Hi all,
since beginning of this year, I'm not doing well, worse, I'm re-experiencing the beginning of my infection all over again. I continued Gc-Maf all that time, until beginning of March. By then, I decided to quit, because it was doing more harm than good to me. I had received 69 injections by then. I was comfortable with the full dosis, and had to stop twice in the course of my treatment with Gc-Maf, due to heavy headaches.
It took me some while to understand what was happening, and now, I think I know. My recent bloodwork also provided me some 'aha'-moments: I have seen this before. My current bloodwork shows the same pattern right after my infection. But what exactly is happening, I don't know. It is either a new infection with the same visitor, or a reactivation of latent virus. The source of a new infection could be the Gc-Maf itself(Gc-Maf is a blood product, after all, and not without risk). Re-activation is another possibility. Other causes are unlikely, except EBV. My sister in law experienced an infection, probably by christmas, last year. But, I should be immune to EBV, my antibodies are sky-high. But, are we immune in that case? High antibodies doesn't mean they are of good quality. Perhaps I got re-infected by EBV, but my bloodwork didn't show any IgM antibodies to EBV, which would mean I'm in the acute phase of the infection.
Also, my vit-D has never been so low ever, so I'm currentlty supplementing with vit-D3.
I'm afraid, I can't exactly answer what is happening to me, I only can pass my experience. Sushi and Garcia are completely right, if you're experiencing a worsening of your symptoms, you should go lower on Gc-Maf. The better you control your inflammation, the better Gc-Maf will work. I would also be very careful taking any supplements together with Gc-Maf. Anti-virals, however, together with Gc-Maf is a good match. On the other hand, supplementing with Vit-D, while on Gc-Maf was not the best I could do. That's at least my own experience.
Now that I'm off Gc-Maf, vit-D is doing good things to me. Also, R-alpha lipoic acid now is giving me tons of energy. I took that a while together with Gc-Maf, and it did no good. So, I would be very cautious taking supplements with Gc-Maf.
Note however, that this is my own experience and it doesn't need to be yours. Let me conclude with a positive anecdote: last week my wife forgot an expensive neclace in a dressing room and it was near closing time. She didn't noticed until we were app. 2000 meters from the store. So, I immediately started sprinting back(not running!) and got on time back in the store...and got the neclace. I didn't have time to think, but right-after, I assumed I will crash the very same evening, or the day after. Nothing happened, more, I just felt amazingly good after that sprint. The days after, I felt like I was healthy again.
Best regards,