GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Hi David,

thank you for your answers. If I'm allowed to pick in this discussion:

I know from Yamamoto himself - I had a phone call with him - that PPS is using his GcMaf. However, he's not amused that PPS is selling his GcMaf way too expensive. He told me, that his main goal is to help people, not ripping them off. Yamamoto is a really nice person.

Just wanted to add this to the discussion.

Take care,
Why 400ng/ml - Garcia

No reason really, except that's the strength Yamamoto started off with, and to ensure we're all compatible with each other, we do the same.

That means that a "Yamamoto recommended" shot of 100ng is 0.25ml whoever you buy it from.

If someone made GcMAF at 2000ng/ml and you had been used to 400ng/ml, you could take a 0.25 ml shot and have a 500% overdose.

That would make no difference to a reasonably healthy person, but could over boost the immune system and do damage to a terminal sufferer.

Garcia, you are particularly well informed. Your info on VDR genes and their alleles at gcmaffed.com is vital. Can we make contact?

Best wishes,

David Noakes.


Senior Member
I just got a response back from KDM after asking if i should be checking my Calcium and Vit D levels. He said i should Check Calcium and Phosphorus in blood only every 2 weeks.

Also, he said it is better to take GcMAF IV. I had sent a question about this after my first injection but the response i got was from the nurse and she said IM was fine. A bit frustrating as i could have been doing them all IV with a nurse here in Ireland


Senior Member
I just got a response back from KDM after asking if i should be checking my Calcium and Vit D levels. He said i should Check Calcium and Phosphorus in blood only every 2 weeks.

Also, he said it is better to take GcMAF IV. I had sent a question about this after my first injection but the response i got was from the nurse and she said IM was fine. A bit frustrating as i could have been doing them all IV with a nurse here in Ireland

how crazy that he did not tell you these two things before you left his office, no?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi everyone on GcMAF,

Have any of you got your post-GcMAF labs back yet--to see how you are doing on calcium, vit D, liver enzymes--and now phosphorus?

The phosphorus question is new for me, but I did get the others done--after 2 half-dose injections. All were fine and it was interesting that I have about the same active Vit D levels on GcMAF (without supplementation) as I had before GcMAF with about 5000 iu daily supplementation. Also, the inactive Vit D has gone down, so I seem to be converting it to the active form.

I am now taking the full dose and next time I'll check phosphorus!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi undcvr,

Vit D 1.25 is "active," and Vit D 25-OH is "inactive." Not sure if that is the best terminology but that was how I understood it.



Senior Member
how crazy that he did not tell you these two things before you left his office, no?

Yeah! Either an oversight or he doesnt think its that important and is only saying it as i have asked him directly about it. Ill be seeing him again in a few weeks so can get more info then.


Senior Member
Anyone know where i can get Artesunate from? I was getting from Protea Nutraceuticals but thet dont sell it anymore and my chemist is having problems sourcing it


Senior Member
This California company sells it: http://www.hepalin.com/hepasunate50.htm from California. And that is where cheney used to suggest his patients get it.

Cheney now suggests this Hong Kong source
saying it is more potent than the California

But if you have a hard time with artesunate (too strong for you), the California source is better.

someone else wrote this on this forum somewhere, "FYI, apparently iron, found in red meat and supplements (especially multi vitamins), can make Artesunate toxic, so it is preferable to minimize iron intake."

i tried both sources and found the Calif artesunate (3 pills over 3 days) gave me a week of symptom-free life!!!!!!!! (FYI: i was also on Artemesia gel by Allergy Research Group, and on Artemesia Annua tincture at the same time. http://www.google.com/products/cata...og_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEwQ8wIwCA#) then i ran out of the Calif Artesunate. i only had 3 pills.

i am about to try it again, but need to hold off for a bit for unrelated reasons (bad flu!)

p.s. the hong kong source is pricey for shipping ($40, any amount you buy). so buy a lot and it is worth it. buy a little and it is expensive (for the shipping)


Senior Member
I'm not sure why it's ok to take the HK artesunate orally when I heard from a cheney patient that the IV artesunate they make isn't ok to take because of possible contamination.


Senior Member
Thanks. Trying to source it for a month and then i get 3 options at once! Anyone else tried the HK version? I'd go for that probably but im a bit cautious about buying meds over the internet, especially from Asia... who knows whats really in it! Are you sure Cheney is recommending the HK one?

I'll have to ask KDM about the Iron. i have been taking daily multi vitamins.


Senior Member
Yes Cheney is rec'ing the stronger HK oral artesunate as the "aggressive protocol".


Senior Member
GcMAF costs???


First consultation 70

Second consultation 50

Breath test Lactose 90

Breath test Fructose 90

Food allergy test 160

Electrocardiogram + effort test 125

Echocardiogram 60

Blood tests 2000

I have lost track of the price KDM is charging for his GcMAF. Seems like it worked out to under 50 Euro?
Do I understand correctly, he will supply you with enough in initial consults to complete the course of treatment?

