GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I'm so glad you're coming out of your crash, Rrrr!
I've seen that program too, Daffodil.
Dan, I've never taken Nexavir with the GcMAF. I can't tolerate Nexavir; it's too strong for me. Good luck with your experiment!
I am finally out of my old, expired GcMAF. I cannot WAIT to get more and start taking my .01 cc doses again.



Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
Hi Forbearnce,
Thanks for the input on not being able to tolerate Nexavir. I have heard that now form a couple others as well. One indicated that they had to start at a very low dose and work up, but can handle it now. I will proceed with caution.
Good luck with your next batch of GcMAF!
Best wishes,


Senior Member
i cannot believe this. at this rate, its going to take 2 yrs before i feel better.

last night i watched "oprah lifeclass" with deepak chopra, tony robbins, and some other people. they were giving people advice on how to live and be happy....and i wished so badly i was there to yell "YOU CANT DO THAT WITH CFS!" LOL

Avoid those type of TV shows like the plague!! Along with The Dr Oz show and his quick fixes for fatigue! "How to cure your fatigue with common foods you have in your pantry RIGHT NOW!!" Ughhhh.....I think he is a nice person and likely skilled surgeon, but I swear he think there is some natural remedy to every health problem. And if I have to see one more weight loss show on ANY station....!!


Senior Member
Hello, everyone.

As you may recall, my NK cell function was at 2....then after a year on the HIV meds, I eventually went up to 60, coming back down to 13 after stopping AZT but staying on Tenofovir.

I just got my new results back. I have been on GcMAF for just over 3 months.

It is now **************65***************

By the way, I am still on Tenofovir cuz it gave me a boost before so I didn't see any reason to stop it.

I still feel pretty bad.

I spoke to Dr. Enlander. He says I have to have a lot of patience and not over-do it. He says the biggest danger is that people do not rest enough at this stage. He said that after 20 yrs of illness, it will take time.

I told him that whenever I increase beyond 15 ng, I feel sick. He said to stay on the 15 ng dose for now.

Overall, he said he is very pleased with my progress.



Senior Member
Wow. Result.
I went back on gcmaf at 10 ng & so far I'm tolerating it just fine. Course, i've only done 3 shots.
Wow. That is so encouraging. I mean what else have we found that raises NK activity?


Senior Member
Hello, everyone.

As you may recall, my NK cell function was at 2....then after a year on the HIV meds, I eventually went up to 60, coming back down to 13 after stopping AZT but staying on Tenofovir.

I just got my new results back. I have been on GcMAF for just over 3 months.

It is now **************65***************

By the way, I am still on Tenofovir cuz it gave me a boost before so I didn't see any reason to stop it.

I still feel pretty bad.

I spoke to Dr. Enlander. He says I have to have a lot of patience and not over-do it. He says the biggest danger is that people do not rest enough at this stage. He said that after 20 yrs of illness, it will take time.

I told him that whenever I increase beyond 15 ng, I feel sick. He said to stay on the 15 ng dose for now.

Overall, he said he is very pleased with my progress.


I'm so happy for you, Daffodil! I see that you're still taking Tenofovir, which is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor. We don't know what exactly is causing your upswing of the NK-cells, and personally I think Tenofovir might be playing an important role.

Are there others who's NK-cells function got better with only Gc-Maf ? I would take a test, but can't find a lab where to carry out such a test.

Best regards,


Senior Member
thanks guys. i think rrr reported that her NK cell function went up to 48 so far on GcMAF.

with tenofovir alone, my nk cells were at 13.

i am greatly concerned about the zero improvement in brain fog. i cannot understand what different disease process could be at play in my brain. i know someone who experienced energy improvements on GcMAF but the brain fog remained. i really have the feeling that this will happen to me as well, since my neuro problems have always been so severe and there has been no improvement in them, aside from a couple of days earlier in the treatment.

the only drug that seemed to really help the brain problems in a BIG way, was AZT. since AZT targets dividing cells, i am sure we have something that reproduces through mitosis.

sadly, my AZT dose was too low to make a lasting difference....i could feel my fog lifting if i increased the dose, but the side effects became unbearable. i read that for HIV dementia, very large doses of AZT are needed but that has since been determined to be unsafe.

i still remember the day my fog lifted, after 20 yrs of not having normal brain function....it was glorious...almost traumatic....sort of like a deaf person hearing for the first time....i had tears in my eyes.

i am thinking that in a few months, when i can better afford it, i should maybe go ahead and take the stool profile test......


Senior Member
i wonder if emotions are returning. i had a disturbing feeling of rage last night and threw a box of nuts on the floor. i am worried that if my emotions return, instead of the happiness i thought i would feel, it will be anger at everything that has happened to me. i wish it was easier to find a therapist here!

today my fog is bad again


Senior Member
Hi Daffodil,

I had this too, I'm so agressive sometimes, it makes me worry a lot. This is not me. Lately, I have it again and I'm off Gc-Maf(started yesterday again), but started R-Alpha Lipoic Acid again, and I was thinking perhaps it comes from RALA, directly, or, indirectly, or...

Best regards,


Senior Member
being aggressive or having mood changes is correlated with interferon which is produced by many immune cells, macrophages included, against viral infections.i guess increasing intf can be the main reason for this

i also have these problems and can t use phones all the times (i throw them many times but not broken them yet) or stay in stressful situations


Senior Member
do you also have bone pains, low fever, brain fog and flu like sinthoms in the same days or right after being aggressive?

in any case intf and other cytokines can rise without fever or pains

another clear example of mood changes due to cytokines and intf in my case, i hate musci and signing now of any type and can t stand noises or loud voices.singing is just like noise for me from time to time, clearly this is due to intf and cytokines changes


Senior Member
do you also have bone pains, low fever, brain fog and flu like sinthoms in the same days or right after being aggressive?

in any case intf and other cytokines can rise without fever or pains

another clear example of mood changes due to cytokines and intf in my case, i hate musci and signing now of any type and can t stand noises or loud voices.singing is just like noise for me from time to time, clearly this is due to intf and cytokines changes

Shortly after my infection, I had mainly bone pains in my legs, and this for more than a year. It cleared-up...to show up again the last months. I don't know what's happening, but I think I suffer from a re-activation, or a new infection, with a similar pathogen. If that's the case, I can only be infected by Gc-Maf itself.
Being sensitive to noise happened to me after I received my swine-flu vaccination. This vaccination was appr. 2 years after my initial infection. My illness worsened after that, clearly, but somehow, my system got it back under control.

Best regards,


Senior Member
i think i'm just really really angry lol

i havent really had deep emotion for many years because of the severe fog. i was miserable or agreeable. that's it. it was like a mini lobotomy.


iherb code TAK122
I am finally out of my old, expired GcMAF. I cannot WAIT to get more and start taking my .01 cc doses again.
Is 0.01cc the same as 0.01ng?