Good reaction to Cellfood- may be oxygenating the body, helping immune system; apparently boosted thyroid & now helping stroke patient


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Texas Hill Country
Hi @Jyoti - I've been distracted today, thanks for your update! You know I'm not getting the great results I had initially either . . . curses! But that's the way it goes! Maybe it's an important piece of information though - I do believe the Cellfood increased oxygenation, and if that's what happened, that may be a clue to what's going on with this illness. I didn't know you did muscle testing as well! (or I've forgotten it, equally possible!) MT has helped me navigate all the continual pitfalls of this illness -

You are adding to our collective knowledge, and unfortunately I agree, Cellfood is not THE answer - but I think we'll get there! :nerd:


Senior Member
Just checking in on my continued experience with Cellfood. I am sad to say that it continues to be less than I had hoped in terms of panacea, but I do still feel that it is one of the small pieces of the puzzle that is me, trying to function. I intend to keep taking it for the foreseeable future and thanks to @Mary for bringing it to my attention.


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Texas Hill Country
Do you know if cellfood is still helping the stroke victim @Mary ?
I don't think she's still taking it, but I don't know for sure, actually that's something I've been meaning to look into. What I do know is she is doing so much better than before, spending 2 or 3 hours out of bed at a time, playing cards, able to use her right hand enough to cut meat, making jokes (!), her voice much stronger - overall so much better than 6 months ago. And she just seems to keep improving. I haven't been able to see her for probably 6 or 8 weeks due to either me being sick, or now COVID, but we get updates periodically, with pictures :nerd:


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Texas Hill Country
Just checking in on my continued experience with Cellfood. I am sad to say that it continues to be less than I had hoped in terms of panacea, but I do still feel that it is one of the small pieces of the puzzle that is me, trying to function. I intend to keep taking it for the foreseeable future and thanks to @Mary for bringing it to my attention.
@Jyoti - I feel the same way about it! I'm not getting the results I did initially but it does seem to be good for me (and yes, I do use MT on this) so I'm going to keep taking it for the foreseeable future too. Thanks for the update! :)

btw, I don't sip mine, I just drink it down all at once -


Senior Member
What I do know is she is doing so much better than before, spending 2 or 3 hours out of bed at a time, playing cards, able to use her right hand enough to cut meat, making jokes (!), her voice much stronger - overall so much better than 6 months ago. And she just seems to keep improving.
I am pleased to hear that, Mary :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Muscle testing has helped me a lot with this. In 2014 I tried gelatin at night for sleep because of its high glycine content. It hit me like a truck with a severe detox reaction - very tired, spacey, etc. At that time I was detoxing a lot - I reacted to anything that could possibly have a "cleansing" action - e.g., cayenne, apple cider vinegar, chlorella, and lot of stuff that for most people is pretty benign. So my initial thought with the gelatin was, okay, that's bad for me. It made me feel horrible, I'd better stop it.

Then I did some reading about glycine and learned it was important for Phase II liver detoxification. So that explained my reaction. I was detoxing in response to something just about every week, not intentionally. So I had my chiropractor test me (via muscle testing) on glycine, and to my surprise, I reacted positively to it, but in a much smaller dose. So I started taking glycine (instead of gelatin) starting with a very small dose over the next 6 months. I started with a dose I could tolerate without too much discomfort. I gradually increased it over the 6 months and my detox reactions got less and less, and by the end of 6 months I no longer reacted to the glycine in a negative way.

It's a long story but the same thing happened at the same time with inositol and glutamine, though my reaction to them was much milder. But the end of 6 months, no more detox reaction.

But what really surprised me at the end of the 6 months was that I no longer reacted badly to cayenne, apple cider vinegar and everything else that used to make me feel sick. I believe the glycine especially plus the other two things got my detox pathways working properly. What used to be a huge continual problem for me was gone. And I still take glycine and inositol to help with sleep.

So I'm not advising @sb4 or anyone to do what I did or take something that makes them feel crappy. But I did want to point out that it's very possible this is what was happening. Detoxing is a known initial reaction to Cellfood.

Muscle testing has helped me with a lot of other things - e.g., one glass of wine used to make me sick for an entire day, and 2 glasses would leave me feeling sick for 3 days. This was in the early 2000's. Well, my chiropractor again was extremely helpful with muscle testing. He said my liver was overloaded with toxins from a job I'd had a few decades before (heavy exposure to chemical solvents) so it had trouble processing the wine. I did a liver detox under his supervision for a month - I felt like crap the entire month - and afterwards I was able to drink wine again like a normal person without getting sick. This was really nice for me. Also, my digestion was much improved. Before the detox, I had trouble eating in morning, I felt sick most of the time. And that horrible sick feeling disappeared after the detox.

So interesting! What liver detox did you do?


