GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Anyone else getting a slight migraine feeling a few days after? I take my shots on a wednesday and this and last Friday, Saturday i've been slightly migrainey. At first i didnt think much about it but 2 weeks now in a row on the same days makes me think its a new reaction. The first few weeks i was getting a dull headache a day or 2 after but that hadnt appeared since


Senior Member
Anyone else getting a slight migraine feeling a few days after? I take my shots on a wednesday and this and last Friday, Saturday i've been slightly migrainey. At first i didnt think much about it but 2 weeks now in a row on the same days makes me think its a new reaction. The first few weeks i was getting a dull headache a day or 2 after but that hadnt appeared since

hi ronan, sushi said she had a migraine aura, tho no actual migraine.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Ronan,

I got the migraine aura but no migraine. Now I am noticing that my vision is better and I could watch a movie on TV today without glasses.

Anyone else noticing a change in vision?



Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Hi Sushi,
no change in vision, but I just noticed something else.

I don't have MCS but I react really badly to the smell of oranges. I can't even stand to be in the same room if someone has just eaten one. I've always thought it was possibly due to overactive phase-I liver responses. Anyway, today I noticed that I no longer seem to have any reaction to this smell. Nothing at all. Could it be the GcMAF? I wonder.



Senior Member
Hi Sushi,
no change in vision, but I just noticed something else.

I don't have MCS but I react really badly to the smell of oranges. I can't even stand to be in the same room if someone has just eaten one. I've always thought it was possibly due to overactive phase-I liver responses. Anyway, today I noticed that I no longer seem to have any reaction to this smell. Nothing at all. Could it be the GcMAF? I wonder.


That is exciting!


Senior Member
Hi Ronan,

I got the migraine aura but no migraine. Now I am noticing that my vision is better and I could watch a movie on TV today without glasses.

Anyone else noticing a change in vision?


Yes. I have very mild specs for watching tv. I haven't been using them much and feel quite comfortable about it! Normally I'd get a headache if I watch for too long without them!

Also, don't know if this is connected or whether I'm clutching at straws....also don't know if this is the GcMAF or a result of the very strict lactose/gluten free diet I've been on.....but my menstrual cycle seems more regular (only two months' evidence) but it's been totally erratic for the last four years!


Senior Member
STOP.STOP. STOP. You're just tormenting us.. Better vision, normal cycle, allergies, sensitivities clearing up.. Next you'll be telling us one of you is training for a marathon.....!?

Just kidding.Looks promising as they say.....


Senior Member
fifla.. they say it can take months to a year to get gluten out of yr system....so I guess it depends when you began your diet changes.


Senior Member
I am considering doing GcMAF and want to know if those who have gone to KDM think that is a wiser decision than simply getting the product shipped to the US from BGLI in Holland. I know that no one knows for sure, but I guess what I am asking is this, was it really that helpful to see KDM in person, and once you start GcMAF to have him on hand for questions that arise, or did you not find those two things that helpful? Was the most help involved simply getting the GcMAF from him? If that is the case, then perhaps it will suffice to not make at trip across the Atlantic and I can just see my own local primary care doctor and with him order the BGLI. Of course my doctor does not know about GcMAF and the possible difficulties, like IRIS, as KDM does, but my doctor *is* in email communication with Cheney, who is also using GcMAF now. I think a number of Cheney's patients are just starting their GcMAF protocols. So it is too early to say much about BGLI's product re: ME/CFS patients using it.


Senior Member
Another 2 questions for those who have seen KDM.

Did KDM's office help you package your GcMAF supply for your long trip home to another country? Or did you have to run around Brussels yourself, finding the dry ice and box for the trip home (via plane/train)?

How will you renew your supply once you run out? Do you have to go back to KDM in person or can you have it shipped to you to another country?



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Rrrr,

My 2 cents on having a doc experienced with GcMAF: it is not a one size fits all protocol and it is not just GcMAF. KDM tailors your protocol specifically to you and then tinkers with it according to your response. I doubt if he gives even 2 people the same protocol.

A friend who is in the Cheney study told me that it won't start till March, so there won't be much data coming from that study for a while. Wish we had it now to help people like you make informed decisions.

For those traveling from Brussels to other European countries, I believe most were told to use their own coolers and ice. (no customs, etc.) Also, in the past they have shipped GcMAF to European countries but I don't know what they are doing now.

Those traveling very long distances need to pack it in dry ice. This was done for us though we were told it was a favor. (Sergio and I were only going to Spain, VLI to the UK). I think they will supply dry ice and packaging for those traveling long distances and also give (sell!) you enough GcMAF to complete the protocol so that you will not have to fly to Europe again just for a "refill."

On another note, I continued this week with the same pattern as with the first two shots. "Fine" on the day of injection and the next couple days, then progressively awful, in bed all Sunday (5th day), woke up today (Monday) feeling refreshed and fine. It is amazing that I can go from not being able to stand up one day to sleeping far fewer hours and feeling fine the next. This has happened with all three shots. :victory:



Senior Member
can you elaboarate on this?
Does one still need a robust T cell response to get the job done even with a strong macrophage response?


