GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?

Melbourne, Australia
Daffodil, I've just had my Vit D retested. Both 25 and 1,25 are now normal for the first time since I've started testing almost a decade ago. I've been on gcmaf for about 8 months and I'm taking 1000 IU Vit D supplement daily.
hi guys ,
has any ones vit d keeped going up till it was " toxic "
min was low but has started go get back to close to normal after 6 month on maf .........

whats the current thinking once your nagalase falls to one ?



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
hi guys ,
has any ones vit d keeped going up till it was " toxic "
min was low but has started go get back to close to normal after 6 month on maf .........

whats the current thinking once your nagalase falls to one ?


I don't personally know of anyone whose Vit D 1,25 got too high--but their are rumors that this has happened to a few. It is good to keep checking it. Mine normalized.

There isn't a consensus on how low your nagalase should go--it seems to depend on what your doctor has experienced with patients. My last one was 1.2 and I am due to get another report soon, and it is likely to be in range now. I'll see what my doctor says when the report comes in.



Senior Member
New video from Dr Enlander on his experience with GcMAF. Compares injections with yoghurt form and says so far he finds injections better, but yoghurt also shows promise.



Senior Member
hi all. just wanted to report that the last 3 1/2 days have not been good. the brain fog has gotten severe again, cannot figure out why. those lymph nodes in neck have some pain again, too. hoping this is temporary but i am somehat afraid.
Hi Daff,

I hope you will feel better soon.
I have more brainfog after physical activities (and after cognitive activities too of course), and my symptoms fluctuate a lot. So maybe one of those can explain your brainfog too.


San Francisco
Yay! - I will get some MAF314 and make the yoghurt soon - hope it will help my gut issues. Does anybody know how long you can keep the starter if you have never made a batch and if it needs to be kept cold? As I have read once you made the first batch you make the subsequent ones by using some from the last 2 yoghurt meals left in the fridge to re-cultivate the next batch. Thx & cheers


Senior Member
Yay! - I will get some MAF314 and make the yoghurt soon - hope it will help my gut issues. Does anybody know how long you can keep the starter if you have never made a batch and if it needs to be kept cold? As I have read once you made the first batch you make the subsequent ones by using some from the last 2 yoghurt meals left in the fridge to re-cultivate the next batch. Thx & cheers

So will you be only eating the yogurt instead of taking the KMAF now?


San Francisco
I will finish the bottles that I have of KMAF - I currently take a low dose of like 5 drops in the evening before bed time. I think I can do both at the same time this way. I was mainly interested in the MAF314 cause it seems to be the form of MAF that is most suitable for people with mainly gut issues.


Senior Member
wonder if long term use of gcmaf could cause autoimmunity cuz overactive macrophages are involved in autoimmunity..i think..?
mellster: Can't help you with your question about MAF yoghurt, but i hope it will help you with your gut issues!

@daff: I think that dr Enlander will check your blood to check for that.
I know KDM does check some things before you can start with GcMAF, so i think dr Enlander does that too.
I think you don't have to worry about that too much.
You can ask dr Enlander about it. He can tell you if some of his patients developed autoimmune diseases.


Senior Member
hi sprankel...i think i asked him and they havent seen autoimmunity yet. i also asked him why the activated macrophages dont kill cells infected with beneficial bacteria and stuff we need....and he told me but i forgot LOL
Yay! - I will get some MAF314 and make the yoghurt soon - hope it will help my gut issues. Does anybody know how long you can keep the starter if you have never made a batch and if it needs to be kept cold? As I have read once you made the first batch you make the subsequent ones by using some from the last 2 yoghurt meals left in the fridge to re-cultivate the next batch. Thx & cheers

Hi, mellster
I've been making the MAF314 for a few months now. There are 2 different starters plus colostrum that go into each batch. Of the 2 starters, Compound One is made fresh each week, and Compound Two can be propagated from the previous batch for up to 8 weeks before the bacteria and yeast get out of balance and you need to start over with new starter for that one, too (It gets really yeasty by week 8). I'm sure the first starter would propagate, too, but what I don't know is if it would retain the right balance of bacteria to do its macrophage activating job. Each of the 2 starter compounds consists of about 20 organisms, 2 of which are the bacteria that convert the Gc protein, and the other 18 of which are there to protect those 2! So they have to stay in balance for proper effectiveness. Compound 1 cultivates at 104-110 degrees F (i.e., a typical yogurt maker); Compound 2 at "room temperature" for Italy, i.e., at 79-86 degrees F.
Yes, it needs to be kept cold: either refrigerator or freezer. The original starters come in packets with expiration dates, but they're about a year from now - April 2013, I think.
Good luck!


