oxygenating the body, helping immune system; apparently boosted thyroid & now helping stroke patient


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I had a rollercoaster ride while testing Cellfood at doses of 5 to 12 drops daily.
@Hip - I just realized you took a much smaller dose than me, for a much shorter period of time. I initially only took maybe 5 or 6 drops a day for 4 days or so, but quickly thereafter worked up to 24 drops a day (8 drops 3 x a day), and then after that, went up to 30 drops a day, which I've been doing for some time now. fwiw . . .

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Actually I think the elk and the deer are not usually the ones to benefit from more arrows in our quivers! :lol: (though I may have misunderstood you here! )
I meant to underline the fact that the axiom is based on the premise that you can get more elk and deer with more arrows in your quiver. Lord knows the elk and deer don't benefit very much ....

Sorry it was unclear :oops::oops: ....


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United Kingdom
It's so bizarre how we all react. I had to go on Siberian ginseng not long after I last posted because my body was just lower and lower and lower and since I moved out of the city in lockdown it just got worse. So after much frustration and not having yet moved out of my house. I started on the ginseng. Turned out I had a bad old batch so the first 2 weeks I felt quite drowsy on it. Anyway I got a new batch which was infinitely better from the get go. Another 2 weeks after that I started to get a significant energy boost. But the oxygenisation, warmer body temp, higher bp (which gets rid of any pots like dizziness) and on ginseng I clear infections quickly. I also believe it clears down my immune system and that's actually why I feel better. Lastly my adrenals seem to recover and balance out which I've noticed had a major impact.

I combined rhodiola recently which has the effects that cell food does with the ginseng and found that to be a good combo.

However even with these the effects wear off. But I just find I can do more with ginseng and rhodiola whereas I was crashing with the cell food. Even though it did give me an energy boost as you said above the PEM shielding wasn't there. Whereas I bad almost full PEM shielding combining bcaas Siberian ginseng and rhodiola rosea. The symptoms of my ME only returned when I stopped taking it again.


Forum Support Assistant
PatJ tried it, but he was also taking cayenne at the same time. Cayenne is known to cause detoxing (it did for me!) so that very well could have been the reason he didn't do well with it.

I'd like to give the CellFood another try but the cayenne helps so much with being able to stay upright and have a little more stamina that I'm reluctant to stop taking it while trying CellFood alone. I don't have any detox symptoms from the cayenne and have been taking it for at least six months. Cayenne is known to increase effectiveness of other supplements by increasing circulation so that might have influenced my reaction to the CellFood.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Cayenne is known to increase effectiveness of other supplements by increasing circulation so that might have influenced my reaction to the CellFood.
Maybe keep taking the cayenne and a significantly lower dose of CellFood? Just to see if that works?

But I totally get what you're saying. It's the reason I haven;t tried CellFood yet, but really really want to work up the courage ..... at the same time, I really, really, REALLY dont want to go back to the bad old days, even temporarily ....


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
However even with these the effects wear off. But I just find I can do more with ginseng and rhodiola whereas I was craVshing with the cell food. Even though it did give me an energy boost as you said above the PEM shielding wasn't there. Whereas I bad almost full PEM shielding combining bcaas Siberian ginseng and rhodiola rosea. The symptoms of my ME only returned when I stopped taking it again.
Very interesting @godlovesatrier ! I did look into Siberian ginseng once but it gave me insomnia! :aghhh: Several years ago I tried rhodiola rosea and didn't notice any benefit. But - it is several years later, maybe it would be helpful now. That's an interesting combo, bcaas, ginseng and rhodiola - I think I'll have to give it a try!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I'd like to give the CellFood another try but the cayenne helps so much with being able to stay upright and have a little more stamina that I'm reluctant to stop taking it while trying CellFood alone. I don't have any detox symptoms from the cayenne and have been taking it for at least six months. Cayenne is known to increase effectiveness of other supplements by increasing circulation so that might have influenced my reaction to the CellFood.
@PatJ - I may have a heavier toxin load than you. I want to take cayenne because it is a vasodilator etc., the reasons you're taking it. Maybe I'll try it again and just see what happens! And you very well could be right, that the cayenne influenced your reaction to Cellfood. All these variables!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Update: I'm still doing well on half my thyroid medication, much to my surprise. I had blood drawn a week ago to check my thyroid and will be getting results in two weeks. Overall my energy is still better. But I had a rough couple of weeks. I started taking monolaurin (lauricidin) some weeks ago and am pretty sure it caused a herx reaction for 3 - 4 weeks. I was extra tired, my wonderful Cellfood energy was not there, just was dragging. But I seemed to have finally turned a corner, a few days ago I had this nice burst of energy, and then overdid it and crashed of course, but yesterday, the day after the crash, I did not get as sick as I usually do after crashing. And today feel better still. So the lauricidin and Cellfood seem to be a good combination.

