$$$ for WPI vote daily now in Vivint Round 2!


Senior Member
Just hope groups like Invisible Children aren't waiting to pull out all the stops nearer the end, they could be just super confident of their ability to do that. Voting every day for a couple of months takes a real committment, which we all have, many people couldn't be bothered to do that , but the last couple of weeks may be a different story, hope not, but we need to keep plugging away daily try to get as far away from them all as possible.

It has been my huge worry that some large group will rally during the last couple of weeks. We need to have a system in place that would allow us to quickly call for help from groups around the world--on Facebook (maybe Twitter) or an email network.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Daily Stats

Happy Weekend to everyone, here's the Daily stats for July 8:

WPI 24715 + 1009 = 25724
Be Perfect 9080 + 220 = 9300
Conejo 7353 + 121 = 7474
Surfer Healing 6150 + 176 = 6326
Hailey mayz 4073 + 136 = 4209
Next Gen 3478 + 71 = 3549
Invisible 3295 + 51 = 3346
Jumpstart 3120 + 99 = 3219
King Bellflower 2912 + 81 = 2993
Sean Vernon 2048 + 71 = 2119
Patner Living 1732 + 39 = 1771
Shared Hope 1726 + 77 = 1803
Austin's House 1489 + 67 = 1556
Trevor 894 + 5 = 899
Dream 873 + 13 = 886
Courage 1036 + 27 = 1063
Ameriface 847 + 24 = 871
Prader Willi CA 479 + 1 = 480
Gets Better 1576 + 217 = 1793 Much lower than 553 & 336 in last two days
Tinnitus 164 + 1 = 165

Light & Love 14340 + 483 = 14823
St John Hospital 6511 + 200 = 6711
ME/FM Action 3084 + 192 = 3276 Almost 200 - just a little bit more
Prader-Willi 2897 + 108 = 3005


  • vivint 07-08-11 596 hrs.pdf
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Off the fence
Hi Special,

What time did you take the snapshot?

Next question, permission to repost elsewhere - Dolphin posted on three forums that I know of.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Hi jace, Sure thing you can repost. I took it at 596 hours, which is 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (Vivint Time). So it's a 24 hour tiime period from the last one but it does still have a couple hours left in the day. I'm trying to be consistent around that time frame.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Stats for July 9 - I almost keeled over when I saw that ME/FM Action Network went to 220!

WPI 25724 + 925 = 26649
Be Perfect 9300 + 187 = 9487
Conejo 7474 + 84 = 7558
Surfer Healing 6326 + 118 = 6444
Hailey mayz 4209 + 71 = 4280
Next Gen 3549 + 94 = 3643
Invisible 3346 + 55 = 3401
Jumpstart 3219 + 32 = 3251
King Bellflower 2993 + 53 = 3046
Sean Vernon 2119 + 52 = 2171
Patner Living 1771 + 21 = 1792
Shared Hope 1803 + 30 = 1833
Austin's House 1556 + 42 = 1598
Trevor 899 + 5 = 904
Dream 886 + 5 = 891
Courage 1063 + 18 = 1081
Ameriface 871 + 31 = 902
Prader Willi CA 480 + 3 = 483
Gets Better 1793 + 386 = 2179
Tinnitus 165 + 4 = 169

Light & Love 14823 + 554 = 15377
St John Hospital 6711 + 203 = 6914
ME/FM Action 3276 + 220 = 3496
Prader-Willi 3005 + 121 = 3126


  • vivint 07-09-11 620 hrs.pdf
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Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Well, we are already over 1/3 of our way through this contest. WPI sits 20,000 votes ahead of (what has appeared to be) it's biggest competition, Conejo. We have no serious threats in the Pacific currently.

ME/FM Action Network has picked up some voters but is struggling, and is sinking more each day. We are 12,000 behind the leader in the Canadian region, no other charities seem likely to challenge the lead.

Stats for July 10:

WPI 26649 + 971 = 27620
Be Perfect 9487 + 199 = 9686
Conejo 7558 + 153 = 7711
Surfer Healing 6444 + 131 = 6575
Hailey mayz 4280 + 131 = 4411
Next Gen 3643 + 35 = 3678
Invisible 3401 + 42 = 3443
Jumpstart 3251 + 28 = 3279
King Bellflower 3046 + 68 = 3114
Sean Vernon 2171 + 43 = 2214
Patner Living 1792 + 30 = 1822
Shared Hope 1833 + 33 = 1866
Austin's House 1598 + 48 = 1646
Trevor 904 + 4 = 908
Dream 891 + 5 = 896
Courage 1081 + 22 = 1103
Ameriface 902 + 34 = 936
Prader Willi CA 483 + 2 = 485
Gets Better 2179 + 274 = 2453
Tinnitus 169 + 3 = 172

Light & Love 15377 + 447 = 15824
St John Hospital 6914 + 166 = 7080
ME/FM Action 3496 + 183 = 3679
Prader-Willi 3126 + 135 = 3261


  • vivint 07-10-11 644 hrs.pdf
    78.9 KB · Views: 19


Senior Member
I just checked the situation in Pacific region. Conejo Valley Friendship Circle got the last day around 1000 votes!!!
WPI gets around 1000 votes a day, there is still 47 days left. So WPI will have around 75 000 votes on the end.
if Conejo Valley Friendship Circle would get from now 1 400 votes a day- they would win. so we still cannot feel safty. if you can - try to find some more votes. the last day I found 4 more friends for daily voting- its not so difficult


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
thousands of wasted votes

Where do you get the 1400 daily votes from Tuha?