Senior Member
bradstreet's office told me that their patients keep the gcmaf refridgerated, not frozen. isnt that odd?

perhaps he sends it in small batches? i dont know

i think they get it from gcmaf.eu


Senior Member
last 4 days i have been more inflamed so i am concerned. brain fog, even joint aching worse. wonder what is going on now...

i find it very interesting that, after gcmaf injections, many people report headaches neck / shoulder aches, pain in back of head etc this definitely confirms that the main problematic area in CFS is the brain stem/basal ganglia.


San Francisco
Hi, mellster
I've been making the MAF314 for a few months now. There are 2 different starters plus colostrum that go into each batch. Of the 2 starters, Compound One is made fresh each week, and Compound Two can be propagated from the previous batch for up to 8 weeks before the bacteria and yeast get out of balance and you need to start over with new starter for that one, too (It gets really yeasty by week 8). I'm sure the first starter would propagate, too, but what I don't know is if it would retain the right balance of bacteria to do its macrophage activating job. Each of the 2 starter compounds consists of about 20 organisms, 2 of which are the bacteria that convert the Gc protein, and the other 18 of which are there to protect those 2! So they have to stay in balance for proper effectiveness. Compound 1 cultivates at 104-110 degrees F (i.e., a typical yogurt maker); Compound 2 at "room temperature" for Italy, i.e., at 79-86 degrees F.
Yes, it needs to be kept cold: either refrigerator or freezer. The original starters come in packets with expiration dates, but they're about a year from now - April 2013, I think.
Good luck!
Thank you!!


Senior Member
last 4 days i have been more inflamed so i am concerned. brain fog, even joint aching worse. wonder what is going on now...

i find it very interesting that, after gcmaf injections, many people report headaches neck / shoulder aches, pain in back of head etc this definitely confirms that the main problematic area in CFS is the brain stem/basal ganglia.

That's funny, I started having this pain in the back of the head when I started taking b2 and manganese...it really seems to strengthen the immune system. Manganese deficiency alone could cause low nk cells count.


Senior Member
hi gu3vara. is manganese a common blood test? i would like to ask my doc to test for it....



Senior Member
Don't think so Daffodil, a couple of members here are working with hairstohealth to address deficiencies. It uses hair mineral analysis. Some people do believe in it, some don't. I saw a study from Harvard indicating that manganese hair levels did correlate with other tissues. Anyway, my levels were atrocious like all people with CFS who tested recently. This is a deficiency that is extremely rare in the rest of the population apparently.

I found this about manganese, that's very interesting, especially the nk cells and pituitary part :


Helps improve our ability to fight off viruses and bacteria by increasing the strength of cell walls.

May improve our immune response by increasing the production of a particular type of lymphocyte called NK (Natural Killer) cells which destroy diseased or infected cells and play a large role in the rejection of tumours.
Is involved in energy production and metabolism, being an integral part in the creation of glycogen, fatty acids and cholesterol – all of which we need to stay healthy and energetic.

Helps strengthen bones, ligaments and collagen, helping to protect against broken bones. Manganese also improves joint lubrication and stimulates the growth of cartilage, protecting joints from mechanical damage and arthritis.

Is necessary for normal brain and nervous system function
Helps the body to utilise Vitamin C and some of the B Complex vitamins properly.

Is an antioxidant, neutralising free radicals and preventing free radical damage to cells.
plays an important role in the functioning of the pituitary gland and the manufacture of sex hormones. The highest levels of manganese in the human body are found in the pituitary gland.

Helps in the production of breast milk