One other update: my oldest sister had a rather major stroke at the end of January 2020. She was very active prior to this, and has essentially been bedridden since. Her mind seems intact but she didn't really have interest in PT, if gotten out of bed, she wanted back in bed ASAP and mainly spent her days watching TV. About 3 weeks ago I brought her a bottle of Cellfood. On the 3rd day of taking it, she asked to be gotten out of bed and then wanted to play cards. A few days later she watched a cooking show with her daughter-in-law, for 1-1/2 hours, and exchanged comments.

Her voice is still weak but she's engaging more with the world and being more active. I found out yesterday that she's only taking one dose a day, first thing in the morning, so I urged them to have her take a second dose midday and see how she does, and if she does okay, then increase it to 3 times a day. It is like she's coming back to life, it's really nice to see! Here's an article about HBOT helping stroke victims, even years after the stroke, so if the Cellfood is increasing oxygenation (which I believe it does), this may help explain how it helps:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
About 3 weeks ago I brought her a bottle of Cellfood. On the 3rd day of taking it, she asked to be gotten out of bed and then wanted to play cards. A few days later she watched a cooking show with her daughter-in-law, for 1-1/2 hours, and exchanged comments.
That's super major !!!

I was sorry when I read about your sister's stroke, but greatly heartened by your rporting re the effect that CellFood had on her, as I'm betting you wre, too .... it's really remarkable :woot::woot::woot::woot: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :balloons::balloons: :rocket::rocket:....
What are the actual ingredients? It's unusual to have no ingredients listed for any of their products. Is it just deuterium sulfate in water for the drops?

The "science" articles and endorsements on the website are less than impressive.
It states that it contains seawater, hence salt, ie electrolytes, yet here is the science to prove its electrolyte properties... adding a bit of table salt to water will also show it's an electrolyte.
The placelet increases are significant and anyone already on anti-clotting medication may be at serious risk from clots given the data.

Most graphs are scaled to hide the fact that the results appear to be around a 10% difference, and from the placebo results it's obvious that it's twice as good as a placebo for most things measured. The info is not peer reviewed, and relies on the properties of cellfood rather than the properties of those taking it eg blood draws before and after tell you far more. No measurements on different days being compared, or over time. No statistical analysis, no p-values. It's unclear which products were taken, ie is the skin cream ineffective but the drops are better? Skin vs stomach absorption is not the same.

The endorsements are less than impressive, including the one with the title Dr who is not a medical doctor and comments on enthrocyte (sic) integrity and the inclusion of other spelling mistakes.

Usually at a bare minimum I would expect a breakdown of active and inactive ingredients to be listed, and indications of strength / dose clearly labelled eg 5% strength or 100mg per tablet. Ideally some kind of peer reviewed research in a reputable journal.

At the moment it's
*unknown fossil stuff
* de-ionized water
* grape juice
* magnesium
* calcium
* seaweed extract
* deuterium sulfate

Sounds like a regular supplement with low levels of electrolytes, plus deuterium sulfate.

