Sorting misconceptions
To: dsp2011: GcMAF misconceptions
Sorry if I spoke too plainly, but lets look at the facts:
2. A university has done four longevity tests on our GcMAF, as to how best to store it, and how long it lasts. (removed commercial link) "Tests on our GcMAF" top left.
It is still active after 8 months when frozen.
At below +4 degrees C it will keep in a fridge for 8 weeks, and still have good activity.
It degrades to zero activity in 8 weeks at +7 degrees C. All GcMAF will be useless after 6 months at room temperature.
What tests have you done to prove your "GcMAF stores for 6 months at room temperature" theory?
3. Stefania Pacini, Gabriele Morucci, Tiziana Punzi, Massimo Gulisano were four of the research scientists who kindly mentioned in a published paper that our GcMAF is similar strength to Yamamotos (18.4 versus 17.3, see Garcia's post).
What experiments have you done to prove them wrong?
How can you possibly think there are not way over 50 scientists involved with GcMAF? Why do you think Yamamoto is on his own?
Mohamad SB Nagasawa H Sasaki H Uto Y Nakagawa Y Kawashima K Hori H, did research on GcMAF's tumoricidal properties. Schneider GB, Benis KA, Flay NW, Ireland RA, Popoff SN, did GcMAF and bone reabsorption. Datta HK, Cook DB, Kanan RM, Cant A, Gennery A, did basal generation of GcMAF.
We're up to 20 GcMAF scientists and we've only looked at 4 papers. I must have seen 50 GcMAF research papers with an average of 6 scientists per paper.
And their research papers make it clear most scientists make the GcMAF for their own experiments - and look, not a Yamamoto in sight.
4. PPS came along 19 years after Yamamoto first made GcMAF. How can PPS's version be the one Yamamoto used?
Particularly as Yamamoto improved his methods over the years?
I would really like to see a statement from Yamamoto that he is a shareholder in PPS. How do we know he isn't annoyed they're using his name?
Ok, you are not a PPS salesman, but aren't you wholly indoctrinated by their sales techniques? You really believe them!!
5. We've had correspondence with USA customs, and as a result they let our packages through. Why would they do that if it were illegal?
6. We all make GcMAF the same way. You start with human serum, you extract GcProtein, you modify GcProtein to make GcMAF. Look at Yamamotos patents: 5177002 onwards. Yes, that's how Yamamoto makes it, thats how we make it. There are variations and many improvements, but the basic method is the same.
Sorry, Yamamoto's patent 5177002 does not create synthetic GcMAF.
Apologies, but there are scores of scientists who have made GcMAF. We all, including Yamamoto, aim for the same potency: 400ng/ml concentration of active GcMAF, and then we assay it, both internally and independently, to see we got it right.
If Yamamotos was so much more potent than everyone else's, how would you get the dosage right? How would you treat brain cancer, where weak doses are required to prevent intercranial pressure?
Very best wishes
David Noakes.