Senior Member
Hi Rrrr,

I think it is not worthwhile seeing KDM just to get the GcMAF. I think he looks at several different things, though mostly the digestive system, and tailors a treatment to suit the patient, based on very detailed testing. I think it is pointless trying the GcMAF without addressing other problems. 70% of the immune system is in the gut. I don't see the point of kick starting the immune system which is still being depleted through gut dysbiosis or bacterial transfection from gut to blood. That said, you may have already done several tests that KDM uses and addressed these issues through your own doctor. I think it would be wise to discuss this with KDM and get his advice.



Senior Member
Saint Valentine's day and GcMAF: gorgeus couple! ;-)

Saint Valentine's day and GcMAF: gorgeus couple! ;-)

Hi all,

Just wanted to report on the very good day I am finishing. I am identifying a pattern with GcMAF (treating XMRV), i.e., I get my injection on Tuesdays, then I feel good for 3 days, and then I start to feel sicker at weekend, sundays being the worst day. Yesterday it was awful-- I couldn't even stand up because of dizziness, fatigue, etc...

However, and again, last night I slept just 5 hours. My body didn't need more. I woke up much better than usual (like those "good" days we have every several months). I went to pick up a friend at the airport in the MORNING. Then I was hanging out with him until food was ready, then we ate, and I decided to take a nap.

To my surprise, and again, only since i am taking GcMAF, I woke up from the nap after just 45 mins...(usually i would've slept forever and ever!). So, its clear than my HPA axis is improving.

Afterwards I took a shower, and then I drove about 30 mins to go to a dinner party, where again I was sitting down in a normal (uncomfortable-by-default for PWC) chair for 3 hours, yakking with my friends.

Finally, I drove back home (30 mins more), and yes, I am tired, but here I am, writing this post.

Sooooooooooooo: I can say, that, as for now, or at least today (Saint Valentine's day), I am IN LOVE with GcMAF. Does this relationship have any future? Well, "tune in" next week! :cool:


PS- As a side note: today I've been laughing all the day...Is it noticeable? :)


Senior Member
Hey, you all,

This is really sounding good! I hope the benefits continue and increase for all of you!

Best regards,

Sorting misconceptions

To: dsp2011: GcMAF misconceptions

Sorry if I spoke too plainly, but lets look at the facts:

2. A university has done four longevity tests on our GcMAF, as to how best to store it, and how long it lasts. (removed commercial link) "Tests on our GcMAF" top left.

It is still active after 8 months when frozen.

At below +4 degrees C it will keep in a fridge for 8 weeks, and still have good activity.

It degrades to zero activity in 8 weeks at +7 degrees C. All GcMAF will be useless after 6 months at room temperature.

What tests have you done to prove your "GcMAF stores for 6 months at room temperature" theory?

3. Stefania Pacini, Gabriele Morucci, Tiziana Punzi, Massimo Gulisano were four of the research scientists who kindly mentioned in a published paper that our gcmaf.eu GcMAF is similar strength to Yamamotos (18.4 versus 17.3, see Garcia's post).

What experiments have you done to prove them wrong?

How can you possibly think there are not way over 50 scientists involved with GcMAF? Why do you think Yamamoto is on his own?

Mohamad SB Nagasawa H Sasaki H Uto Y Nakagawa Y Kawashima K Hori H, did research on GcMAF's tumoricidal properties. Schneider GB, Benis KA, Flay NW, Ireland RA, Popoff SN, did GcMAF and bone reabsorption. Datta HK, Cook DB, Kanan RM, Cant A, Gennery A, did basal generation of GcMAF.

We're up to 20 GcMAF scientists and we've only looked at 4 papers. I must have seen 50 GcMAF research papers with an average of 6 scientists per paper.

And their research papers make it clear most scientists make the GcMAF for their own experiments - and look, not a Yamamoto in sight.

4. PPS came along 19 years after Yamamoto first made GcMAF. How can PPS's version be the one Yamamoto used?

Particularly as Yamamoto improved his methods over the years?

I would really like to see a statement from Yamamoto that he is a shareholder in PPS. How do we know he isn't annoyed they're using his name?

Ok, you are not a PPS salesman, but aren't you wholly indoctrinated by their sales techniques? You really believe them!!

5. We've had correspondence with USA customs, and as a result they let our packages through. Why would they do that if it were illegal?

6. We all make GcMAF the same way. You start with human serum, you extract GcProtein, you modify GcProtein to make GcMAF. Look at Yamamotos patents: 5177002 onwards. Yes, that's how Yamamoto makes it, thats how we make it. There are variations and many improvements, but the basic method is the same.

Sorry, Yamamoto's patent 5177002 does not create synthetic GcMAF.

Apologies, but there are scores of scientists who have made GcMAF. We all, including Yamamoto, aim for the same potency: 400ng/ml concentration of active GcMAF, and then we assay it, both internally and independently, to see we got it right.

If Yamamotos was so much more potent than everyone else's, how would you get the dosage right? How would you treat brain cancer, where weak doses are required to prevent intercranial pressure?

Very best wishes

David Noakes.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
We all, including Yamamoto, aim for the same potency of GcMAF: 400ng/ml concentration of active GcMAF

Hi David,
can you explain why you aim for 400ng/ml concentration? Is it just to standardize the dosages, or are there specific reasons for aiming for this level of concentration?

Many thanks,


Senior Member
A bit off topic but... a friend of a friend's cancer has spread to her brain. Is it worth mentioning GcMAF as a possible treatment? Are there any cancer doctors in Ireland or UK that are treating brain tumours with GcMAF? I dont want to mention it before i know if its a possible treatment approach for her. Thanks!