I did see some research about Cellfood on pubmed for fibromyalgia but in Italian. The abstract stated it was "completely safe" which is very unscientific given that even water has a rating on the poisons chart, as does salt, which can kill in high enough quantities. There hasn't been enough research to establish safely so different phrasing should have been used.

There's also a FDA warning letter and a claim that deuterium sulfate is simply (presumably weak) sulfuric acid. Estonia's vetinary and food board states deuterium is toxic.

This Amazon review claims an alarmingly acidic PH value.

At this stage, I will pass...

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I had all the same quibbles that you've expressed, and in fact did much of the same research that you did, but mostly in English). You'll find my post re this near the beginning of this thread.

And yes, the highly diluted deuterium in Cellfood is a very weak form of sulfuric acid. But the human body deals with a lot of acids similar in strength to the diluted deuterium: selenic acid, hydrochloric acid, and of course things like malic acid, acetic acid, and others that we ingest in small amounts probably daily.

Cellfood has been deemed in several research papers published on the NIH PubMed site to be " .... completely non-toxic ...". One of those papers (and if I can find it again easily I'll post a link for you here) gave a hint as to Cellfood's mode of operation, or at least the pathways it uses to create apoptosis in mesothelioma cells by modulating the p53, c-myc and pAkt signaling pathways. Granted, I believe these tests were done in vitro, but still, it's interesting, no?

I have no clue as to how Cellfood works, or before this thread, even if it works, and I'd always dismissed it as another alt med grab for consumer bucks, but I do have a hard and fast rule: if it works for you, and it clearly works for @Mary as it did for her sister, post stroke, that's the bottom line. As I 've said before, the rest is footnotes.

Like you, I'm having a hard time jumping into a trialing of Cellfood, largely because I've spent the better part of 5-plus years, experimenting my way to my current relatively stable and, most days, somewhat tolerable state, and am cautious about adding anything that might tilt the wheel, as it were.

But once I can muster the courage, I'd be inclined to try it, if only to see if I can reproduce the effects that it's had on @Mary 's PEM and PEM recovery rate, and greatly improved hypothyroidism.
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I can feel my resistance to experimenting with new stuff just sort of crumbling like a politician's conscience ....

I hate to be sooooo cowardly ....
But once I can muster the courage, I'd be inclined to try it, if only to see if I can reproduce the effects that it's had on @Mary 's PEM and PEM recovery rate, and greatly improved hypothyroidism.
Hi @YippeeKi YOW !! - In the interests of full disclosure, I have to report that not everyone has good results with it. I know a couple of people who just didn't notice much. A couple of them don't have ME/CFS, and it's occurred to me that relatively healthy people may just not have the same results. Although my sister's boyfriend who as far as I know is healthy, had very good results. One person with ME/CFS didn't have much of a result, but they also only took a low dose. Someone else who does have ME/CFS said they took the full dose without results. So it's a crap shoot.

But I haven't heard of anyone being harmed by it. Though again it may cause a detox reaction but it was mild for me, and after a couple of days it stopped.

I think you may be confusing my PEM results with BCAAs ;) Unfortunately, Cellfood doesn't seem to have any effect on PEM. It has NOT extended my activity window - what I can do before crashing. If anything, I may be crashing a bit more, because I feel better and therefore do more, bringing on a crash. And it has not shortened the duration of PEM for me. It's the BCAAs which cut my PEM in half.

I've been wondering if I had to choose between the BCAAs and the Cellfood which would I choose and realize I'd probably pick the BCAAs, because cutting my PEM recovery time in half was and still remains huge,, almost 6 years later. But fortunately I don't have to choose! :cool: I was thinking of you and wondering which I would recommend you try first, if you wanted to experiment, and I think I would recommend trying the BCAAs first. I haven't heard of anyone being harmed by them, and I do know of several people who have had good results.