ok thanks sushi. you seem to be one of the few who responds to this thread. you have been a lifesaver!
I thought this reply that was on another GCMAF posting was interesting for those following this one to read. See below:
A Successful XMRV / MLV - Therapy
My first visit with Dr. Kenny DeMeirleir (KDM) in Brussels, then in the Vrieje University, took place on 12.12.2005. After a brief review of the findings and a handful of questions, expressed KDM ". I know what you have, I can help them, that you feel better, but I can not make you healthy," We are talking now in German, previously had I have reported in English: "I have it all my life." confirmed the contents of this remark KDM end of 2009. After Bell's scale, my energy level was about 30%. Subjectively, I felt like a living corpse.
Overall, I was in the meantime (until 30/08/2011) twenty times, so about every three months, in Brussels.
In October 2010, "MLV related virus" identified from EDTA whole blood. In December 2010 a new sample XMRV.
End of November 2010 began a weekly IV injection of 100 nanograms of GcMAF. From September 2011 on a monthly basis and this was just as SC instead I.V. changed.
With each injection, my condition improved considerably. Regarding XMRV and MLV related virus, I can now probably be considered "healthy." Maybe in the long term, inasmuch as the previously 7 - year experience in HIV GcMAF for XMRV / MLV are transferable.
The treatment was carried out first along a "chronic disease of the innate immune system dysfunction," including the appropriate number of deficiencies (such as natural killer cells) and limit values ??are exceeded, for example, the expressed in IgM's against intestinal bacteria in the peripheral blood. Inter alia, the control of fungal infection, intestinal bacteria and a negative offset deficits by taking food supplements resulted in a very slow improvement. An observed by significant others began a durable improvement in the daily injection of 2 ml Nexavir from April 2007.
The largest proportion of the laboratory analysis, including MLV and XMRV, was made by RedLabs in Brussels.
With the responsible laboratory director, a German biologist accidentally, I stood for months in regular e-mail and telephone contact. Not only blood but also saliva, urine and semen were analyzed at my request in February 2011 (all negative). It had taken months for the laboratory manager with the assistance of Judy Miskovits from Whittemore - Peterson Institute was able to release the testing. The tests designed to be extremely difficult
After a blood sample from 24.05.2011 to my Nagalasewert is in the normal range. 30.08.1011 For the second one is expected Nagalasewert. GcMAF seems to be in my case, the key to recovery. Seems, however, been a weak allergic reaction unnoticed against a titanium implant to have been strengthened in late 2010 and has forced its removal.
Very likely in my case XMRV and MLV were a necessary prerequisite for my health decline. Born in 1943, had to resign after several ich1993 working time reductions of a fascinating career. 1997 completion of compulsory teaching as a lecturer and application for disability pension.
I consider myself to be healthy for the first time in my life. What restrictions may remain permanently or sporadically, can show only the future.
I probably owe Kenny DMeirleirs diagnostic and therapeutic abilities of my life.
My anonymity is certainly easy to unmask. In the interest of all concerned health professional and I go this risk. I appreciate it when my need for anonymity - respecting - even for health reasons. This text can only be either fully or in part, be taken with full citation of sources.
Berlin, 25.09.2011