I am voting ME/CFS, I know its selfish but I would rather see ME/CFS National also get $100,000 rather then the other charities. That way there is $100,000 for each rather then the thousands of extra votes being wasted. They are thousands ahead which will be wasted votes



Senior Member
Where do you get the 1400 daily votes from Tuha?

I am voting ME/CFS, I know its selfish but I would rather see ME/CFS National also get $100,000 rather then the other charities. That way there is $100,000 for each rather then the thousands of extra votes being wasted. They are thousands ahead which will be wasted votes


WPI has now around 29 000 votes and gets around 1000 votes a day, we have still 47 days so on the end WPI would have around 76 000 votes.
Conejo Valley Friendship Circle has 9 000 votes, if they get around 1 450 votes a day, then you have (47x1450=68 150) so on the end they would have around 77 000 votes.
So I dont think that to vote for WPI is waste of votes. the solution is not that simply. We will know only on the end if we decided good. Conejo Valley Friendship Circle already got for some days 1 400 votes a day - do you know if they will wake up? There are other 2-3 strong organisations in Pacific region - will they wake up? noone know it. I would also like to see ME/CFS National to get $100,000. Thats why I split my 7 votes for some days but to my disappoitment the increase of votes was small - some others also changed but we never got more than 200 votes around. The majority of the people will not switch from WPI to ME/CFS National. the only solution is to find new voters but it didnt happen till now. if there will be enough voters i would be ready to take the risk and to vote for ME/CFS National.
So once more the situations is unclear - everyone has to decide - i dont force anyone to prefere an organisation but in my opoinion is now better to vote for WPI


Off the fence
Conejo (pacific) put on over 1000 votes in the last 24 hours - up to 9011 just now. Here we go.


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I think we need to start looking to see where these purchases are coming from. I do NOT believe that 1000 people suddenly rallied twice in the course of a month to rapidly vote, and then stop again, and they go back to their normal voting pattern. Unfortunately we can't see who voted, as we were able to do in Chase to get the other cheaters disqualified.
I'll do my best to hunt for the website, but I only know of a small portion of the places that do that and unless you look at the time that the actual vote is occurring, it won't show.
If someone would be willing to write down the Conejo vote count a few times a day, that would be useful as well, to show spikes in voting if we need to address it with Vivint.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I think it needs to be looked into to find out how Conejo Valley friends are suddenly able to hugely spike up at times. (cheating??).

If they actually do have this capability.. it may mean that there is actually less risk with voting for the Canadian group and getting them in front of who may be weaker competitors.

I dont think anyone at this point really knows who has most chance of winning so I myself arent for just thinking people should be voting one way and getting everyone to vote for WPI could end up turning out to be a bad tactic.

If the canadian ME/CFS group are left to fall too far behind... then there will be people who wont switch to help them as they will think it is pointless to do so even if there ever becomes a time when it is clear the WPI is safe.

Its gonna be interesting how all this competition plays out but I hope anyone cheating is caught out.


Senior Member
I think they dont have to cheat. Maybe they did a big call to their fans to vote. They suppose to have a lot of supporters. what can be problematic for them that maybe they can get a lot of votes for some days but their voters dont vote constantly - so maybe they have to do more often the calls to the same people to remind them.
By WPi its something different - we seem to have the daily votes from the same supporteurs but we are not able to get new onces.


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I think you are right, that they don't have to cheat. On the other hand, I find it implausible that they sent out 2 calls for votes, and both times 1000 people responded overnight. I'm sure this is not the organization doing this, this is an individual.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Here's the July 11 snapshot at 668 hours, these figures are pulled about 4 hrs before the end of the voting day so it won't be the same as figures right at the end of day. By my numbers - Conejo is already up 1400 votes for today:

WPI 27620 + 1032 = 28652
Be Perfect 9686 + 232 = 9918
Conejo 7711 + 348 = 8059
Surfer Healing 6575 + 172 = 6747
Hailey mayz 4411 + 125 = 4536
Next Gen 3678 + 62 = 3740
Invisible 3443 + 85 = 3528
Jumpstart 3279 + 111 = 3390
King Bellflower 3114 + 102 = 3216
Sean Vernon 2214 + 55 = 2269
Patner Living 1822 + 38 = 1860
Shared Hope 1866 + 49 = 1915
Austin's House 1646 + 61 = 1707
Trevor 908 + 2 = 910
Dream 896 + 5 = 901
Courage 1103 + 51 = 1154
Ameriface 936 + 36 = 972
Prader Willi CA 485 + 4 = 489
Gets Better 2453 + 355 = 2808
Tinnitus 172 + 6 = 178

Light & Love 15824 + 483 = 16307
St John Hospital 7080 + 215 = 7295
ME/FM Action 3679 + 168 = 3847
Prader-Willi 3261 + 146 = 3407


  • vivint 07-11-11 668 hrs.pdf
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