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Texas Hill Country
So interesting! What liver detox did you do?
My chiropractor used Parotid PMG and Cholacol II by Standard Process. I didn't ask why he chose those 2 things though I know he used muscle testing to decide what to give me. I knew very little about digestion etc. back then, but definitely know a lot more now! I can't recommend these supplements for anyone, and I can't not recommend them either - Probably worth some research! I don't remember how much I took, just that it was every day for a month. A long rough month but was much better afterwards -


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Mary, How are you now?

Did your thyroid levels improve?
Hi @kewia - I eventually stopped taking the Cellfood (I can't remember exactly when but quite awhile ago) because its effects eventually seemed to wear off or my body adapted to. Although some time ago we found that my thyroid levels had improved - my NP thyroid has gone from 120 mg to 90 mg a day. This was some time after I stopped the Cellfood, although it's possible the Cellfood was a factor in causing this to happen.

Overall I'm think I'm a little improved from the last time I wrote about Cellfood in December 2020, but I think some of this is from a red/near infrared light device I've been using intermittently for several months. I think it does help my energy overall. One noticeable thing is that after using it, my lips get quite red, so I think it's improving blood flow or oxygenation, something, and on a couple of occasions I've had a noticeable increase in energy about an hour after using it. Some time I will do a post about this! (just have not wanted to take the energy to do it, ironically enough ;)


Senior Member
@Mary.....More to the point, where are you? I've been thinking about you and hoping that you've re-settled in.

We should get in touch....tomorrow? Yours, Lenora

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I think some of this is from a red/near infrared light device I've been using intermittently for several months. I think it does help my energy overall. One noticeable thing is that after using it, my lips get quite red, so I think it's improving blood flow or oxygenation, something, and on a couple of occasions I've had a noticeable increase in energy about an hour after using it.
I'm so glad you found this method of healing ..... I've spent a lot of time investigating the infinite sources of red and NIR deices, and am still on the fence, not because I'm uncertain about its value but rather that I'm baffled to a standstill by the number of devices currently available, and how closely you have to investigate them before buying.

Here are a couple of threads you might enjoy, just in case you haven't already found them .... @Johannes has become something of an expert thru his own experiments and research

A treatment that helps me tremendously

Red and near-infrared light therapy, LEDs


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi @YippeeKi YOW !! - thanks for the links! I looked at them briefly. I do prefer summer and sun to grey winters, but the sun doesn't give me energy. It's just emotionally I feel better when the sun's out and I like heat. But I don't get energy from sitting in the sun. I do take 5000 IU vitamin D3 a day and it keeps my levels at about 50.

There was another thread about red light started by Aspen (My Red/Near Infrared Light Therapy Experiment | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums ) and it got me interested in this. I did a lot of research and was going a little crazy like you trying to sort out which product would be best. I learned about the various wavelengths of the LEDs, and also something called the beam angle - the narrower the angle, the more intense the beam. So one company which heavily advertises (Platinum Led) used a 90 degree beam angle. When I called to ask about it, the man I spoke to actually got a little angry at me for questioning why they used this wide beam angle and asserted it was just as effective as a 60 degree beam angle, which is more commonly used. I didn't go with them. I finally settled on Mito Red Light - 60 degree beam angle, prices were comparable to other companies, a live human almost always answered the phone (I called several times with question) and the person answered my questions patiently and if they didn't know the answer, they said so. Also, they had a 60-day trial period - all your money refunded if you return it within 60 days. I actually did this (the first device I ordered was too large) and my money was all returned within a week, no questions asked. That impressed me a lot, so I've since recommended Mito Red Light. Also I read a lot of reviews. And I later ordered a smaller device but now want to get the larger one again -

I've had some good results with it on structural issues (on my leg and one shoulder). It's also calming and I do think it gives me an energy boost. Anyways, I'd recommend just trying it - you literally have nothing to lose with Mito Red Light. I did have to pay return shipping.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
There was another thread about red light started by Aspen
AHA !!!! That was the one I couldn't remember .... totally blanked on @Aspen's user name, although I read her thread as thoroughly as I did @Johannes ....

I'm impressed that you were able to battle thru all the nitty little details that make the diff between getting something equivalent to a clown-nose red light-bulb VS The Real Deal .... I have to shame-facedly admit that during a particularly nasty little down-spike, I gave up or lost track, but mostly, just lost all the data I'd mentally collected, along with the written notes about angle, wattage, distance and coverage, and a bunch of other important things that are obviously still lost.

I do remember that Mito was one of the ones I was most interested in, even tho it was promoted heavily in one of the books I labouriously read on red and NIR effects, something that always puts me off.

Thanks so much for that input :woot::thumbsup::thumbsup: :hug: !!! Maybe I can get my weary arse off the dime this time. I'd like DB to use it, too, for a deeply troublesome damaged area in his right leg from a bad accident and a subsequent series of operations ....