I have cut and pasted pages of your sites in cases you change them
Participant's progress
Below are the stories of patients who are using GcMAF. We're compiling this information right now. More to come.
All patients who participate will have access to extended patient resources such as a forum, treatment strategy information etc.
Our aim with this project: To make GcMAF available to the public. It has been used in studies for years, but no institute has made it available to more than a selected few. We hope to help as many people as possible and to collect their status reports in order to build the case that GcMAF is a cure for various diseases.
Most of the longest standing patients on our GcMAF are from only 7 weeks in. But
Breast cancer with bone and lung metastasis
Woman age 67. Initially she had breast cancer for 16 years held at bay with vaccines, then better with LDN , anti-hormone treatment, DCA and other complimentary treatments..
But finally she ended up with metastasies (secondaries) on her ribs, other bones and in her lungs.
She had fluid on her lungs, breathing problems, pain in her bones and was on anti-oestrogen too.
She dropped it all to take just our GcMAF on its own. In 7 weeks she was clear of symptoms, breathing well, her pain gone. She has good energy levels, her whole life back. She will complete the 22-25 week course of GcMAF.
Update after clinical tests 8th July, 10 weeks in: The fluid in the lungs from her lung metastasis has diminished from 1,5 l to 1 l and her cancer marker Ca 15-3 has diminished from 268 to 193 during GcMAF treatment.
Pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis
She had pancreatic cancer of the neuroendocrine type with liver cancer secondaries. She had pain in her stomach and abdomen so bad she was on morphine. Now, after 7 weeks, she has no symptoms, no pain, gave up the morphine and is a happy active person. She too plans to continue the GcMAF for the full course.
Ovarian and lung cancer
I first contracted cancer in the form of a granulosa cell tumour in 2005. After 2 operations and 3 months of chemo by January 2010 it had reached stage 4 and had spread from my ovaries to my lungs. After that scan in January I was told the chemo had failed, my 5 tumours were still growing, given Tamoxifen hormone, told I had between 3 months and 2 years left to live, and sent on my way.
I started taking Gc MAF at the age of 56 on 16th May 2010; the only feeling or side effect I have from GcMAF is I felt almost from the beginning that I had my old energy back and was feeling much better and fitter in myself. After 8 weeks of taking only GcMAF and Tamoxifen I went for a scan. This showed all tumours had shrunk, the four in my lungs were now hardly noticeable and that the aggressive tumour in my pelvis had shrunk from 7.4cm to 4.1 cm. This is a significant decrease in size.
The stand-in consultant was very excited, and said these were excellent results. As I did not know her, and she did not ask, I did not tell her why.
On the 21st Oct I had another scan; the improvements continued; the secondaries appeared to be merely specs, or scar tissue, and the pelvic tumour had shrunk to 3.5 cm
I will keep you updated. But I am over the moon and feel my old self again.
Gail in London.
We can put you in touch with all our patients, 30 so far.
Of the first 5 cancer participants, 3 have quite stunningly good results already, as do both aids participants. We have not had success with people over 67.
But we are only 10 weeks in, and our average patient 4 weeks in.
What have we learned?
Yamamoto cured 22 people shortly after he first made GcMAF in 1992. Recently he began again and has now cured over 100 people. But in every case he takes young, fit people with early stage cancers.
We believe we can show that GcMAF can work for older people too, and for severe cancers, not just minor cases, providing and only if the patient has a positive attitude and is sufficiently fit to exercise, say two 40 minute brisk walks a day. The immune system just doesn't seem to wake up without exercise.
Our assays
Every batch of our GcMAF is subjected to internal and external assays.
Its has the following internal assays:
1. Sterility - Includes tests for HbsAG, anti-HCV, anti-HBc, and negative for anti-HIV 1 & 2. Prepared in sterile conditions, Lyophilised and put through a 0.22 micron filter to confirm the absence of viruses and bacteria.
2. Protein Quantification
3. Electrophoresis for product identification
4. Activity: Moving from Phagocytosis to Macrophage RAW 246.7 murine cell line superoxide assay
External assays our GMAF has passed in Universities/laboratories over the last year include:
USA - Activity: Macrophage J774 murine cell line activity assay - Ohio University (Feb 2010 onwards)
In Europe - Activity: Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay (First 16.05.2010 Last 26.01.2011)
In Europe - Activity: Destruction of cultured human breast cancer cells (Latest 18.01.2011.)
In Europe - 17 day sterility assay: 7 days at 30 degrees C, 7 days at 25 deg, + sub culture aerobic, anaerobic, at 25 degrees. All results negative, "clear as a bell" (Latest 18.01.2011.)
Our GcMAF has twice been shown by independent laboratories to be as potent as samples provided by Dr Yamamoto.
Assays are vital - GcMAF must be proven to exist, be sterile, and most importantly, be active, and activity assays are the best way of proving this. If you have any questions about assays, email or call us by clicking on "Contact" at the top.
Independent longevity assays of our GcMAF:
Test after 8 months stored in a freezer: Our GcMAF retained good activity. 2nd Feb 2011
CAM assay: Kept at room temperature for 10 days: lost 15% of its activity. May 2010
"Badly kept" assay: 7 degrees in frequently opened freezer, shots removed by needle: Good activity after 4 weeks, nearly zero activity after 8 weeks. 11th Feb 2011
"Well kept assay" at +4 degrees in fridge: reduced, but still good activity at 8 weeks. 11th Feb 2011