This is great news from our pioneer patient. Hopefully the rest of your body will follow on this good track and you will begin to feel better. Your experience is so important to some of us "beginners." I am also a moderate to low responder (or low to moderate!) so I will probably take a long time to respond too.
It is wonderful that you no longer test positive by culture and that you NK cells are up. I think all of us taking GcMAF know that it is doing "something" but it is great to hear actual lab reports. Four of us get our 5th injection this week.
Sergio has a question for you: when you say that your leaky gut is better, do you mean your CD 14? And if so, can you say more about that? It seems that as far as some papers that he has read, CD 14 is a marker for macrophage activity. However, KDM seems to consider it as a marker for bacteria passing from the gut to the bloodstream. Do you know KDM's thinking on this?
Sergio send his congratulations too. Whether CD 14 is a marker for macrophage activity, leaky gut, or both, improvement is a winner!
Any word on your progress or experience is golden to the rest of us, so thanks for using your limited energy to post here.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. I am optimistic with caution though.
I believe that KDM looks at the CD 14 as a marker for leaky gut. But I have read the same as you did Serg, so I am not sure. My CD 14 score is actually below the reference range. Shouldn't it be up then?
I forgot to tell that we are at least continuing until 35 or more injections.
Dan is right about the XMRV. It is negative, but it is not gone. It is part of my DNA, and asleep.
Sushi I will be here when you return in April, and hope we can talk some more.
I am happy that I don't have any abx on my treatment plan anymore, and I only need to take the artesunate once a week.
I am glad to be a pioneer. I was really desperate. Still feel quite horrible although maybe the mornings are very very little better.
Well, I want to go into my meditation Hummmmmmm.
Thanks again xxx