I would appreciate knowing what everyone is having to pay for theirs? That way I know how many body parts I need to sell on Ebay.:eek:


Hi Nabo,

Lansbergen is correct in general terms, but from what we know about the VDR test, BSM is the more significant (according to KDM)--so your high responder status on BSM may "weigh" more than the Fok. The Fok being heteroxygote mean that the allele from one parent is good as a Vit D responder and the allelle from the other parent is not so good. So you are a moderate responder on FOK. this is assuming that the RedLabs test is correct--and this has been called into question.

Just guessing but your difficult response to GcMAF may be because it is working very well. I'd guess it is important to report this in detail to KDM so that he can adjust your protocol to make it more tolerable. He seems to have lots of ways to do this.

Best wishes. I envy you your high responder status, even though it hasn't been easy to live with. I think he may be able to tweak things for you. This is the importance of having an experienced doctor when taking GcMAF.


Thank you for the information.
I finaly heard back form himunitas after a few days of emailing and calling them.
I explained that my symptomps are getting worse and i asked a few questions.
I told them that i am very worried about al this.

Whele, there response was: Stop using nexavir and GC MAF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was all what they said.. i am very madd right now!!
I had a lot of questions and i am so worried and they only say stop with that.. just 1 line!!!!!
Why do i have to stop with both????

I know a lot of patients van KDM en nobody ever had to stopp the nexavir!!

Why do i have to stop????
Argggg so anoing this..
Now i have to call again en those women who answer the phone arent nice en patient friendly at all!!

Wish me luck xxx


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have lost track of the price KDM is charging for his GcMAF. Seems like it worked out to under 50 Euro?
Do I understand correctly, he will supply you with enough in initial consults to complete the course of treatment?

I would appreciate knowing what everyone is having to pay for theirs? That way I know how many body parts I need to sell on Ebay.:eek:



Hi Crappy,

A couple of points--you don't have to get all the tests listed (you can decide yourself--I omitted some), and KDM never even suggested either the stress test with electrocardiogram or the echo. But the blood test estimate is about right from my experience--though he doesn't order the same tests for everyone.

As far as the cost of GcMAF, it is 35 eu per vial, one vial a week. For the one person I know who lives outside of Europe, he supplied enough GcMAF to probably cover the whole treatment. Everyone else I know has return appointments where they can pick up more.

So, maybe you can keep your essential body parts!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Whele, there response was: Stop using nexavir and GC MAF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was all what they said.. i am very madd right now!!
I had a lot of questions and i am so worried and they only say stop with that.. just 1 line!!!!!
Why do i have to stop with both????

Why do i have to stop????
Argggg so anoing this..
Now i have to call again en those women who answer the phone arent nice en patient friendly at all!!

Wish me luck xxx

I agree the women who answer the phone are not exactly forthcoming! I'd be mad too. Once I got one of them to actually ask KDM a question for me. The other route is the nurse, Jan, you might call him and ask him to ask KDM for more information.

Good luck!
Thank you for the information.
Whele, there response was: Stop using nexavir and GC MAF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was all what they said.. i am very madd right now!!
I had a lot of questions and i am so worried and they only say stop with that.. just 1 line!!!!!
Why do i have to stop with both????

I know a lot of patients van KDM en nobody ever had to stopp the nexavir!!

Why do i have to stop????
Argggg so anoing this..
Now i have to call again en those women who answer the phone arent nice en patient friendly at all!!

Wish me luck xxx

Well keep your head cool, and push through!! And make an appointment ASAP. He has time reserved for this but YOU need to ask (thursday mornings usually)


Senior Member
Thank you for the information.
I finaly heard back form himunitas after a few days of emailing and calling them.
I explained that my symptomps are getting worse and i asked a few questions.
I told them that i am very worried about al this.

Whele, there response was: Stop using nexavir and GC MAF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was all what they said.. i am very madd right now!!
I had a lot of questions and i am so worried and they only say stop with that.. just 1 line!!!!!
Why do i have to stop with both????

I know a lot of patients van KDM en nobody ever had to stopp the nexavir!!

Why do i have to stop????
Argggg so anoing this..
Now i have to call again en those women who answer the phone arent nice en patient friendly at all!!

Wish me luck xxx

Nabo I suspect that this is because Prof De Meirleir is in Australia at the moment (unless he's back already). What I did is I wrote an email addressed to Prof De Meirleir but sent it to the general email address. At the top I wrote "Kindly forward this email to Prof De Meirleir". I think they must have forwarded it to him because the response I got was my same email, with his comments next to my various questions written in a different colour - I'm almost certain they were his comments.

Good luck